The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Thursday, January 3, 2008, 6:00 P.M.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
A. Motion to waive the reading of the December 3, 2007 minutes and approve them as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Action items
A. Zoning code map amendment for Nevel property off of Water Street, Phil and Marlene Nevel applicant (Application 2007-36)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Public hearing
v. Final discussion by Plan Commission
vi. Closing comments by applicant
vii. Motion to recommend to Common Council the adoption of Ordinance #2007-23 as drafted based on the findings contained in the staff report and on the conclusion that the public benefits of the proposed zoning classification outweigh any and all potential adverse impacts, if any
B. Special exception signage review for Brown School Plaza, Roger Berg and John Morning applicant (Application 2007-37)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Closing comments by applicant
v. Motion to approve the ground sign as proposed
C. Amendment of the zoning code (Chapter 130) relative to dimensional standards in Residential District One (R-1), Large Lot Urban Residential Districts (LL-R12 and LL-R15), and Rural Residential District (RR)
i. Initial presentation by staff
ii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iii. Public hearing
iv. Final discussion by Plan Commission
v. Motion to recommend to Council the adoption of Ordinance #2007-21 as drafted
7. Discussion items
A. Discussion regarding the City’s Community Rating System (CRS) classification with regard to flood insurance premiums
8. Preliminary development presentations – none
9. Update and discussion regarding Rock County’s draft smart growth comprehensive plan –next meeting on February 7, 2008
10. Update on administrative review of site plan amendments – none
11. Report of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority – none
12. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission – none
13. Report of Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) Advisory Committee – First meeting
Thursday, January 17
14. Update on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
15. Update on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters – none
16. Enforcement
A. Compliance with site plan for application 2006-18 (expansion of restaurant) Frank Romano
B. Janet Ward Porter 131 Liberty Lane/488 Liberty Street – duplex
17. Next regular meeting date – Monday, February 4, 2008
18. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Agenda; Public Works Meeting: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 5PM
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at Public Works Garage, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2007 at 5:00 p.m.
Public Works Shop, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1 Call the meeting to order
2 Roll Call
3 Motion to Approve Agenda
4 Motions to Approve minutes of the following meeting; Nov. 27th, 2007
5 Citizen appearances (to include but not limited to the following)
A Jim McGoey- regarding street lights
B Matt Gaboda- regarding surveying the west-side area
6 Lake Leota Restoration Update
A Engineering project Update
B Discussion and possible motion regarding weeds in Lake Leota
7 Site Plan Reviews
8 Construction Updates
A Main Street Progress Report
B County Trunk Highway M Progress Report
C North Prairie Productions Progress Report
D Capstone Ridge Phase 2 Progress Report (To be brought back in spring)
E Westfield Meadows Progress Report
F Madison Street (TH 59) Progress Report (To be brought back next year)
9 Communications from City Engineer –
A WisDOT utility comment letter to WisDOT for upgrades in 2008
B WWTF data review, prelim plan for upgrades
10 Communications of Public Works Director –
11 New Business
12 Old Business
A West side water issue (to remain on agenda indefinitely)
B Streetlight placement and removal (note: next year)
13 Adjourn
Mason Braunschweig, Chair, Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at Public Works Garage, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2007 at 5:00 p.m.
Public Works Shop, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1 Call the meeting to order
2 Roll Call
3 Motion to Approve Agenda
4 Motions to Approve minutes of the following meeting; Nov. 27th, 2007
5 Citizen appearances (to include but not limited to the following)
A Jim McGoey- regarding street lights
B Matt Gaboda- regarding surveying the west-side area
6 Lake Leota Restoration Update
A Engineering project Update
B Discussion and possible motion regarding weeds in Lake Leota
7 Site Plan Reviews
8 Construction Updates
A Main Street Progress Report
B County Trunk Highway M Progress Report
C North Prairie Productions Progress Report
D Capstone Ridge Phase 2 Progress Report (To be brought back in spring)
E Westfield Meadows Progress Report
F Madison Street (TH 59) Progress Report (To be brought back next year)
9 Communications from City Engineer –
A WisDOT utility comment letter to WisDOT for upgrades in 2008
B WWTF data review, prelim plan for upgrades
10 Communications of Public Works Director –
11 New Business
12 Old Business
A West side water issue (to remain on agenda indefinitely)
B Streetlight placement and removal (note: next year)
13 Adjourn
Mason Braunschweig, Chair, Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Agenda: Redevelopment Authority----Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2007
The meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI
I. Call To Order
II. Declare Quorum
III. Approve Agenda
IV. Approve Minutes of November 20, 2007 meeting
V. Old Business
A. Discussion: 16 West Main Street.
VI. New Business
A. Motion to recognize chair through May 2008.
B. Motion to recognize vice chair through May 2008.
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjourn
Christopher A. Eager, Chairman
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
The meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI
I. Call To Order
II. Declare Quorum
III. Approve Agenda
IV. Approve Minutes of November 20, 2007 meeting
V. Old Business
A. Discussion: 16 West Main Street.
VI. New Business
A. Motion to recognize chair through May 2008.
B. Motion to recognize vice chair through May 2008.
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjourn
Christopher A. Eager, Chairman
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Agenda; Economic Development: Tuesday, Dec. 18th
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 18th day of December 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, December 18th, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
1. Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
3. Motion to waive reading of the minutes of November 20th, 2007 regular meeting and approve as printed.
4. Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
5. Discussion on possible Taxi service for Evansville.
6. Chamber of Commerce report.
· Community Business Directory
7. City Administrators report
8. Rock County Visitors Guide.
9. City Website update and discussion.
10. Update on Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
11. Discussion; Promotion of Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund.
· Review Panel
12. Discussion; Room tax
13. Adjournment
Tony Wyse, Chair
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 18th day of December 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, December 18th, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
1. Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
3. Motion to waive reading of the minutes of November 20th, 2007 regular meeting and approve as printed.
4. Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
5. Discussion on possible Taxi service for Evansville.
6. Chamber of Commerce report.
· Community Business Directory
7. City Administrators report
8. Rock County Visitors Guide.
9. City Website update and discussion.
10. Update on Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
11. Discussion; Promotion of Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund.
· Review Panel
12. Discussion; Room tax
13. Adjournment
Tony Wyse, Chair
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Agenda: Park Board Meets on Monday, December 17, 2007
A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Board for the City of Evansville will be held on the 17th day of December 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park and Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, December 17, 2007 6:00 PM
1. Call to Order
2. Motion to waive reading minutes of October 2007 PRB meeting & approve as printed.
3. Motion to approve agenda as published.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items.
5. Chair’s report on actions of City Committees & Common Council on items of interest to PRB.
6. Reports/Updates on pending park projects and maintenance: Park Maintenance Supervisor Ray Anderson
a. Lake Leota Park
b. Franklin Park
c. Countryside Park
d. West Side Park
e. Other projects, if any.
7. Aquatic Report: Aquatic Director Rick Hamacher
a. Pool and pool store operations
b. Leak repair
c. Other projects, if any
8. Old Business.
a. Report on Allen Creek retaining walls restoration project
b. Lake Leota Restoration; Engineering Contract Report.
9. New Business: “A League of Their Own” Discussion. Directors of the League invited to attend.
10. Motion to Adjourn.
Note: next regular meeting of Park and Recreation Board is scheduled for January 21, 2008
A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Board for the City of Evansville will be held on the 17th day of December 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park and Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, December 17, 2007 6:00 PM
1. Call to Order
2. Motion to waive reading minutes of October 2007 PRB meeting & approve as printed.
3. Motion to approve agenda as published.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items.
5. Chair’s report on actions of City Committees & Common Council on items of interest to PRB.
6. Reports/Updates on pending park projects and maintenance: Park Maintenance Supervisor Ray Anderson
a. Lake Leota Park
b. Franklin Park
c. Countryside Park
d. West Side Park
e. Other projects, if any.
7. Aquatic Report: Aquatic Director Rick Hamacher
a. Pool and pool store operations
b. Leak repair
c. Other projects, if any
8. Old Business.
a. Report on Allen Creek retaining walls restoration project
b. Lake Leota Restoration; Engineering Contract Report.
9. New Business: “A League of Their Own” Discussion. Directors of the League invited to attend.
10. Motion to Adjourn.
Note: next regular meeting of Park and Recreation Board is scheduled for January 21, 2008
Friday, December 7, 2007
Agenda: Evansville Common Council: Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2007 6:30PM
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of November 13, 2007, regular meeting and the November 28, 2007, special meeting and to approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances
A. SOLE Committee
C. Public
6. Reports of Committees
A. Plan Commission Report
(1). Motion to approve Preliminary Land Division of Lots 19 and 20, Walkers Addition, with conditions. [Culbertson property, application 2007-34].
(2). Motion to approve Extraterritorial Land Division in the Town of Union, Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼, Section 18. [Deckert property, application 2007-35].
B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment.
(2). Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
(3). Motion to approve Agreement with Evelyn Cantrell for Coordination of Senior Services during the year 2008 for $21,218.00.
(4). Motion to approve Engagement Letter with Johnson Block & Company for audit of year ending December 31, 2007, for $22,100.00.
(5). Discussion and possible motion to approve Agreement with YMCA of Northern Rock County for Operation of Youth Program during the year 2008 for $34,556.00.
(6). Motion to approve Veolia Solid Waste Midwest contract extension for 2008 through 2010.
(7). Motion to approve purchase of Section 27, Town 4 North, Range 10 East, Original Plat, Part of the Southwest ¼ Section 27-4-10, Part Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, commencing 132’ South of the Northwest corner, East 115.5’, South 66’, West 115.5’ North to point of beginning for $200,000.00. [Post Office at 16 South First Street].
C. Public Safety Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve write-off of bad debt in the amount of $2,825.82 and to designate the 6 parties thereto for tax intercept.
(2). Discussion on the Class “B” Beer/”Class B” Liquor application for Julie A. Meredith, d/b/a The Exchange, 7 East Main St, Evansville, WI. Approval granted contingent upon being in operation within 120 days of August 14, 2007 (deadline date December 12, 2007).
D. Public Works Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve approximately $100 reimbursement to Eager Free Public Library for turf restoration.
E. Water & Light Committee Report
F. Economic Development Committee Report
(1). Economic Development Summit on January 12, 2008.
G. Redevelopment Authority Report
H. Parks and Recreation Board Report
I. Historic Preservation Commission Report
J. Fire District Report
K. Police Commission Report
7. Unfinished Business
A. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-15, Detaching Territory from the City of Evansville. [Heissner property. Citizen initiated ordinance, no sponsors required].
B. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-17, Allowing the Operation of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles. [Sponsors: Juergens and Sornson].
C. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-19, Relative to Signage in the Regional Business District (B-4) and the Industrial Districts. [Sponsors: Braunschweig and Roberts].
D. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-20, Rezoning Territory from Agricultural District One (A-1) to Residential District One (R-1) in Response to Development Application 2007-33. [Every property. Citizen initiated ordinance, no sponsors required].
E. Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-51, Repealing Resolution 2007-48 and Establishing the Municipal Judge’s Salary for the Year 2008.
8. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
A. Motion to waive seven day notice on mayoral appointments.
B. Motion to approve mayoral appointment of Alderman Tom Cothard, 447 Evans Drive, to the Evansville-Union Implementation Committee for an initial term expiring in April 2008.
C. Motion to approve mayoral appointment of Plan Commission member Bill Hammann, 250 Eager Court, to the Evansville-Union Implementation Committee for an initial term expiring in April 2009.
D. Motion to approve former Mayor Janis Ringhand, 412 Fowler Circle, to the Evansville-Union Implementation Committee for an initial term expiring in April 2009.
E. Motion to approve Kim Miller, 8 Sherman Court, to the Evansville Police Commission for an unexpired five year term ending in 2012.
9. Communications from the City Administrator
A. Discussion on zoning enforcement.
B. Report on Municipal Code update.
C. Next meeting date: Tuesday, January 15, 2008, at 6:30 pm.
10. New Business
A. Motion to approve Resolution 2007-50, Implementing Community-Wide Energy Program.
11. Introduction of New Ordinances
A. First Reading of Ordinance 2007-22, Relative to Speed Limits. [Sponsor: Sornson and Juergens].
12. Motion to adjourn
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of November 13, 2007, regular meeting and the November 28, 2007, special meeting and to approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances
A. SOLE Committee
C. Public
6. Reports of Committees
A. Plan Commission Report
(1). Motion to approve Preliminary Land Division of Lots 19 and 20, Walkers Addition, with conditions. [Culbertson property, application 2007-34].
(2). Motion to approve Extraterritorial Land Division in the Town of Union, Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼, Section 18. [Deckert property, application 2007-35].
B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment.
(2). Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
(3). Motion to approve Agreement with Evelyn Cantrell for Coordination of Senior Services during the year 2008 for $21,218.00.
(4). Motion to approve Engagement Letter with Johnson Block & Company for audit of year ending December 31, 2007, for $22,100.00.
(5). Discussion and possible motion to approve Agreement with YMCA of Northern Rock County for Operation of Youth Program during the year 2008 for $34,556.00.
(6). Motion to approve Veolia Solid Waste Midwest contract extension for 2008 through 2010.
(7). Motion to approve purchase of Section 27, Town 4 North, Range 10 East, Original Plat, Part of the Southwest ¼ Section 27-4-10, Part Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, commencing 132’ South of the Northwest corner, East 115.5’, South 66’, West 115.5’ North to point of beginning for $200,000.00. [Post Office at 16 South First Street].
C. Public Safety Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve write-off of bad debt in the amount of $2,825.82 and to designate the 6 parties thereto for tax intercept.
(2). Discussion on the Class “B” Beer/”Class B” Liquor application for Julie A. Meredith, d/b/a The Exchange, 7 East Main St, Evansville, WI. Approval granted contingent upon being in operation within 120 days of August 14, 2007 (deadline date December 12, 2007).
D. Public Works Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve approximately $100 reimbursement to Eager Free Public Library for turf restoration.
E. Water & Light Committee Report
F. Economic Development Committee Report
(1). Economic Development Summit on January 12, 2008.
G. Redevelopment Authority Report
H. Parks and Recreation Board Report
I. Historic Preservation Commission Report
J. Fire District Report
K. Police Commission Report
7. Unfinished Business
A. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-15, Detaching Territory from the City of Evansville. [Heissner property. Citizen initiated ordinance, no sponsors required].
B. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-17, Allowing the Operation of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles. [Sponsors: Juergens and Sornson].
C. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-19, Relative to Signage in the Regional Business District (B-4) and the Industrial Districts. [Sponsors: Braunschweig and Roberts].
D. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-20, Rezoning Territory from Agricultural District One (A-1) to Residential District One (R-1) in Response to Development Application 2007-33. [Every property. Citizen initiated ordinance, no sponsors required].
E. Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-51, Repealing Resolution 2007-48 and Establishing the Municipal Judge’s Salary for the Year 2008.
8. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
A. Motion to waive seven day notice on mayoral appointments.
B. Motion to approve mayoral appointment of Alderman Tom Cothard, 447 Evans Drive, to the Evansville-Union Implementation Committee for an initial term expiring in April 2008.
C. Motion to approve mayoral appointment of Plan Commission member Bill Hammann, 250 Eager Court, to the Evansville-Union Implementation Committee for an initial term expiring in April 2009.
D. Motion to approve former Mayor Janis Ringhand, 412 Fowler Circle, to the Evansville-Union Implementation Committee for an initial term expiring in April 2009.
E. Motion to approve Kim Miller, 8 Sherman Court, to the Evansville Police Commission for an unexpired five year term ending in 2012.
9. Communications from the City Administrator
A. Discussion on zoning enforcement.
B. Report on Municipal Code update.
C. Next meeting date: Tuesday, January 15, 2008, at 6:30 pm.
10. New Business
A. Motion to approve Resolution 2007-50, Implementing Community-Wide Energy Program.
11. Introduction of New Ordinances
A. First Reading of Ordinance 2007-22, Relative to Speed Limits. [Sponsor: Sornson and Juergens].
12. Motion to adjourn
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Agenda: Finance and Labor: Thursday, Dec. 6, 2007; 5:00PM
The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Thursday, December 6, 2007, 5:00 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Approval of Agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the November 8, 2007, meeting and approve as printed.
