Monday, December 17, 2012
Agenda:Eager Library: Dec
A regular meeting of the Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees for the City of Evansville will be held on the 18th day of December, at 5:30 p.m., at Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, December 19, 2012 5:30 p.m. At Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, WI 53536 AGENDA
If you need special accommodations to attend this meeting, please contact the library at 608/882-2260. 1. Call to order.
2. Approval of all November meeting minutes. Open session minutes from 11/28 (attached).
Closed session minutes from 12/8 (available at time of approval).
3. December bills (roll call vote).
4. Librarian’s Report
Budget update & Circulation statistics
Programming update
Building Maintenance
Bill Payment
Assistant Director
5. Old Business
Fidelity Account
Gift Policy
No Build Easement
6. New Business:
City Liaison’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Strategic Planning
7. Adjourn.
Next meeting: January 22, 2013.
Friday, December 7, 2012
November 2012 Discussion of Administration duties noted
(Ed.note: This is a section of the November, 2012 Common Council Minutes:)
(1). Discussion on Administration Office including the draft City Administrator/Finance Director position description, changes to City Code, and the proposed updated organization chart. Many duties of the combined position will be delegated to the Community Development Director and to the current office staff.
Wietecha reported that the city received 20 applications for the Community Development Director position. The selection panel will consist of Mayor Decker as chair of the Plan Commission, Jim Brooks as chair of the Economic Development Committee, Mason Braunschweig as Council President, Paul Benjamin from the Rock County Planning Department, Dave Olsen from Baker Manufacturing, and himself. Interviews will be conducted after Thanksgiving.
November Council Minutes reflect Budget Hearing
A. Public Hearing on the 2013 Operating Budget. Wietecha directed Council to his memo outlining the adjustments proposed for the budget ordinance. He noted that there is a $2,735 “placeholder” in the expenses to keep the budget balanced. Jacobson asked if the new fire truck was included in the budget and Wietecha responded that the dollar amount in the city’s budget for the Fire District is the amount from their budget. Hayes received clarification that there is no new squad budgeted for the Police Department but the cameras are included.
Decker opened the public hearing at 6:43 p.m. There were no public comments and Decker closed the public hearing at 6:44 p.m.
Braunschweig thanked city staff for their work on the budget. He added that the Council has been doing a good job on the budgets, something not common in other municipalities.
Decker suggested using the $2,735 for either the rail study, as the amount budgeted will be short, or for the purchase of trees to replace the ash trees that will need to be removed due to the emerald ash borer.
Braunschweig presented the second reading and made a motion, seconded by Hayes to approve Ordinance 2012-13, Adopting 2013 Operating and Capital Budgets and Setting Tax Levies.
Agenda: Evansville Common Council: Tues Dec 11,2012
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the November 13, 2012, regular meeting and to approve them as presented.
5. Civility reminder.
6. Citizen appearances
A. Evansville Grove Society: Sally Hardy Eager Award.
7. Reports of Committees
A. Library Board Report
B. Youth Center Advisory Board Report
C. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to accept the City and Water & Light bills as presented.
(2). Motion to approve Resolution 2012-19, Resolution Providing for the Sale of $2,895,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes.
(3). Motion to approve internal funding for purchase of new plow truck in amount of $148,000.
(4). Motion to renew engagement of Consigny Law Firm, SC as City Attorney for two years through December 31, 2014, at an hourly rate of $130.
(5). Motion to approve engagement of Johnson Block and Company, Inc. for independent financial audit for year ending December 31, 2012.
(6). Discussion: Administration Office.
a. Draft: City Administrator / Finance Director position description.
b. Draft: organization chart update.
D. Plan Commission Report
E. Public Safety Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve acknowledgement and consent for assignment of Assignment, Assumption, and Collection Services Agreement from Lifeline Systems, Inc. dba Lifequest to Life Line Billing Services, LLC dba LifeQuest Solutions.
F. Public Works Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve Eagle Scout project (rostrum and flagpoles) in Maple Hill Cemetery.
G. Water & Light Committee Report
H. Economic Development Committee Report
I. Redevelopment Authority Report
J. Parks and Recreation Board Report
K. Historic Preservation Commission Report
L. Fire District Report
M. Police Commission Report
N. Energy Independence Team Report
O. Board of Appeals Report
8. Unfinished Business
A. Second Reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2012-18, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code Relative to Agricultural Zoning. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
B. Second Reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2012-19, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code Relative to Annexation. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
C. Second Reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2012-20, Amending Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code Relative to Annexation. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
9. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
A. Mayoral Proclamation in Appreciation of Dennis Cooper.
B. Mayoral Proclamation in Appreciation of Nate Edwards.
10. Communications from the City Administrator
A. Motion to approve Agreement Between City of Evansville and Nicole L. Sidoff for community development director.
B. Performance reviews.
11. New Business
12. Introduction of New Ordinances
A. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-21, Amending Chapter 62 of the Municipal Code Relating to Historic Preservation. [Sponsors: Alderpersons Ladick and Brooks].
B. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-22, Amending Chapter 14 of the Municipal Code Relative to Animal Impoundment. [Sponsors: Alderpersons Brooks and Manring].
C. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-23, Amending Chapter 6 of the Municipal Code Relative to Liquor Store Morning Operating Hours. [Sponsors: Alderpersons Hayes and Fuchs].
D. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-24, Amending Chapter 82 of the Municipal Code Relative to Disturbance of the Peace with a Motor Vehicle. [Sponsors: Alderpersons Hayes and Fuchs].
E. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-25, Amending Chapter 122 of the Municipal Code Relative to No Parking Zones. [Sponsors: Alderpersons Jacobson and Fuchs].
F. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-26, Amending Chapter 122 of the Municipal Code Relative to Abandoned Vehicles. [Sponsors: Alderpersons Hayes and Jacobson].
G. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-27, Amending Chapter 122 of the Municipal Code Relative to Winter Parking Restrictions. [Sponsors: Alderpersons Hayes and Jacobson].
13. Meeting Reminder:
A. Regular Meeting: Tuesday, January 8, 6:30 pm, City Hall.
14. Adjournment
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Agenda:Finance: 12/5/2012
NOTICE: The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Thursday, December 6, 2012, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order and roll call.
2. Approval of Agenda.
3. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the November 8, 2012, regular meeting and to approve as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
5. Motion to accept the City and Water & Light bills as presented.
6. Unfinished Business:
A. Discussion: Administration Office.
1) Draft: City Administrator / Finance Director position description.
2) Draft: organization chart update.
3) Update: Community Development Director hiring.
B. Motion to recommend to Common Council to renew engagement of Consigny Law Firm, SC as City Attorney for two years through December 31, 2014, at an hourly rate of $130.
7. New Business:
1) Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of internal funding for purchase of new plow truck in amount of $148,000.
2) Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2012-19, Resolution Providing for the Sale of $2,895,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes.
3) Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of engagement of Johnson Block and Company, Inc. for independent financial audit for year ending December 31, 2012.
4) Motion to approve hiring Customer Service Clerk (vacant position).
8. Adjournment.
Mason Braunschweig, Chair
Monday, December 3, 2012
Agenda: Public Safety: Wed, Dec 5, 2012
The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 5th day of December, 2012 at 6:30 p.m., at Common Council Chambers, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 6:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting
Common Council Chambers
31 South Madison Street
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to approve the November 7, 2012 meeting minutes as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Old Business-
7. New Business
a. Motion to approve the Operator’s License application(s) for:
1. Troy R Hinkel
2. Laura L Bowman
b. Discussion and possible action related to “Wheel Against the Weeds” bicycle ride scheduled May 11, 2013.
c. Discussion and possible motion regarding the hours of sale on Liquor Retail Sales Ordinance.
d. Discussion and update to create an eligibility list for promotion of Police Sergeant
e. Discussion and possible motion to create an ordinance on disorderly conduct with a Motor Vehicle.
f. Discussion and possible motion regarding parking on Railroad Street.
g. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council the approval of the name change/partner to Life Quest.
h. Discussion and possible motion regarding Ordinance Sec.122-191. Abandonment prohibited.
i. Discussion and possible motion regarding Ordinance Sec. 122-126. Winter Parking Restrictions.
j. Discussion of the capital and operating budgets
8. Evansville Police Report
9. Evansville Medical Service Report
10. Motion to adjourn
Barbara Jacobson, Chairperson
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Agenda: Evansville Plan Commission: Monday, Dec 3, 2012
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, December 3, 2012, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes: Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from November 5, 2012 regular meeting and approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
6. New Business
a. Site Plan Review for Delong Company addition, 340 Union Street (parcel 6-27-866).
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iii. Motion
b. Preapplication concept discussion, 170 South Union Street (parcel 6-27-676.1, owned by – Roger Berg) – potential Planned Unit Development District (PUD) Rezoning Request.
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Discussion from potential applicant
iii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
c. Symdon Chevrolet site plan, 351-369 Union Street (parcels 6-27-835, 6-27-836, 6-27-837 combined).