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
6. Motion to approve the W&L bills and authorize their payment.
7. Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
8. Unfinished Business
A. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Veolia Solid Waste Midwest contract extension.
B. Discussion and possible motion regarding Municipal Judge’s salary for 2008.
C. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of purchase of Section 27, Town 4 North, Range 10 East, Original Plat, Part of the Southwest ¼ Section 27-4-10, Part Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, commencing 132’ South of the Northwest corner, East 115.5’, South 66’, West 115.5’ North to point of beginning (Post Office) for $200,000.00.
D. Discussion on employee union contracts. Committee may meet in closed session per Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e).
9. New Business
A. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of write-off of bad debt in the amount of $2,825.82 and to designate the parties of these 6 calls for tax intercept.
B. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Engagement Letter with Johnson Block & Company, Inc. for audit of year ending December 31, 2007, for $22,100.00.
C. Motion to permit Carrying Forward Vacation from 2007 to 2008 for Mark Sandelbach.
D. Motion to permit Carrying Forward Vacation from 2007 to 2008 for Todd Sperry.
E. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Agreement with Evelyn Cantrell for Coordination of Senior Services during the year 2008 for $21,218.00.
F. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Agreement with YMCA of Northern Rock County for Operation of Youth Program during the year 2008 for $34,556.00.
G. Discussion on Finance Director/Treasurer position.
H. Meeting date due to tight schedule around holidays – Thursday, January 10, 2008.
10. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chair
Finance & Labor Relations Committee
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Thursday, December 6, 2007, 5:00 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Approval of Agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the November 8, 2007, meeting and approve as printed.
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
6. Motion to approve the W&L bills and authorize their payment.
7. Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
8. Unfinished Business
A. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Veolia Solid Waste Midwest contract extension.
B. Discussion and possible motion regarding Municipal Judge’s salary for 2008.
C. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of purchase of Section 27, Town 4 North, Range 10 East, Original Plat, Part of the Southwest ¼ Section 27-4-10, Part Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, commencing 132’ South of the Northwest corner, East 115.5’, South 66’, West 115.5’ North to point of beginning (Post Office) for $200,000.00.
D. Discussion on employee union contracts. Committee may meet in closed session per Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e).
9. New Business
A. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of write-off of bad debt in the amount of $2,825.82 and to designate the parties of these 6 calls for tax intercept.
B. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Engagement Letter with Johnson Block & Company, Inc. for audit of year ending December 31, 2007, for $22,100.00.
C. Motion to permit Carrying Forward Vacation from 2007 to 2008 for Mark Sandelbach.
D. Motion to permit Carrying Forward Vacation from 2007 to 2008 for Todd Sperry.
E. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Agreement with Evelyn Cantrell for Coordination of Senior Services during the year 2008 for $21,218.00.
F. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Agreement with YMCA of Northern Rock County for Operation of Youth Program during the year 2008 for $34,556.00.
G. Discussion on Finance Director/Treasurer position.
H. Meeting date due to tight schedule around holidays – Thursday, January 10, 2008.
10. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chair
Finance & Labor Relations Committee
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Monday, December 3, 2007
School Beat: Prospective School Board Member Information Meeting TONIGHT
Click on the post for the full agenda.
Agenda: School Beat: Building and Grounds meets Wed, Dec. 5, 2007
Click on the post for the full agenda.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Agenda; Planning Commission: Monday, Dec. 3, 2007
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, December 3, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
A. Motion to waive the reading of the November 5, 2007 minutes and approve them as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Unfinished business
A. Discussion regarding the City’s Community Rating System (CRS) classification with regard to flood insurance premiums
7. New business
A. Detachment of land from the city, Robert and Gail Heissner applicant (Application 2007-24)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Public hearing
v. Final discussion by Plan Commission
vi. Closing comments by applicant
vii. Motion to recommend to the Common Council the adoption of Ordinance 2007-15, as drafted
B. Zoning code map amendment for Every property, Daria Every applicant (Application 2007-33)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Public hearing
v. Final discussion by Plan Commission
vi. Closing comments by applicant
vii. Motion to recommend to Common Council the adoption of Ordinance #2007-20 as drafted based on the findings contained in the staff report and on the conclusion that the public benefits of the proposed zoning classification outweigh any and all potential adverse impacts, if any
C. Preliminary land division for one parcel off of Cherry Street, Todd Culbertson applicant (Application 2007-34)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Public hearing
v. Final discussion by Plan Commission
vi. Closing comments by applicant
vii. Motion to recommend to Common Council the approval of the division of the subject property into the lots as shown on the preliminary certified survey map, based on a finding that the land division is environmentally sound and there are adequate public facilities available to meet the needs of the land division, provided the conditions listed in the staff report (and other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission) are met
D. Extraterritorial land division for one parcel off of W. Emery Road, Joel Deckert applicant (Application 2007-35)
i. Staff report
ii. Discussion by Plan Commission
iii. Motion to recommend to Council the approval of the land division as presented
E. Amendment of the sign code regulations (Chapter 130) relating to multi-tenant ground signs and wall signs in the Regional Business (B-4) District and industrial districts
i. Initial presentation by staff
ii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iii. Public hearing
iv. Final discussion by Plan Commission
v. Motion to recommend to Council the adoption of Ordinance #2007-19 as drafted
8. Preliminary development presentations – none
9. Update and discussion regarding Rock County’s draft smart growth comprehensive plan –meeting of November 8, 2007
10. Update on administrative review of site plan amendments – none
11. Report of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority – none
12. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission – none
13. Report of Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) Advisory Committee – potential dates for first meeting (third or fourth Thursday, fourth Monday)
14. Update on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
15. Update on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters – none
16. Enforcement
A. Compliance with site plan conditions for application 2007-10 (motor vehicle storage yard) Hans Kleisch
B. Compliance with site plan for application 2006-18 (expansion of restaurant) Frank Romano
C. Janet Ward Porter 131 Liberty Lane/488 Liberty Street – duplex
D. Raymond Nipple – fence violation
17. Next regular meeting date – Thursday, January 3 or Monday, January 7, 2008
18. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, December 3, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
A. Motion to waive the reading of the November 5, 2007 minutes and approve them as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Unfinished business
A. Discussion regarding the City’s Community Rating System (CRS) classification with regard to flood insurance premiums
7. New business
A. Detachment of land from the city, Robert and Gail Heissner applicant (Application 2007-24)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Public hearing
v. Final discussion by Plan Commission
vi. Closing comments by applicant
vii. Motion to recommend to the Common Council the adoption of Ordinance 2007-15, as drafted
B. Zoning code map amendment for Every property, Daria Every applicant (Application 2007-33)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Public hearing
v. Final discussion by Plan Commission
vi. Closing comments by applicant
vii. Motion to recommend to Common Council the adoption of Ordinance #2007-20 as drafted based on the findings contained in the staff report and on the conclusion that the public benefits of the proposed zoning classification outweigh any and all potential adverse impacts, if any
C. Preliminary land division for one parcel off of Cherry Street, Todd Culbertson applicant (Application 2007-34)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Public hearing
v. Final discussion by Plan Commission
vi. Closing comments by applicant
vii. Motion to recommend to Common Council the approval of the division of the subject property into the lots as shown on the preliminary certified survey map, based on a finding that the land division is environmentally sound and there are adequate public facilities available to meet the needs of the land division, provided the conditions listed in the staff report (and other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission) are met
D. Extraterritorial land division for one parcel off of W. Emery Road, Joel Deckert applicant (Application 2007-35)
i. Staff report
ii. Discussion by Plan Commission
iii. Motion to recommend to Council the approval of the land division as presented
E. Amendment of the sign code regulations (Chapter 130) relating to multi-tenant ground signs and wall signs in the Regional Business (B-4) District and industrial districts
i. Initial presentation by staff
ii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iii. Public hearing
iv. Final discussion by Plan Commission
v. Motion to recommend to Council the adoption of Ordinance #2007-19 as drafted
8. Preliminary development presentations – none
9. Update and discussion regarding Rock County’s draft smart growth comprehensive plan –meeting of November 8, 2007
10. Update on administrative review of site plan amendments – none
11. Report of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority – none
12. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission – none
13. Report of Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) Advisory Committee – potential dates for first meeting (third or fourth Thursday, fourth Monday)
14. Update on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
15. Update on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters – none
16. Enforcement
A. Compliance with site plan conditions for application 2007-10 (motor vehicle storage yard) Hans Kleisch
B. Compliance with site plan for application 2006-18 (expansion of restaurant) Frank Romano
C. Janet Ward Porter 131 Liberty Lane/488 Liberty Street – duplex
D. Raymond Nipple – fence violation
17. Next regular meeting date – Thursday, January 3 or Monday, January 7, 2008
18. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Agenda: Water and Light: Wed. Nov. 28, 2007; 6:30PM
The regular meeting of the Water & Light Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on November 28, 2007, at the Utility Shop, 15 Old 92, Evansville, Wisconsin at 6:30 p.m. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Water & Light Committee Meeting
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Utility Shop, 15 Old 92, Evansville, Wisconsin.
6:30 p.m.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of October 31, 2007 Water & Light Minutes
3. Citizens concerns
4. Discussion and possible motion on Public Benefits funding to the school house solar
5. Discussion on South Madison Street water main replacement
6. Committee Reports – Chairman Thomas Cothard
7. Committee Reports – Superintendent Scott George
8. Any other legal action to come before the committee
9. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard
Committee Chairman
The regular meeting of the Water & Light Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on November 28, 2007, at the Utility Shop, 15 Old 92, Evansville, Wisconsin at 6:30 p.m. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Water & Light Committee Meeting
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Utility Shop, 15 Old 92, Evansville, Wisconsin.
6:30 p.m.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of October 31, 2007 Water & Light Minutes
3. Citizens concerns
4. Discussion and possible motion on Public Benefits funding to the school house solar
5. Discussion on South Madison Street water main replacement
6. Committee Reports – Chairman Thomas Cothard
7. Committee Reports – Superintendent Scott George
8. Any other legal action to come before the committee
9. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard
Committee Chairman
Monday, November 26, 2007
Agenda; Public Works: Tuesday, November 27, 2007; 6PM
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 at 6:00 p.m.