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iii. Possible motion
d. Update on Community Development Director hiring process; discussion of option for Vierbicher month-to-month contract in interim.
7. Report on other permitting activity by City Planner
8. Report on the Unified Land Development Code Committee
9. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
10. Report on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
11. Report on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters
12. Enforcement Report
13. Discuss and set next Plan Commission meeting date – please bring your calendar.
14. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Agenda: Water and Light: November 2012
The regular meeting of the Water & Light Committee for the City of Evansville will be held at the time and place listed below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Water & Light Committee Meeting
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Water & Light Shop, 15 Old Highway 92, Evansville, Wisconsin
5:30 p.m.
1. Roll call.
2. Motion to approve Agenda as printed.
3. Motion to waive the reading and approve October 24, 2012, Water & Light minutes as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items
5. Customer concerns. Discussion and possible motions for billing adjustments.
6. Committee Reports
a. Report from PCLC Meeting
7. Superintendent Report.
a. Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) progress
8. WPPI Report.
a. Written Report
b. Discussion of Baker Shared Savings project
9. Old Business.
a. Discussion and possible motion related to Energy Fair funding
b. Discussion of 2012 Commitment to Community Fund
10. New Business.
a. Discussion of revised Utility Bill
b. Performance reviews
11. Discussion of possible upcoming meeting dates. Next meeting December 26 at 5:30
12. Motion to adjourn.
Jim Brooks Committee Chairperson
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Agenda: Historic Pres: Wed, Nov 21, 2012
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Evansville will be held on the 20th day of November, 2012, at 6:30 p.m, at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin, or alternate location. Notice is further given that any members of the City Council or the Mayor might be in attendance.
Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, November 20, 2012
2nd Floor, Conference Room, City Hall
***First Draft***
1. Call to Order, Char. Rich Modaff
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to waive the reading of the October 17, 2012 minutes and approve them as read.
4. Applications – Appearances
a. Other
5. Old Business
a. Revisions of HPC Ordinance.
b. Procedures for HPC
c. Clarifications on payments.
6. Administrative
a. Grove Society, John Decker
i. Baker Building Museum
ii. Meeting
b. Management of HPC Documents and Records
c. Landmark & Historic District Discussions
i. Discussion of Additional Historic Districts
ii. Discussion of Historic Landmarks, John Decker
iii. Plaque Program Applications
7. Other Business
a. Correspondences, Comments and Concerns.
b. Others
8. Adjournment
Next Meeting Dates: 12/19/2012
RDM Monday, November 19, 2012
Agenda: Library Board: Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012
A regular meeting of the Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees for the City of Evansville will be held on the 27th day of November, at 5:30 p.m., at Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Tuesday, November 27, 2012 5:30 p.m. At Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, WI 53536 AGENDA
If you need special accommodations to attend this meeting, please contact the library at 608/882-2260. 1. Call to order.
2. Approval of all October meeting minutes. Open session minutes from 10/30 (attached).
3. November bills (roll call vote).
4. Librarian’s Report
Budget update & Circulation statistics
Programming update
Library WishList
Building Maintenance
-New ones to replace old and slow ones
-New FlexNet Agreement with StarTech
Elevator Testing
5. Old Business
Fidelity Account
-Dividend Use
Gift Policy
6. New Business:
City Liaison’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
No Build Easement
Assistant Director/Health Insurance Coverage
Strategic Planning
7. Adjourn.
Next meeting: December 18, 2012.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Agenda: Econ Development: Nov 19,2012
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council may be in attendance. Please silence all cell phones and electronic devices during meeting.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Monday, November 19, 2012, 6:00 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Motion to approve agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the September 17, 2012 and October 15 regular meetings and approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances, other than listed agenda items.
a. Southern Wisconsin Ag Group presentation
6. Chamber report.
a. Chamber website review
7. Tourism subcommittee report (Sue)
a. 2012 Accomplishments
8. Update on City Budget
a. Rail Study Discussion
b. Community Development Director Process
9. Retail Market Analysis Study Update
a. City-edge Sign Discussion and possible team formed
10. New Business
11. Meeting Reminder: Next regular meeting December 17, 2012, 6:00 pm
a. Summit Action Plans—Setting Priorities
12. Motion to adjourn
--Jim Brooks, Chairman
Friday, November 9, 2012
Agenda; Common Council: Nov 2012
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the October 9, 2012, regular meeting and to approve them as presented.
5. Civility reminder.
6. Citizen appearances
A. Public Hearing: 2013 Operating Budget.
(1). Staff report.
(2). Initial discussion by Council for clarification.
(3). Public hearing.
(4). Final discussion by Council. (Any changes to the budget must be included in the motion. Changes to the levy will affect the tax rate and that rate will be recalculated by the Finance Department)
(5). Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2012-13, Adopting 2013 Operating and Capital Budgets and Setting Tax Levies.
7. Reports of Committees
A. Library Board Report
B. Youth Center Advisory Board Report
(1). Motion to allow Boy Scouts to hold an overnight event at 209 S. First St. (Youth Center) in January 2013 with a $100 security deposit.
C. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to accept the City and Water & Light bills as presented.
(2). Discussion: Administration Office.
a. Draft: City Administrator / Finance Director position description.
b. Draft: Changes to City Code.
c. Draft: organization chart update.
d. Community Development Director hiring process.
(3). Motion to approve Resolution 2012-18, Approving Amendments to 2012 Budget.
(4). Motion to approve Addendum #1, Electronic Data Compliance, to Agreement for Maintenance Assessment Services with Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc.
D. Plan Commission Report
E. Public Safety Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve Purchase of Services Agreement with Rock County Humane Society for 2013.
(2). Motion to approve the Original Alcohol Beverage License Application for a Class “A” Beer/“Class A” Liquor License for Susan L. Nettum, 118 Teddy Street, Brooklyn, Wisconsin 53521, dba The Artful Gourmet, 16 West Main Street, Evansville, Wisconsin 53536.
F. Public Works Committee Report
G. Water & Light Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve Resolution 2012-16, In Support of the Preservation of Municipal Utility PILOTs.
(2). Fact Sheet: Advanced Metering.
H. Economic Development Committee Report
(1). Tourism Advisory Committee Update.
(2). Ice Age Trail Update
I. Redevelopment Authority Report
J. Parks and Recreation Board Report
K. Historic Preservation Commission Report
L. Fire District Report
M. Police Commission Report
N. Energy Independence Team Report
O. Board of Appeals Report
8. Unfinished Business
A. Motion to remove from the table Ordinance 2012-12, Amending Chapter 122 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Parking Restrictions for Camping Trailers, Recreational Vehicles, Trailers, and Certain Other Vehicles on Public Streets. [Sponsors Jacobson and Fuchs].
(1). Motion to adopt Ordinance 2012-12, Amending Chapter 122 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Parking Restrictions for Camping Trailers, Recreational Vehicles, Trailers, and Certain Other Vehicles on Public Streets. [Sponsors Jacobson and Fuchs].
B. Second Reading and motion to adopt Ordinance 2012-14, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code Relative to Handicapped Parking Requirements and Parking for Combined Uses. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
C. Second Reading and motion to adopt Ordinance 2012-15, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code Relative to Definitions for Zoning. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
D. Second Reading and motion to adopt Ordinance 2012-16, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code Relative to the Requirements for All Uses in the LL-R12, LL-R15, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
E. Second Reading and motion to adopt Ordinance 2012-17, Relating to Hosting Gatherings Involving Underage Possession and Consumption of Alcohol. [Sponsors Brooks and Hayes].
F. Report: League of Wisconsin Municipalities Annual Conference.
G. Update: US Cellular antenna equipment at water tower.
9. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
A. Motion to approve mayoral appointment of Judy Walton as City Treasurer.
B. Motion to approve mayoral appointment of Jeff Vrstal, 284 Franklin Street, as alternate to the Board of Appeals for an unexpired term ending in April 2013.
C. Motion to approve mayoral appointment of Jeff Vrstal, 284 Franklin Street, as First Alternate to the Board of Appeals for 2012.