City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1 Call the meeting to order
2 Roll Call
3 Motion to Approve Agenda
4 Motions to Approve minutes of following meetings; Oct. 23rd, 2007, Oct. 30th, 2007 & Nov. 2nd, 2007
5 Citizen appearances
6 Lake Leota Restoration Update
7 Site Plan Reviews
8 Construction Updates
A Main Street Progress Report
B County Trunk Highway M Progress Report
C North Prairie Productions Progress Report
D Capstone Ridge Phase 2 Progress Report (To be brought back in spring)
E Westfield Meadows Progress Report
F Madison Street (TH 59) Progress Report (To be brought back next year)
9 Communications from City Engineer –
A Update on sludge removal at Waste water treatment facility
B NPP site, utility status
10 Communications of Public Works Director –
A Discussion and possible motion regarding speed limit on CTY M
B Discussion and possible motion discussing contractor Rock Road
C Discussion and possible motion discussing contractor G.Fox & Son
11 New Business
12 Old Business
A Discussion and possible action regarding the Westside water issue (will be moved to top of agenda)
§ Stormwater discussion
§ Stormwater utility discussion
§ Discussion regarding floodplain
§ City wide stormwater management plan (something to be done in Dec or Jan)
B Discussion and possible action action regarding streetlight placement and removal (note: next year)
13 Adjourn
Mason Braunschweig, Chair, Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 at 6:00 p.m.
City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1 Call the meeting to order
2 Roll Call
3 Motion to Approve Agenda
4 Motions to Approve minutes of following meetings; Oct. 23rd, 2007, Oct. 30th, 2007 & Nov. 2nd, 2007
5 Citizen appearances
6 Lake Leota Restoration Update
7 Site Plan Reviews
8 Construction Updates
A Main Street Progress Report
B County Trunk Highway M Progress Report
C North Prairie Productions Progress Report
D Capstone Ridge Phase 2 Progress Report (To be brought back in spring)
E Westfield Meadows Progress Report
F Madison Street (TH 59) Progress Report (To be brought back next year)
9 Communications from City Engineer –
A Update on sludge removal at Waste water treatment facility
B NPP site, utility status
10 Communications of Public Works Director –
A Discussion and possible motion regarding speed limit on CTY M
B Discussion and possible motion discussing contractor Rock Road
C Discussion and possible motion discussing contractor G.Fox & Son
11 New Business
12 Old Business
A Discussion and possible action regarding the Westside water issue (will be moved to top of agenda)
§ Stormwater discussion
§ Stormwater utility discussion
§ Discussion regarding floodplain
§ City wide stormwater management plan (something to be done in Dec or Jan)
B Discussion and possible action action regarding streetlight placement and removal (note: next year)
13 Adjourn
Mason Braunschweig, Chair, Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Agenda: Economic Development Committee: Tuesday, November 20th, 5:30PM
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 20th day of November 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, November 20th, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
1. Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
3. Motion to waive reading of the minutes of October 16th, 2007 regular meeting and approve as printed.
4. Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
5. Chamber of Commerce report.
· Community Business Directory
6. City Administrators report.
7. Update on Status of the Biodiesel Plant.
8. City Website update and discussion.
9. Report from Downtown Reconstruction Task Force.
· Weekend Report, Approve Expenditure for Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
10. Update on Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
11. Discussion; Promotion of Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund.
· Review Panel
12. Discussion; Room tax
13. Adjournment
Tony Wyse, Chair
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 20th day of November 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, November 20th, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
1. Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
3. Motion to waive reading of the minutes of October 16th, 2007 regular meeting and approve as printed.
4. Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
5. Chamber of Commerce report.
· Community Business Directory
6. City Administrators report.
7. Update on Status of the Biodiesel Plant.
8. City Website update and discussion.
9. Report from Downtown Reconstruction Task Force.
· Weekend Report, Approve Expenditure for Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
10. Update on Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
11. Discussion; Promotion of Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund.
· Review Panel
12. Discussion; Room tax
13. Adjournment
Tony Wyse, Chair
Friday, November 16, 2007
Agenda; Redevelopment Authority , Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 7:30PM
The meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI
I. Call To Order
II. Declare Quorum
III. Approve Agenda
IV. Approve Minutes of October 16, 2007 meeting
V. Old Business
A. Update: Allen Creek Master Plan, approved by City Council.
VI. New Business
A. Discussion and possible motion: TID #5 Economic Development Fund procedures for calculating base value of property, specifically in cases of fire or other damage resulting in negative increment.
B. Discussion: 16 West Main Street.
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjourn
Christopher A. Eager, Chairman
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
The meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI
I. Call To Order
II. Declare Quorum
III. Approve Agenda
IV. Approve Minutes of October 16, 2007 meeting
V. Old Business
A. Update: Allen Creek Master Plan, approved by City Council.
VI. New Business
A. Discussion and possible motion: TID #5 Economic Development Fund procedures for calculating base value of property, specifically in cases of fire or other damage resulting in negative increment.
B. Discussion: 16 West Main Street.
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjourn
Christopher A. Eager, Chairman
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Agenda; Common Council: Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2007, 6:30PM
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 13, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of October 9, 2007, regular meeting and the October 13, 2007, special meeting and to approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances
A. North Prairie Productions
B. SOLE Committee
D. Public
6. Reports of Committees
A. Plan Commission Report
(1). Motion to approve extraterritorial land division for Charles and Delores Rohloff, Conifer Hills Third Addition (application 2007-28).
B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment.
(2). Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
(3). Public hearing on 2008 Operating Budget.
a. Staff report.
b. Initial Discussion by Council.
c. Public hearing.
d. Final Discussion by Council.
e. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-16, Adopting 2008 Operating Budget and Setting Levies.
(4). Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-47, Borrowing $200,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Post Office.