D. Mayoral Proclamation In Recognition of Veterans Day, 2012
10. Communications from the City Administrator
A. Motion to approve Final Agreement with Every Survivor Trust.
B. Motion to approve 2013 membership renewal in Evansville Chamber of Commerce.
C. Discussion: City Hall exterior project.
D. Discussion: Capstone Ridge monument sign.
11. New Business
12. Introduction of New Ordinances
A. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-18, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code Relative to Agricultural Zoning. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
B. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-19, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code Relative to Annexation. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
C. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-20, Amending Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code Relative to Annexation. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
13. Meeting Reminder:
A. Regular Meeting: Tuesday, December 11, 6:30 pm, City Hall.
14. Adjournment
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Agenda: Park Board: November 12, 2012
City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park & Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville, City Hall
Monday, November 12 th, 2012 – 6:00pm
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
2. Motion to approve Agenda as printed
3. Motion to waive the reading of the October 8th, 2012 minutes & approve them as printed
4. Citizen appearances, relating to Park & Recreation, not listed agenda items
a. denise Eager : Discussion and possible motion on Peace Park Project
b. Discussion and possible motion on disc golf
5. Lakeshore Restoration Progress
6. West Side Park, bathroom Update
7. Aquatic Report
a. Discussion on future needs relating to budget
b. 0-Depth Pool
9. Chair's report from other Committees/Common Council
a. Discussion on 2013 Budget
10. Reports/Updates on projects or Maintenance
11. Old Business
12. New Business
13. Motion to adjourn
Next meeting Monday, Dec 10th, 2012 - 6:00 pm, City Hall
Friday, October 26, 2012
Agenda; Library Board: Oct 30, 2012
A regular meeting of the Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees for the City of Evansville will be held on the 30th day of October, at 5:30 p.m., at Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Tuesday, October 30, 2012 5:30 p.m. At Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, WI 53536 AGENDA
If you need special accommodations to attend this meeting, please contact the library at 608/882-2260. 1. Call to order.
2. Approval of all September meeting minutes. Open session minutes from 9/25 (attached).
3. October bills (roll call vote).
4. Librarian’s Report
Budget update & Circulation statistics
Programming update
Library WishList
Extermination/Pest control
Items left at Library
6. Old Business
Fidelity Account
-Dividend Use
7. New Business:
City Liaison’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Gift Policy
No Build Easement
Assistant Director/Librarian Position
7. Adjourn.
Next meeting: November 27, 2012.
Agenda: Tourism: October 30, 2012
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council may be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism
Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 6:00 PM
Creekside Place, 102 Maple St., Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Motion to approve agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from August 7, 2012, and approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances.
6. Marketing/promotional opportunities
• I-30/I-94 / Beloit / Janesville collaboration
• Walking Tour handbook
• Discover Wisconsin brochure
• QR code / Historic District
7. Retail Market Analysis Subcommittee
8. Review of 1st year (September 2011-September 2012)
9. Tourism activities review
a. Customer service report from Oct. 3
b. Tourism Department 2013 activities sent prior to Oct. 19 deadline
c. Prettiest Paint Places update
d. September 28 bus tour update
e. 14 South Artists Tour update
f. State Fair winner update
g. Health fair recap and next year’s date
h. Oktoberfest recap and next year’s date
i. Ice Age trail update
j. Historical plaque update, including other potential historical markers
k. Geocaching potential
l. Rally Round the Flag update
m. Railroad 150th anniversary in Evansville 2013
n. Evansville 150th anniversary 2016
10. New Business
11. Next meeting TBD
12. Motion to adjourn.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Agenda: Water and Light: Wed, Oct 24, 2012
The regular meeting of the Water & Light Committee for the City of Evansville will be held at the time and place listed below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Water & Light Committee Meeting
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Water & Light Shop, 15 Old Highway 92, Evansville, Wisconsin
5:30 p.m.
1. Roll call.
2. Motion to approve Agenda as printed.
3. Motion to waive the reading and approve September 26, 2012, Water & Light minutes as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items
5. Customer concerns. Discussion and possible motions for billing adjustments.
a. Scott Vale
6. Committee Reports
a. Report from WPPI Orientation
b. Report from MEUW Regional Dinner
7. Superintendent Report.
a. Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) progress
8. WPPI Report.
a. Written Report
b. Discussion of new Shared Savings project
9. Old Business.
10. New Business.
a. Change-Plan Communication
b. Discussion and possible motion related to Energy Fair funding
c. Discussion of 2012 Commitment to Community Fund
11. Upcoming meeting dates. Next meeting November 21 at 5:30
12. Motion to adjourn.
Jim Brooks Committee Chairperson
Monday, October 15, 2012
Agenda; Historic Pres: Wed October 17, 2012
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Evansville will be held on the 17th day of October, 2012, at 6:30 p.m, at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin, or alternate location. Notice is further given that any members of the City Council or the Mayor might be in attendance.
Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
2nd Floor, Conference Room, City Hall
***First Draft***
1. Call to Order, Char. Rich Modaff
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to waive reading of the August 15, 2012 minutes and approve them as read.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the September 19, 2012 minutes and approve them as read.
5. Applications – Appearances
a. 102 E Main Street Berg — office windows.
b. 132 W Liberty Street Schultz — Shingle, Siding/Hail Damage.
6. Old Business
a. Others
7. Administrative
a. Grove Society, John Decker
i. Baker Building Museum
ii. Meeting
b. Management of HPC Documents and Records
c. Landmark & Historic District Discussions
i. Discussion of Additional Historic Districts
ii. Discussion of Historic Landmarks, John Decker
iii. Plaque Program Applications
8. Other Business
a. Correspondences, Comments and Concerns.
b. Others
9. Adjournment
Next Meeting Dates: 11/21/2012
RDM Monday, September 20, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Agenda: Park Board: Mon October 8, 2012
City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park & Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville, City Hall
Monday, October 8th, 2012 – 6:00pm
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
2. Motion to approve Agenda as printed
3. Motion to waive the reading of the Sept 10th, 2012 minutes & approve them as printed
4. Citizen appearances, relating to Park & Recreation, not listed agenda items
5. Lakeshore Restoration
6. West Side Park, bathroom & shelter Update
7. Aquatic Report
a. Discussion on future needs relating to budget
b. Update on pool leak/repair
9. Chair's report from other Committees/Common Council
a. Discussion on 2013 Budget
10. Reports/Updates on projects or Maintenance
11. Old Business
12. New Business
a. discussion on landscaping @ Baker Bldg/Antes Cabin area
13. Motion to adjourn
Next meeting Monday, November 12th 2012 - 6:00 pm, City Hall
Friday, October 5, 2012
Agenda: Common Council: Tues, Oct 9,2012
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, October 9, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the September 11, 2012, regular meeting and the September 15 and September 26 special meetings and to approve them as presented.
5. Civility reminder.
6. Citizen appearances
A. Public Hearing: Class A Liquor License Quota.
(1). Staff report.
(2). Initial discussion by Council for clarification.
(3). Public hearing.
(4). Final discussion by Council.
(5). Second Reading and motion to adopt Ordinance 2012-11, Amending Chapter 6 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Class A Liquor License Quota. [Sponsors Braunschweig and Manring].
7. Reports of Committees
A. Library Board Report
B. Youth Center Advisory Board Report
C. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to accept the City and Water & Light bills as presented.
(2). Community Development Director position description.
(3). US Cellular Contract.
a. Motion to approve Cellular Service Agreement with US Cellular through October 2014.
b. Motion to approve Partner Employee Discount Program with US Cellular.
(4). Motion to approve Business Banking Agreement with Union Bank & Trust Company.
D. Plan Commission Report
E. Public Safety Committee Report
F. Public Works Committee Report
G. Water & Light Committee Report
H. Economic Development Committee Report
I. Redevelopment Authority Report
J. Parks and Recreation Board Report
K. Historic Preservation Commission Report
L. Fire District Report
M. Police Commission Report
N. Energy Independence Team Report
O. Board of Appeals Report
8. Unfinished Business
A. Second Reading and motion to adopt Ordinance 2012-10, Amending Chapter 2 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Appointed Officials. [Sponsors Brooks and Braunschweig].
B. Second Reading and motion to adopt Ordinance 2012-12, Amending Chapter 122 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Parking Restrictions for Camping Trailers, Recreational Vehicles, Trailers, and Certain Other Vehicles on Public Streets. [Sponsors Jacobson and Fuchs].
9. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
A. Comments on 2012 Annual Conference Proposed Resolutions.
B. Attendance at WPPI Executive Breakfast at League Conference.
10. Communications from the City Administrator
A. Motion to approve Resolution 2012-15, Designating Authorized Parties to Sign for Transactions Involving City Bank Accounts and Investments.
B. Motion to approve Assessment Agreement with Associated Appraisal Consultants (three year contract renewal).
C. Motion to approve Revaluation Agreement with Associated Appraisal Consultants (commercial properties).
D. Discussion and possible motion regarding US Cellular antenna equipment at water tower.
11. New Business
12. Introduction of New Ordinances
A. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-13, Adopting 2013 Operating and Capital Budgets and Setting Tax Levies.
B. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-14, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code Relative to Handicapped Parking Requirements and Parking for Combined Uses. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
C. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-15, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code Relative to Definitions for Zoning. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
D. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-16, Amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code Relative to the Requirements for All Uses in the LL-R12, LL-R15, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts. [Recommended by Plan Commission].