(5). Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-46, Borrowing $169,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Fire Station.
(6). Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-48, Establishing the Municipal Judge’s Salary for the Year 2008.
(7). Motion to apply for exemption from the 2007 Rock County library levy.
C. Public Safety Committee Report
D. Public Works Committee Report
(1). Discussion on possible creation of stormwater utility.
E. Water & Light Committee Report
F. Economic Development Committee Report
G. Redevelopment Authority Report
(1). Motion to approve Resolution 2007-49, Adopting the Report Entitled “Allen Creek & North Union Street Redevelopment Master Plan.”
H. Parks and Recreation Board Report
I. Historic Preservation Commission Report
J. Fire District Report
K. Police Commission Report
7. Unfinished Business
8. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
9. Communications from the City Administrator
A. Discussion and motion to approve development with Evansville Manor, pending creation of TID #8.
B. Discussion on re-establishing Committee of the Whole.
10. New Business
11. Introduction of New Ordinances
A. First reading of Ordinance 2007-15, Detaching Territory from the City of Evansville. [Heissner property. Citizen initiated ordinance, no sponsors required].
B. First reading of Ordinance 2007-17, Allowing the Operation of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles. [Sponsors: Juergens and Sornson].
C. First reading of Ordinance 2007-18, Regarding Common Council Planning and Approval of Public Improvements Projects. [Sponsors: Juergens and Braunschweig].
D. First reading of Ordinance 2007-19, Relative to Signage in the Regional Business District (B-4) and the Industrial Districts. [Sponsors: Braunschweig and Roberts].
E. First reading of Ordinance 2007-20, Rezoning Territory from Agricultural District One (A-1) to Residential District One (R-1) in Response to Development Application 2007-33. [Every property. Citizen initiated ordinance, no sponsors required].
F. First reading of Ordinance 2007-21, Relative to Dimensional Standards in Residential District One, Large Lot Urban Residential Disticts (LL-R12 and LL-R15), and Rural Residential District (RR). [Sponsors: Roberts and _________].
12. Motion to adjourn
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 13, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of October 9, 2007, regular meeting and the October 13, 2007, special meeting and to approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances
A. North Prairie Productions
B. SOLE Committee
D. Public
6. Reports of Committees
A. Plan Commission Report
(1). Motion to approve extraterritorial land division for Charles and Delores Rohloff, Conifer Hills Third Addition (application 2007-28).
B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment.
(2). Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
(3). Public hearing on 2008 Operating Budget.
a. Staff report.
b. Initial Discussion by Council.
c. Public hearing.
d. Final Discussion by Council.
e. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-16, Adopting 2008 Operating Budget and Setting Levies.
(4). Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-47, Borrowing $200,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Post Office.
(5). Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-46, Borrowing $169,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Fire Station.
(6). Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-48, Establishing the Municipal Judge’s Salary for the Year 2008.
(7). Motion to apply for exemption from the 2007 Rock County library levy.
C. Public Safety Committee Report
D. Public Works Committee Report
(1). Discussion on possible creation of stormwater utility.
E. Water & Light Committee Report
F. Economic Development Committee Report
G. Redevelopment Authority Report
(1). Motion to approve Resolution 2007-49, Adopting the Report Entitled “Allen Creek & North Union Street Redevelopment Master Plan.”
H. Parks and Recreation Board Report
I. Historic Preservation Commission Report
J. Fire District Report
K. Police Commission Report
7. Unfinished Business
8. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
9. Communications from the City Administrator
A. Discussion and motion to approve development with Evansville Manor, pending creation of TID #8.
B. Discussion on re-establishing Committee of the Whole.
10. New Business
11. Introduction of New Ordinances
A. First reading of Ordinance 2007-15, Detaching Territory from the City of Evansville. [Heissner property. Citizen initiated ordinance, no sponsors required].
B. First reading of Ordinance 2007-17, Allowing the Operation of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles. [Sponsors: Juergens and Sornson].
C. First reading of Ordinance 2007-18, Regarding Common Council Planning and Approval of Public Improvements Projects. [Sponsors: Juergens and Braunschweig].
D. First reading of Ordinance 2007-19, Relative to Signage in the Regional Business District (B-4) and the Industrial Districts. [Sponsors: Braunschweig and Roberts].
E. First reading of Ordinance 2007-20, Rezoning Territory from Agricultural District One (A-1) to Residential District One (R-1) in Response to Development Application 2007-33. [Every property. Citizen initiated ordinance, no sponsors required].
F. First reading of Ordinance 2007-21, Relative to Dimensional Standards in Residential District One, Large Lot Urban Residential Disticts (LL-R12 and LL-R15), and Rural Residential District (RR). [Sponsors: Roberts and _________].
12. Motion to adjourn
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Revised: Agenda: Evansville Finance: Thursday, Nov. 8, 2007
The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Thursday, November 8, 2007, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Approval of Agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the October 8, 2007, meeting and approve as printed.
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
6. Motion to approve the W&L bills and authorize their payment.
7. Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
8. Unfinished Business
A. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of the proposed 2008 city operating budget.
B. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution 2007-47, Borrowing $200,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Post Office.
C. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution 2007-46, Borrowing $169,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Fire Station.
D. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Veolia Solid Waste Midwest contract extension.
E. Discussion on pricing formula for vacant parcel on Water Street.
F. Discussion and possible motion regarding compensation for union negotiations.
G. Discussion on employee union contracts. Committee may meet in closed session per Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e).