13. Meeting Reminder:
A. Budget Hearing and Regular Meeting: Tuesday, November 13, 6:30 pm, City Hall.
14. Adjournment
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Agenda; Public Safety: Wed Oct 3, 2012
The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 3rd day of October, 2012 at 6:30 p.m., at Common Council Chambers, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, October 3, 2012 6:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting
Common Council Chambers
31 South Madison Street
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to approve the September 5, 2012 meeting minutes as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Old Business-
7. New Business
a. Motion to approve the Operator’s License application(s) for:
1. Elizabeth Brittan
2. John W Walczak
3. Shanna L Wehri
4. Rosemary Ann Lockman
b. Discussion and possible motion regarding Knox Box.
c. Discussion and possible motion regarding rates for EMS charges.
d. Discussion regarding pedestrian traffic on roadways.
e. Discussion of the capital and operating budgets
8. Evansville Police Report
9. Evansville Medical Service Report
10. Motion to adjourn
Barbara Jacobson, Chairperson
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Agenda: Finance: Thursday, October 4, 2012
NOTICE: The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Thursday, October 4, 2012, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order and roll call.
2. Approval of Agenda.
3. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the September 6, 2012, regular meeting and to approve as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
5. Motion to accept the City and W&L bills as presented.
6. Unfinished Business:
A. Discussion and possible motions: Administration Office.
1) Position Description: City Administrator / Finance Director.
2) Position Description: Community Development Director.
B. US Cellular Contract.
1) Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Cellular Service Agreement with US Cellular through October 2014.
2) Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Partner Employee Discount Program with US Cellular.
C. Motion to recommend proposed budget to Common Council: Ordinance 2012-13, Adopting 2013 Operating and Capital Budgets and Setting Tax Levies.
7. New Business:
A. Motion to approve hiring Limited Term Employee (LTE) through Dec 31, 2012.
B. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Business Banking Agreement with Union Bank & Trust Company.
C. Discussion and possible motions: Assessor and Property Revaluation.
1) Five-year Assessment Agreement with Associated Appraisal Consultants.
2) Revaluation Agreement with Associated Appraisal Consultants.
3) Budget Amendment for property revaluation.
8. Adjournment.
Mason Braunschweig, Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the City Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Agenda: Planning Commission Meets Monday, Oct 1, 2012
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, October 1, 2012, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes: Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from September 4, 2012 regular meeting and approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. New Business
a. Public Hearing concerning a proposed amendment to section 130-1302 of the zoning code concerning parking.
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Public Hearing
iii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iv. Motion
b. Public Hearing concerning a proposed amendment to section 130-6 of the zoning code concerning definitions.
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Public Hearing
iii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iv. Motion
c. Public Hearing concerning proposed amendments to sections 130-944 (requirements for all uses LL-R12), 130-964 (requirements for all uses LL-R15), 130-984 (requirements for all uses R-1), 130-1004 (requirements for all uses R-2), and 130-1024 (requirements for all uses R-3).
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Public Hearing
iii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iv. Motion
d. Discuss potential ordinance edits concerning agricultural zoning districts (Chapter 130, Article V, Divisions 2, 3, and 4) and annexation regulations (Sections 130-172, 130-173, 130-674, and Chapter 16).
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iii. Motion to Set Public Hearing
7. Report on other permitting activity by City Planner
8. Report on the Unified Land Development Code Committee
9. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
10. Report on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission
a. Discussion: proposed Community Development Director position.
11. Report on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters
12. Enforcement Report
13. Next Plan Commission meeting date – Monday, November 5, 2012.
14. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Agenda: Public Works: Tues 9/25/2012
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 25th, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
DPW Shop, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call;
3. Motion to approve the agenda as presented.
4. Motion to approve the minutes from the August 28th, 2012 regular meeting
5. Citizen Appearances-
6. New Business-
7. Old Business-
a. Thompson property offer:
8. Construction Updates- None
9. Site plan reviews- None
10. Communications from the City Engineer-
a. Discussion in regards to map improvements.
b. Update on Main St rail project –
11. Communications from the Public Works Director-
a. Monthly Department Update- Trees, brush and street patching.
b. DOT Madison St. billing and crack filling.
12. Parks and Recreation Report-
13. Motion to adjourn meeting.
Mason Braunschweig, Chair Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones and electronic devices before meeting commences. If you have any special accessibility issues please contact Evansville City Hall at 608-882-2266 prior to the scheduled meeting. Thank you.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Agenda: Committee of the Whole: Sat, Sept 15, 2012
Common Council
Special Meeting as Committee of the Whole
Saturday, September 15, 2012, 8:00 a.m.
Masonic Lodge, 104 West Main Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Motion to defer the reading of the minutes of September 11, 2012, regular meeting to the next regular meeting.
5. Citizen appearances
a. Motion to approve Agreement with Oak Grove Church for Use and Occupancy of 209 South First Street.
6. Basics (5 minutes)
a. Practical Matters: restrooms, timekeeper, break, etc.
b. A-ha Sheet
c. Civility Reminder
7. Parking Lot (5 minutes)
a. Review 4/21/2012 and 5/17/2012 parking lots
b. Parking Lot for today’s items
8. More Than a Wish List: goals of today’s meeting (5 minutes, plus opening round)
a. Opening Round (limit to 60 seconds each, 20 minutes total)
b. Clearer definition/identification of “Top Notch Service”
c. Identify near-term opportunities
d. Identify imminent threats
e. Next steps – specific action items
9. The Foreseeable Future: What do we expect in the relatively near term (1-10 years)? How might it impact city services? How do we capitalize on opportunities? How do we overcome or mitigate difficulties? (5-15 minutes each, 90 minutes total).
a. Change
b. Top-Notch Service
c. Population Growth
d. Resident Expectations
e. Acts 10 and 32
f. Tight Budgets
g. Intergovernmental
h. Technology
i. Succession Planning
10. Beyond the Horizon: If we were to design city services anew today, what would they look like? What steps do we take so they might be achieved in 20-50 years? (20 minutes).
11. Next Steps: What factors are important to understand in implementing Top-Notch Service? Are we prepared to meet the challenges ahead? How do we measure and know/demonstrate our progress and success? (40 minutes)
a. Definition: Top-Notch Service.
b. SWOT Analysis.
c. Action Items.
12. Check-Out (15 minutes)
a. The Parking Lot
b. A-ha Sheets: any insights to share
c. Closing Round (30 seconds each, 10 minutes total).
13. Motion to adjourn
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Agenda; Common Council: September 11, 2012
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the August 14, 2012, regular meeting and to approve them as presented.
5. Civility reminder.
6. Citizen appearances
A. Edgerton Outreach.
B. John Bairl, Oak Grove Church.
7. Reports of Committees
A. Library Board Report
B. Youth Center Advisory Board Report
C. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to accept the City and Water & Light bills as presented.
(2). Financial Policies:
a. Motion to approve Fund Balance Policy.
b. Motion to approve Post-Issuance Compliance Policy for Tax-Exempt and Tax-Advantaged Obligations.
c. Motion to approve Investment Policy.
d. Motion to approve Debt Management Policy.
(3). Discussion: Administration Office.
a. City Administrator/Finance Director draft position description
b. Community Development Director draft position description
D. Plan Commission Report
E. Public Safety Committee Report
F. Public Works Committee Report
G. Water & Light Committee Report
H. Economic Development Committee Report
I. Redevelopment Authority Report
J. Parks and Recreation Board Report
K. Historic Preservation Commission Report
L. Fire District Report
M. Police Commission Report
N. Energy Independence Team Report
O. Board of Appeals Report
8. Unfinished Business
9. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
A. League of Wisconsin Municipalities Chief Executives Workshop.
B. League of Wisconsin Municipalities Annual Conference October 17th – 19th. Early Bird registration due by September 18th.
C. League of Wisconsin Municipalities draft Legislative Agenda.
D. League of Wisconsin Municipalities Lobbying Corps.
10. Communications from the City Administrator
A. Motion to approve Resolution 2012-15, Designating Authorized Parties to Sign for Transactions Involving City Bank Accounts and Investments.
11. New Business
12. Introduction of New Ordinances
A. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-10, Amending Chapter 2 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Appointed Officials. [Sponsors Brooks and Braunschweig].
B. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-11, Amending Chapter 6 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Class A Liquor License Quota. [Sponsors Braunschweig and Manring].
C. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-12, Amending Chapter 122 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Parking Vehicles, Boats, and Trailers on Public Streets. [Sponsors Jacobson and Fuchs].
13. Meeting Reminder:
A. Committee of the Whole: Saturday, September 15, 8:00 am, Masonic Lodge.
B. Budget Presentations: Wednesday, September 26, 6:00 pm, Creekside Place.
C. Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, October 9, 6:30 pm, City Hall.
14. Adjournment
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Agenda: Park Board: Mon. Sept 10, 2012
City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park & Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville, City Hall
Monday, Septmber 10 th, 2012 – 6:00pm
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
2. Motion to approve Agenda as printed
3. Motion to waive the reading of the July 9th, 2012 minutes & approve them as printed
4. Citizen appearances, relating to Park & Recreation, not listed agenda items
a. Discussion and possible motion on Peace Park Project
b. Discussion and possible motion on disc golf
c. Nick Covert: Discussion and possible motion on trapping of muskrats this fall
5. Lakeshore Restoration
6. West Side Park, bathroom & shelter Update
7. Aquatic Report
a. Discussion on future needs relating to budget
9. Chair's report from other Committees/Common Council
a. Discussion on 2013 Budget
10. Reports/Updates on projects or Maintenance
11. Old Business
12. New Business
13. Motion to adjourn
Next meeting Monday, October 8th, 2012 - 6:00 pm, City Hall
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Finance Committee: Thurs Sept 6, 2012: Agenda
NOTICE: The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Thursday, September 6, 2012, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order and roll call.
2. Approval of Agenda.
3. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the August 9, 2012, regular meeting and the August 13, 2012, special meeting and approve as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
5. Motion to accept the City and W&L bills as presented.
6. Unfinished Business:
A. Discussion: Personnel Policy.
B. Fiscal Policies:
1) Motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Fund Balance Policy.
2) Motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Post-Issuance Compliance Policy for Tax-Exempt and Tax-Advantaged Obligations.
3) Motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Investment Policy.
4) Motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Debt Management Policy.
C. Discussion and possible motions: Administration Office.
1) Position Description: City Administrator / Finance Director.
2) Position Description: Community Development Director.
3) Reorganization of office responsibilities and duties.
7. New Business:
A. Motion to recommend to Common Council Resolution 2012-15, Designating Authorized Parties to Sign for Transaction Involving City Bank Accounts and Investments.
8. Adjournment.
Mason Braunschweig, Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the City Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Plan Commission: Sept 4, 2012: Agenda
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 4, 2012, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
A. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from July 2, 2012 regular meeting and approve them as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. New Business
a. Review, Discuss, and Consider Setting a Public Hearing Date for Ordinance Edits to Sections 130-6 (definitions), 130-674 (annexation), 130-944 (requirements for all uses LL-R12), 130-964 (requirements for all uses LL-R15), 130-984 (requirements for all uses R-1), 130-1004 (requirements for all uses R-2), 130-1024 (requirements for all uses R-3), 130-1302 (parking requirements, specifically (f)handicapped parking), and Chapter 16 (annexation).
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iii. Motion to Set Public Hearing
7. Report on other permitting activity by City Planner
8. Report on the Unified Land Development Code Committee – Progress on Updates to the Sign Code
9. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
10. Report on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
11. Report on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters
12. Enforcement Report
13. Next Plan Commission meeting date – Monday, October 1, 2012.
14. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Agenda: Public Works: Tuesday, Aug 28, 2012
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time, and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 28, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
DPW Shop, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call meeting to order-
2. Roll call-
3. Motion to approve the agenda as presented-
4. Motion to approve the minutes from the July 24th, 2012 regular meeting-
5. Citizen Appearances-
6. New Business- .
7. Old Business-
8. Construction Updates-
9. Site plan reviews-
10. Communications from the City Engineer-
a. Monthly Report-
11. Communications from the Public Works Director-
a. Monthly Department Update-
b. 2013 department budget presentation
12. Parks and Recreation Report-
13. Motion to adjourn meeting.
Mason Braunschweig,
Chair Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones during the meeting. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Agenda: Common Council: August 14, 2012
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the July 10, 2012, regular meeting and to approve them as presented.
5. Civility reminder.
6. Citizen appearances
A. Xandra Kashkashian
B. John Morning and business representatives.
7. Reports of Committees
A. Library Board Report
B. Youth Center Advisory Board Report
C. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to accept the City and Water & Light bills as presented.
(2). Fiscal Overview.
(3). Motion to approve Resolution 2012-13, Amendments to the 2012 Budget.
(4). Motion to approve Resolution 2012-14, In Support of the Preservation of Tax-Exempt Financing.
D. Plan Commission Report
E. Public Safety Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve Contract with the Town of Madison (Advanced Life Support Agreement)
(2). Motion to approve Mutual Aid Contract
F. Public Works Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve five-year agreement (fall 2012-fall 2017) with Bytec Resource Management for sludge hauling.
(2). Update: Office of the Commissioner of Railroads public hearing on Sept 6.
G. Water & Light Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve Mutual Aid Agreement with American Public Power Assoc.
H. Economic Development Committee Report
I. Redevelopment Authority Report
J. Parks and Recreation Board Report
K. Historic Preservation Commission Report
L. Fire District Report
M. Police Commission Report
N. Energy Independence Team Report
O. Board of Appeals Report
8. Unfinished Business
9. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
A. Mayoral Proclamation In Recognition of Evansville Veterans’ Participation in the Badger Honor Flight Program.
B. Motion to waive the seven-day notice on citizen appointments.
C. Motion to approve mayoral appointment of Brandon Rutz for an unexpired term ending in April 2013 to the Economic Development Committee.
D. Participation on Panel Discussion on Mayor / Council Relations at League of Wisconsin Municipalities Chief Executives Workshop.
E. League of Wisconsin Municipalities Annual Conference October 17th – 19th. Early Bird registration due by September 18th.
10. Communications from the City Administrator
A. Discussion and possible motion about animal boarding ordinance.
11. New Business
12. Introduction of New Ordinances
13. Meeting Reminder:
A. Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, September 11, 6:30 pm, City Hall.
B. Committee of the Whole: Saturday, September 15, 8:00 am, location to be determined.
C. Budget Presentations: Wednesday, September 26, 6:00 pm, City Hall.
14. Adjournment
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Agenda: Finance: Thurs: August 9, 2012
NOTICE: The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Thursday, August 9, 2012, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order and roll call.
2. Approval of Agenda.
3. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the July 5, 2012, regular meeting and approve as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
5. Motion to accept the City and W&L bills as presented.
6. Unfinished Business:
A. Discussion: 2013 Budget.
1) Fiscal Overview.
2) Finance Department Budget.
3) Attorney request to increase rates.
4) City-wide Operating and Capital Budgets.
B. Discussion: Personnel Policy.
7. New Business:
A. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2012-13, Amendments to the 2012 Budget.
B. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2012-14, In Support of the Preservation of Tax-Exempt Financing.
C. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Cellular Service Agreement with US Cellular through August 2014.
D. Discussion: Fiscal Policies:
1) Fund Balance Policy.
2) Post-Issuance Compliance Policy for Tax-Exempt and Tax-Advantaged Obligations.
3) Investment Policy.
4) Debt Management Policy.
E. Finance and Labor Relations Committee reference book.
8. Adjournment.
Mason Braunschweig, Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the City Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Agenda: Econ Development: Tues, Aug 7, 2012
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council may be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism
Tuesday, August 7, 2012, 6:00 PM
Creekside Place, 102 Maple St., Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Motion to approve agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from July 17, 2012, and approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances.
6. Customer Service Program information presented by Patrick Reinsma, Regional Tourism Specialist
7. 2012 and 2013 tourism budget
8. Bridge Historical Plaque update
9. JEM Grant update (Civil War)
10. Discover Wisconsin update
a. State Fair update
b. Discover Wisconsin brochure update
11. Tourism activities
a. County Fair update
b. Inside Out Days update
c. Prettiest Paint Places update
d. September bus tour
e. 14 South Artists Tour
f. Oktoberfest update
g. World Dairy Expo Oct. 2-6 inquiry
12. Next meeting Tuesday, September 4, 2012.
13. Motion to adjourn.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Agenda : Public Safety: Wed August 1, 2012
The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 1st day of August, 2012 at 6:30 p.m., at Common Council Chambers, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 6:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting
Common Council Chambers
31 South Madison Street
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to approve the July 2, 2012 meeting minutes as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Old Business-
7. New Business
a. Motion to approve the Operator’s License application(s) for:
1. Heather L Ace
2. Tracy W Healey
3. Katie L Fugate
4. Tyler J Frame
5. Jennifer R Potts
b. Discussion regarding Knox Boxes
c. Discussion regarding Animal Complaints on Almeron Street
d. Discussion and possible motion related to RV camper parking on city streets.
e. Discussion on disputing of EMS Billings.
f. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of the Contract with the Town of Madison
g. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of the Mutual Aid Contract
h. Discussion of the capital and operating budgets
8. Evansville Police Report
9. Evansville Medical Service Report
10. Motion to adjourn
Barbara Jacobson, Chairperson
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Agenda: Evansville Eager Lib Board of Trustees, July 31, 2012
A regular meeting of the Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees for the City of Evansville will be held on the 31st day of July, at 5:30 p.m., at Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Tuesday, July 31, 2012 5:30 p.m. At Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, WI 53536 AGENDA
If you need special accommodations to attend this meeting, please contact the library at 608/882-2260. 1. Call to order.
2. Approval of all June meeting minutes (attached). 3. July bills (roll call vote).
4. Librarian’s Report
Budget update & Circulation statistics
Summer Reading/Programming update
Pest Control, Collecting Excessive Fines, & Maintenance of Bench
5. Old Business
Time frame for hiring new director
Lock for personnel files
6. New Business:
Library Board representative to attend August city council meeting
Slate for officers for next 2 years (July 2012-June 2014)
-President (Susan Kruser), Vice President (Eloise Eager), Treasurer
(Gwen Clendenning), Secretary (Vicki Lecy-Luebke), City Liason (Wally
Treasurer’s Report
-Fidelity Account
Thank You Cards
No Build Easement
Student Worker Position
7. Adjourn.
Next meeting: August 28, 2012.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Agenda: Public Works: Tues, July 24, 2012
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time, and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
DPW Shop, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call meeting to order-
2. Roll call-
3. Motion to approve the agenda as presented-
4. Motion to approve the minutes from the June 26th, 2012 regular meeting-
5. Citizen Appearances- Maryann Zelmanski, 129 Walker Street
6. New Business- .
a. Discussion and possible motion of an approved 25 mile per hour speed limit sign at the intersection of Water Street & Windsor Lane
7. Old Business-
8. Construction Updates-
9. Site plan reviews-
10. Communications from the City Engineer-
a. Presentation and possible motion to approve reconciled project list with W&L utilities and DPW sewer utilities
b. Update on Main Street Rail Project
c. Discussion and possible motion in regards to sludge hauling quotes for the next five years
11. Communications from the Public Works Director-
a. Monthly Department Update-
b. Preliminary 2013 budget discussion
12. Parks and Recreation Report-
13. Motion to adjourn meeting.
Mason Braunschweig,
Chair Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones during the meeting. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Agenda; Historic Pres: Wed, July 18, 2012
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Evansville will be held on the 18th day of July, 2012, at 6:30 p.m, at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin, or alternate location. Notice is further given that any members of the City Council or the Mayor might be in attendance.
Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
2nd Floor, Conference Room, City Hall
***First Draft***
1. Call to Order, Char. Rich Modaff
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to waive reading of the June 20, 2012 minutes and approve them as read.
4. Applications – Appearances
a. 132 W Main Street Dietrich — Porch/Decking
b. Others
5. Old Business
a. Others
6. Administrative
a. Grove Society, John Decker
i. Baker Building Museum
ii. Meeting
b. Management of HPC Documents and Records
c. Landmark & Historic District Discussions
i. Discussion of Additional Historic Districts
ii. Discussion of Historic Landmarks, John Decker
iii. Plaque Program Applications
7. Other Business
a. Correspondences, Comments and Concerns.
b. Others
8. Adjournment
Next Meeting Dates: 08/15/2012
RDM Monday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Agenda; Tourism: Div of Econ Development: July 17, 2012
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council may be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism
Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 6:00 PM
Creekside Place, 102 Maple St., Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Motion to approve agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from June 5, 2012, and approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances.
6. 2012 and 2013 tourism budget
7. Advertising opportunities
b. Gatehouse Media
8. Bridge Historical Plaque application and update
9. JEM Grant
10. Discover Wisconsin
a. State Fair banner & booth update
b. Website banner advertising update
c. Discover Wisconsin Brochures
11. Tourism activities
a. Plein Air contest update
b. Fourth of July update
c. Inside Out Days update
d. 14 South Artists Tour
e. Oktoberfest update update
f. Barn quilt brochure distribution
12. Next meeting Tuesday, August 7, 2012.
13. Motion to adjourn.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Common Council: Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the June 12, 2012, regular meeting and to approve them as presented.
5. Citizen appearances
A. Beth Schmidt, candidate for 45th Assembly District.
6. Reports of Committees
A. Youth Center Advisory Board Report
B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to accept the City and Water & Light bills as presented.
(2). Discussion: Financial audit of year ended December 31, 2011.
(3). 2013 Budget: pick a September date for department presentations.
C. Plan Commission Report
(1). Motion to approve Letter of Map Revision (FEMA case no. 12-05-1647P).
(2). Second Reading and motion to adopt Ordinance 2011-15, Revision of Flood Insurance Rate Map. [applicant initiated; no sponsors necessary].
D. Public Safety Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve an amendment to the Class “B” Beer/“Class B” Liquor License for Pete’s Inn Inc., Linda A Church, Agent, 555 S Fifth Street, Evansville WI 53536, d/b/a Pete’s Inn Inc., 14 N Madison Street, Evansville WI 53536 to include festivities for a Graduation Class Party with Live Band on July 28th and the Chamber of Commerce Inside/Outside Days with DJ from noon to 5 p.m. and Live Band from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on August 4th contingent upon passing inspections and paying any required fees.
(2). Motion to approve the Alcohol Beverage License Application for a Class “B” Beer License for J S R Evansville LLC, Rajeshkumar M. Patel, Agent, 715 Brown School Drive, Evansville WI 53566, d/b/a Cobblestone Inn & Suites, 715 Brown School Road, Evansville WI 53536 contingent upon passing inspections and paying any required fees.
(3). Discussion regarding possible ordinance to limit number of dogs.
E. Public Works Committee Report
F. Water & Light Committee Report
G. Economic Development Committee Report
H. Redevelopment Authority Report
I. Parks and Recreation Board Report
J. Historic Preservation Commission Report
K. Fire District Report
L. Police Commission Report
M. Energy Independence Team Report
N. Library Board/Liaison Report
O. Board of Appeals Report
7. Unfinished Business
A. Second Reading and motion to adopt Ordinance 2012-09, Amending Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Weights and Measures Regulations. [sponsors Braunschweig and Manring].
8. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
A. Committee of the Whole: how about Saturday morning, September 8 or 15.
9. Communications from the City Administrator
10. New Business
11. Introduction of New Ordinances
12. Meeting Reminder:
A. Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, August 14, 6:30 pm, City Hall.
13. Adjournment
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Agenda; Park Board: Monday, June 11, 2012
City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park & Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville, City Hall
Monday, June 11, 2012 – 6:00pm
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
2. Motion to approve Agenda as printed
3. Motion to waive the reading of the May 14th, 2012 minutes & approve them as printed
4. Citizen appearances, relating to Park & Recreation, not listed agenda items
a. Motion on request of refund, from Becky Hurley from Wisconsin Farm Bureau, for rental fees of upper & lower diamonds and Oscar Dietzch shelter that was to be used on June 10th, 2012
b. Motion to approve Park Sellers Permit for Rock-N-Rollz, Todd Culbertson, 1 W Main Street, Evansville, WI, 53536 for 4th of July Celebration in Park.
c. Motion to approve Park Sellers Permit for Phil Colwell for 4th of July Celebration in Park.
5. Lakeshore Restoration
6. West Side Park, bathroom & shelter
7. Aquatic Report
8. Chair's report from other Committees/Common Council
9. Reports/Updates on projects or Maintenance
a. Antes cabin
10. Old Business
11. New Business
12. Motion to adjourn
Next meeting Monday, July 9th, 2012 - 6:00 pm, City Hall
Friday, June 8, 2012
Agenda: Common Council: June 12, 2012
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the May 8, 2012, regular meeting and May 17, 2012, special meeting and to approve them as presented.
5. Citizen appearances
A. Rock County Farm Bureau – Focus on Agriculture.
B. Sheila De Forest, candidate for 45th Assembly District.
6. Reports of Committees
A. Youth Center Advisory Board Report
B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to accept the City and Water & Light bills as presented
(2). Motion to approve Youth Center conducting fundraising raffle (Ducky Derby) during Fourth of July Celebration.
(3). Motion to approve the Memorandum of Agreement for the State to conduct the weights and measures program.
(4). Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2012-11, Mid-Year Amendments to 2012 Budget.
C. Plan Commission Report
(1). Motion to approve the preliminary and final certified survey map (CSM) to combine parcels 6-27-835, 6-27-836, and 6-27-837, finding that the CSM is in the public interest and meets the objectives contained within section 110-102(g) of the City Code.
D. Public Safety Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve the Original Alcohol Beverage License application for a Class “B” Beer/”Class B” Liquor License for Creekside Place Inc., David M VanDerHaegen, Agent, 2435 Woodlane Drive #4, Janesville WI 53545, d/b/a Creekside Place Inc., 102 Maple Street, Evansville WI 53536
(2). Motion to approve the Original Alcohol Beverage License application for a Class “B” Beer/”Class B” Liquor License for Oyan, Mark A., Mark A. Oyan, Agent, 435 Boulevard Avenue #1, Belleville, WI 53508, d/b/a Blue Devil Bowl, 108 E Main Street, Evansville WI 53536
(3). Motion to approve the Renewal Alcohol Beverage License application for a Class “B” Beer/”Class B” Liquor License for Oyan, Mark A., Mark A. Oyan, Agent, 435 Boulevard Avenue #1, Belleville, WI 53508, d/b/a Blue Devil Bowl, 108 E Main Street, Evansville WI 53536
E. Public Works Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve Resolution 2012-12, Documenting Review of 2011 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR).
F. Water & Light Committee Report
G. Economic Development Committee Report
H. Redevelopment Authority Report
I. Parks and Recreation Board Report
J. Historic Preservation Commission Report
K. Fire District Report
L. Police Commission Report
M. Energy Independence Team Report
N. Library Board/Liaison Report
O. Board of Appeals Report
7. Unfinished Business
8. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
9. Communications from the City Administrator
10. New Business
11. Introduction of New Ordinances
A. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-09, Amending Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Weights and Measures Regulations. [sponsors Braunschweig and Manring].
12. Meeting Reminder:
A. Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, July 10, 6:30 pm, City Hall.
13. Adjournment
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Agenda; Planning Commission: Monday, June 4, 2012
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, June 4, 2012, following the 6:00 p.m. Board of Appeals meeting
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street
Please note: meeting will start after the 6:00 p.m. Board of Appeals meeting
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
A. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from April 30, 2012 regular meeting and approve them as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. New Business
a. Review of a proposed site plan for parcels 6-27-132.6 and 6-27-132.5 (northwest corner of the South Union Street and Water Street intersection).
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iii. Motion
b. Public Hearing concerning preliminary and final land division applications for a certified survey map (CSM) to combine parcels 6-27-835, 6-27-836 and 6-27-837 (Symdon Chevrolet, 351, 357, and 369 Union Street).
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Public Hearing
iii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iv. Motion
c. Review of a proposed site plan for parcels 6-27-835 and 6-27-836 (351 and 357 Union Street).
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iii. Motion
7. Report on other permitting activity by City Planner
8. Report on the Unified Land Development Code Committee
9. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
10. Report on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
11. Report on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters
12. Enforcement Report
A. Doggy daycare complaint
13. Next Plan Commission meeting date – Monday, July 2nd.
14. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Agenda; Eager Library Board of Trustees: Tues May 29, 2012
A regular meeting of the Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees for the City of Evansville will be held on the 24th day of April, at 5:30 p.m., at Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Tuesday, May 29, 2012 5:30 p.m. At Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, WI 53536 AGENDA
If you need special accommodations to attend this meeting, please contact Megan Becker at 608/882-2260. 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of meeting minutes:
Open session minutes from 4/10/12, 4/18/12, 4/24/12. 4/27/12, 5/1/12 and 5/12/12 (attached).
Closed session minutes from 4/18 (available for viewing at time of approval).
Closed session minutes from 4/24 (available for viewing at time of approval).
3. May bills (roll call vote).
4. Assistant Director’s Report: Update on orientation and training
Circulation Statistics
5. Old Business
Discussion -- 2012 budget re: projected personnel expenses based on staffing changes and vacancies.
Discussion -- CDs, savings/signature cards.
Discussion -- New backup drive for computers (StarTech).
6. New Business
Action item -- Donation to Grove Society for Civil War Event
Action item – Change in Personnel Policy to reflect change in Assistant Director benefits. Benefits will be the same as Director benefits, only prorated.
Discussion -- Long overdue fines referred to police department
Discussion – Safe Deposit Box
Discussion -- Union and changes/implications based on changes in state laws
7. Adjourn
Next meeting: June 26, 2012.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Agenda; Historic Preservation: TODAY: Wednesday, May 17, 2012
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Evansville will be held on the 16th day of May, 2012, at 6:30 p.m, at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin, or alternate location. Notice is further given that any members of the City Council or the Mayor might be in attendance.
Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
2nd Floor, Conference Room, City Hall
***First Draft***
1. Call to Order, Char. Rich Modaff
2. Roll Call
3. Reorganization 2012
a. Motion to nominate a Chairperson
b. Motion to nominate a Vice Chairperson
c. Motion to nominate a Secretary
4. Motion to waive reading of the April 18, 2012 minutes and approve them as read.
5. Applications – Appearances
a. 33 S Fourth Street Seymour & Hagness — Fence
b. 126 Grove Street Leck— Fence
c. Others
6. Old Business
a. Rally Round The Flag-2nd Annual Civil War Living History Event, May 18 -20, 2012
b. Antes Cabin Relocation
7. Administrative
a. Grove Society, John Decker
i. Baker Building Museum
ii. Meeting
b. Management of HPC Documents and Records
c. Landmark & Historic District Discussions
i. Discussion of Additional Historic Districts
ii. Discussion of Historic Landmarks, John Decker
iii. Plaque Program Applications
8. Other Business
a. Correspondences,Comments and Concerns.
b. Others
9. Adjournment
Next Meeting Dates: 06/20/2012
RDM Monday, May 15, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Mailbag: DNC not supporting Recall Walker? Petition to sign
Dear MoveOn member,
As a Wisconsin progressive working day and night for the recall of Scott Walker, I'm shocked: The Democratic National Committee still isn't giving financial support to the recall fight in Wisconsin.
After more than a year of grassroots efforts, Wisconsin citizens have accomplished more than anyone thought possible. We now have a Democratic challenger to Scott Walker who is neck and neck in the polls, even though Tom Barrett is being outspent by Walker's millions from out-of-state donations.
There is no more time for the Democratic National Committee to wait—if Walker wins, it would be a huge setback to Democrats in races across the country this year. We need the DNC's support immediately!
That's why I created a petition on to DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, which says:
Democratic National Committee and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, invest now in the crucial fight to remove Scott Walker from office in Wisconsin—the people have worked hard and it's time to help.
Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name, and then pass it along to your friends:
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Agenda: Public Safety: Wed: May 2, 2012
The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 2nd day of May, 2012 at 6:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 6:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Room
31 S Madison Street
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to approve the April 4, 2012 meeting minutes as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Old Business-
a. Motion to approve the Operator’s License for Ryan Archer.
7. New Business
a. Motion to approve the Operator’s License application(s) for:
1. Mark A Oyan
2. Barbara Ann Henningsen
b. Motion to recommend to Council approval of the Alcohol Beverage License application for a Class “B” Beer/”Class B” Liquor License for:
1. Oyan, Mark A., Mark A. Oyan, Agent, 435 Boulevard Avenue #1, Belleville, WI 53508, d/b/a Blue Devil Bowl, 108 E Main Street, Evansville WI 53536
2. Romano’s Pizza Inc., Francesco Romano, Agent, 74 N Sixth Street, Evansville, WI 53536, d/b/a Romano’s Pizza, 50 Union Street, Evansville WI 53536.
c. Motion to recommend to Council approval of the Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Applications for a Class “B” Beer/“Class B” Liquor Licenses for:
1. Evansville Memorial Post #6905 of the Veterans, Gordon R. Ringhand, Agent, 412 Fowler Circle, Evansville WI 53536, d/b/a VFW Memorial Post #6905, 179 E Main Street, Evansville WI 53536
2. Creekside Place Inc., David M VanDerHaegen, Agent, 2435 Woodlane Drive #4, Janesville WI 53545, d/b/a Creekside Place Inc., 102 Maple Street, Evansville WI 53536.
3. Night Owl Food & Spirits Inc., Gregory P Ardisson, Agent, 217 N Sixth Street, Evansville, WI 53536, d/b/a The Night Owl Food & Spirits Inc., 19 E Main Street, Evansville, WI 53536.
4. Pete’s Inn Inc., Linda A Church, Agent, 555 S Fifth Street, Evansville WI 53536, d/b/a Pete’s Inn Inc., 14 N Madison Street, Evansville WI 53536.
d. Motion to recommend to Council approval of the Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Applications for a Class “A” Beer/“Class A” Liquor Licenses for:
1. Goodspeed Gas ‘N Go Inc., Bradley N Goodspeed, Agent, 6045 N Eagle Rd., Janesville WI 53548, d/b/a Goodspeed Gas ‘N Go Inc., 350 Union Street, Evansville WI 53536
2. Francois Oil Co Inc., Steven J. Merry, Agent, 151 Robinson Rd, Oregon WI 53575, d/b/a The Grove Quik Mart, 230 E Main Street, Evansville WI 53536
3. Kopecky’s Worldwide Foods Inc., James D Kopecky, Agent, 8017 N Ridge Court, Evansville, WI 53536, d/b/a Kopecky’s Piggly Wiggly, 8 County M, Evansville WI 53536.
4. Madison Street Express Inc., Parminder Sekhon, Agent, 2644 Granite Road, Fitchburg, WI 53711, d/b/a All ‘N One, 104 S Madison Street, Evansville WI 53536.
e. Motion to recommend to Council approval of the Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Application for a “Class A” Beer License for:
1. Landmark Services Cooperative, Lee Dammen, Agent, 13912 W Northridge Drive, Evansville WI 53536, d/b/a Cenex Convenience Store of Evansville, 9 John Lindemann Drive, Evansville WI 53536.
f. Motion to recommend to Council approval of the Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Application for a Class “B” Beer License for:
1. Real Coffee at Daun LLC, Daun M. Fugate, Agent, 8644 W State Road 81, Beloit WI 53511, d/b/a Real Coffee at Daun LLC, 18 E Main Street, Evansville, WI 53536
g. Motion to recommend to Council approval of the Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Application for a “Class C” Wine License for:
1. Real Coffee at Daun LLC, Daun M. Fugate, Agent, 8644 W State Road 81, Beloit WI 53511 d/b/a Real Coffee at Daun LLC., 18 E Main Street, Evansville, WI 53536
8. Evansville Police Report
9. Evansville Medical Service Report
10. Motion to adjourn
Barbara Jacobson, Chairperson
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Revised Agenda: Tourism: Tuesday, May 1, 2012
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council may be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism
Tuesday, May 1, 2012, 6:00 PM
Creekside Place, 102 Maple St., Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Motion to approve agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from February 29, 2012, and March 21, 2012, and approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances.
6. Review final promotional efforts for Civil War event.
7. Advertising
8. Set next meeting date.
9. Motion to adjourn.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Agenda: Plan Commission: Monday, April 30, 2012
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, April 30, 2012, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
A. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from April 2, 2012 regular meeting and approve them as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. New Business
a. Public Hearing concerning a conditional use permit request for a duplex at 249 East Main Street.
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Public Hearing
iii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iv. Motion
b. Public Hearing concerning a conditional use permit request for a vehicle repair and maintenance facility at 369 Union Street; site plan review for 369 Union Street.
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Public Hearing
iii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iv. Motion
c. Public Hearing concerning a conditional use permit request for indoor commercial entertainment (dance studio) at 16 South Madison Street.
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Public Hearing
iii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iv. Motion
d. Extraterritorial Land Division Application, parcel 6-20-252 (17226 W. County Hwy. C) in the Town of Union
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Applicant Comments
iii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iv. Motion
7. Old Business
a. Discussion - Plan Commission Handbook.
b. Discussion and direction to staff - Possible future edits to the zoning code.
8. Report on other permitting activity by City Planner
9. Report on the Unified Land Development Code Committee
10. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
11. Report on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
12. Report on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters
13. Enforcement Report
14. Next Plan Commission meeting date – Monday, June 4th.
15. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Agenda: Library Board; Tuesday, April 24, 2012
A regular meeting of the Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees for the City of Evansville will be held on the 24th day of April, at 5:30 p.m., at Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Tuesday, April 24th, 2012 5:30 p.m. At Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, WI 53536 AGENDA
If you need special accommodations to attend this meeting, please contact Kathi Kemp at 608/882-2260. 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of March meeting minutes (attached). 3. April bills (roll call vote).
4. Librarian’s Report:
Discuss 2012 budget, materials acquisition.
Discuss CDs, savings/signature cards. Discuss replacement for Assistant Director.
Discuss planning committee.
Discuss plein air event.
Discuss changes to YA area.
Discuss newsletter.
5. Closed session: Upon proper motion and approval vote, the Library
Board will convene into closed session pursuant to the following statutory exemption, Section 19.85 (1)c. Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body had jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
6. Adjourn.
Next meeting: May 29th, 2012.
Agenda: Public Works; April 24, 2012
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time, and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 24, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
DPW Shop, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call
3. Motion to approve the agenda as presented.
4. Motion to approve the minutes from the March 27, 2012 regular meeting.
5. Citizen Appearances-
6. New Business- discussion and possible motion regarding Community Garden
7. Old Business-
8. Construction Updates-
9. Site plan reviews-
10. Communications from the City Engineer-
a. Discussion and possible motion in regards to Main Street Rail Project.
b. Discussion about WIMS software.
c. General discussion regarding Engineer transition.
11. Communications from the Public Works Director-
a. Monthly Department Update
12. Parks and Recreation Report-
13. Motion to adjourn meeting.
Mason Braunschweig,
Chair Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones during the meeting. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Agenda: Common Council: Tuesday, April 10.2012
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the March 7, 2012, regular meeting and to approve them as presented.
5. Citizen appearances
6. Reports of Committees
A. Youth Center Advisory Board Report
B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to accept the City and Water & Light bills as presented.
(2). Motion to approve Donations and Fundraising Policy.
(3). Motion to approve a transition in the stewardship of the Eager Free Public Library gift funds from the City to the Library Board.
(4). Motion to approve Resolution 2012-05, Resolution Providing for the Sale of Approximately $460,000 Taxable General Obligation Refunding Bonds.
(5). Motion to approve non-represented employee contracts.
C. Plan Commission Report
D. Public Safety Committee Report
E. Public Works Committee Report
F. Water & Light Committee Report
(1). Contingent on completed application and satisfactory credit check, motion to approve Shared Savings Funding Agreement with WPPI Energy and Shared Savings Agreement with Baker Manufacturing for a $48,000 loan under the shared savings program.
G. Economic Development Committee Report
H. Redevelopment Authority Report
I. Parks and Recreation Board Report
J. Historic Preservation Commission Report
K. Fire District Report
L. Police Commission Report
M. Energy Independence Team Report
N. Library Board/Liaison Report
O. Board of Appeals Report
7. Unfinished Business
8. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
A. Mayoral Proclamation: Recognizing Arbor Day 2012.
B. Motion to approve Resolution 2012-06, In Support of International Migratory Bird Day 2012.
9. Communications from the City Administrator
A. Discussion: Personnel Policy.
B. Motion to meet in closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e) to discuss negotiations with Union Pacific for reconstruction of the rail crossing on East Main Street.
C. In open session, motion to direct City Administrator to negotiate with Union Pacific for reconstruction of the rail crossing on East Main Street.
10. New Business
11. Introduction of New Ordinances
A. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-05, Amending Chapter 122 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Emergency Vehicle Parking. [sponsors Hayes and Jacobson].
B. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-06, Amending Chapter 82 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Weapons. [sponsors Hayes and Jacobson].
C. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-07, Amending Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Soda Water Beverage and Nonintoxicating Liquor Licenses. [sponsors Jacobson and Hayes].
D. First Reading of Ordinance 2012-08, Amending Chapter 2 of the Municipal Code, Relative to Emergency Medical Technician Volunteer Funds. [sponsors Braunschweig and Brooks].
12. Meeting Reminder:
A. Reorganization meeting: Tuesday, April 17.
B. Committee of the Whole meeting: Saturday, April 21, 8:30 – 11:30 am, Creekside Place.
C. Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, May 8.
13. Adjournment
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Agenda: Finance: Thursday, April 5, 2012
NOTICE: The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Thursday, April 5, 2012, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
Note: 6:00 meeting time
1. Call to order and roll call.
2. Approval of Agenda.
3. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the March 5, 2012, regular meeting and approve as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
5. Motion to accept the City and W&L bills as presented.
6. Unfinished Business:
A. Discussion and possible motion regarding library funds.
B. Motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Donations and Fundraising Policy.
C. Discussion: Personnel Policy.
7. New Business:
A. Discussion and possible motion regarding debt restructuring.
B. Discussion and possible motion regarding rail crossing on East Main Street.
C. Non-represented employee contracts.
(1) Committee may meet in closed session: possible motion to meet in closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(c) to discuss non-represented employee performance evaluations, contracts and wages.
(2) In open session, discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of non-represented employee contracts.
8. Adjournment.
Mason Braunschweig, Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the City Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Agenda: Planning Commission; Monday, April 2, 2012
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, April 2, 2012, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
A. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from February 6, 2012 regular meeting and approve them as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. New Business
a. Public Hearing concerning a conditional use permit request for a vehicle repair and maintenance facility at 119 East Main Street.
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Public Hearing
iii. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
iv. Motion
b. Plan Commission discussion and direction to staff regarding possible future edits to the zoning code.
7. Report on other permitting activity by City Planner
8. Report on the Unified Land Development Code Committee
9. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
10. Report on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
11. Report on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters
12. Enforcement Report
13. Discuss next Plan Commission meeting date – Monday, April 30th or Tuesday May 1st .
14. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Agenda: Tourism: Wed: Mar 21, 2012
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council may be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee Subcommittee on Tourism
Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 2 PM
Creekside Place, 102 Maple St., Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Motion to approve agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the February 29, 2012, minutes and approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances.
6. Discover Wisconsin.
7. Strategic initiatives.
8. Budget considerations
a. Floral baskets
9. WIGCOT report
a. for handouts
10. Grant Programs
a. State Farm / community revitalization, marketing sponsorships
b. National Endowment for the Humanities / interpretation of historic places brochure
c. National Endowment for the Arts / Our Town Program
11. Set next meeting date.
12. Motion to adjourn.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Agenda: Economic Development: Mon Mar 19, 2011
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council may be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Monday, March 19, 2012, 6:00 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
AGENDA (NOTE: Meeting changed to 3rd Monday)
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Motion to approve agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the Feb 21, 2012 regular meeting and approve them as printed
5. Citizen appearances, other than listed agenda items.
6. Chamber of Commerce report
7. Discussion and possible motion regarding TID #5
8. Tourism subcommittee report (Sue)
a. Update on Wis Dept of Tourism efforts
b. Bridge Naming Contest Report (Sue)
c. Governor’s Conference on Tourism March 4-6, 2012
9. Update on progress of Retail Market Analysis Survey (Jim)
10. Discussion and possible motions regarding allocations of funds from Room Tax. .
11. Meeting Reminder: next meeting April 16, 2012, 6:00 pm
a. April meeting will be a facilitated discussion between City and Chamber of Commerce
12. New Business
13. Motion to adjourn.
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