9. New Business
A. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2007-48, Establishing the Municipal Judge’s Salary for the Year 2008.
B. Motion to approve revised position description: Lineman.
C. Motion to approve revised position description: Line Foreman.
D. Motion to recommend to Common Council application of exemption to the 2007 Rock County library levy.
10. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chair
Finance & Labor Relations Committee
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Thursday, November 8, 2007, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Approval of Agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the October 8, 2007, meeting and approve as printed.
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
6. Motion to approve the W&L bills and authorize their payment.
7. Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
8. Unfinished Business
A. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of the proposed 2008 city operating budget.
B. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution 2007-47, Borrowing $200,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Post Office.
C. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution 2007-46, Borrowing $169,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Fire Station.
D. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Veolia Solid Waste Midwest contract extension.
E. Discussion on pricing formula for vacant parcel on Water Street.
F. Discussion and possible motion regarding compensation for union negotiations.
G. Discussion on employee union contracts. Committee may meet in closed session per Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e).
9. New Business
A. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2007-48, Establishing the Municipal Judge’s Salary for the Year 2008.
B. Motion to approve revised position description: Lineman.
C. Motion to approve revised position description: Line Foreman.
D. Motion to recommend to Common Council application of exemption to the 2007 Rock County library levy.
10. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chair
Finance & Labor Relations Committee
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Agenda; Finance Committee: Thursday, Nov. 8, 2007 5:30PM
The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Thursday, November 8, 2007, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Approval of Agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the October 8, 2007, meeting and approve as printed.
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
6. Motion to approve the W&L bills and authorize their payment.
7. Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
8. Unfinished Business
A. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of the proposed 2008 city operating budget.
B. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution 2007-46, Borrowing $275,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Fire Station.
C. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council purchase of current Post Office property.
D. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution 2007-47, Borrowing $200,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Post Office.
E. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Veolia Solid Waste Midwest contract extension.
F. Discussion on pricing formula for vacant parcel on Water Street.
G. Discussion and possible motion regarding compensation for union negotiations.
H. Discussion on employee union contracts. Committee may meet in closed session per Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e).
9. New Business
A. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2007-48, Establishing the Municipal Judge’s Salary for the Year 2008.
B. Motion to approve revised position description: Lineman.
C. Motion to approve revised position description: Line Foreman.
D. Motion to recommend to Common Council application of exemption to the 2007 Rock County library levy.
10. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chair
Finance & Labor Relations Committee
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Thursday, November 8, 2007, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Approval of Agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the October 8, 2007, meeting and approve as printed.
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
6. Motion to approve the W&L bills and authorize their payment.
7. Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
8. Unfinished Business
A. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of the proposed 2008 city operating budget.
B. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution 2007-46, Borrowing $275,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Fire Station.
C. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council purchase of current Post Office property.
D. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution 2007-47, Borrowing $200,000 from the State Trust Fund for Purchasing the Post Office.
E. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Veolia Solid Waste Midwest contract extension.
F. Discussion on pricing formula for vacant parcel on Water Street.
G. Discussion and possible motion regarding compensation for union negotiations.
H. Discussion on employee union contracts. Committee may meet in closed session per Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e).
9. New Business
A. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2007-48, Establishing the Municipal Judge’s Salary for the Year 2008.
B. Motion to approve revised position description: Lineman.
C. Motion to approve revised position description: Line Foreman.
D. Motion to recommend to Common Council application of exemption to the 2007 Rock County library levy.
10. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chair
Finance & Labor Relations Committee
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Agenda: School: Buildings and Grounds meets Nov. 12th, 2007, 4:30PM
Click on the post for the full agenda.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Agenda: Public Safety Committee: November 7th 2007
The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 7th day of November 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, November 7, 2007 6:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Room
31 S Madison Street
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to approve the October 3, 2007 minutes as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
5. Evansville Police Report
6. Evansville Medical Service Report
Old Business
New Business
Refund of “Class B” Beer and Liquor License fees paid in June, 2007 for Morice Enterprises Inc.
Discussion regarding closing East Main Street from UB&T to the Maple Street corner on November 17, 2007 from Noon to 7 p.m. for the Holiday Kickoff.
Discussion regarding speed limit on County Rd M from Hwy 14 to the North Prairie Production Biodiesel Plant.
Class “A” Beer License approval for: Landmark Services Cooperative, Wayne D. Prisk, N4904 County Road J, Monroe, WI 53566, d/b/a Cenex Convenience Store of Evansville, 9 John Lindemann Dr, Evansville WI 53536
D. Motion to approve the request for an operator license for:
1. Bridget N Rauch
2. Jackie L Klusmeyer
3. Linda D Orton
4. Judith I Goodhue
5. Donna L Rehurek
6. Emily J Bowersock
7. Debora J. Bair
9. Motion to adjourn
Diane Roberts, Chairperson
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 7th day of November 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, November 7, 2007 6:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Room
31 S Madison Street
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to approve the October 3, 2007 minutes as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
5. Evansville Police Report
6. Evansville Medical Service Report
Old Business
New Business
Refund of “Class B” Beer and Liquor License fees paid in June, 2007 for Morice Enterprises Inc.
Discussion regarding closing East Main Street from UB&T to the Maple Street corner on November 17, 2007 from Noon to 7 p.m. for the Holiday Kickoff.
Discussion regarding speed limit on County Rd M from Hwy 14 to the North Prairie Production Biodiesel Plant.
Class “A” Beer License approval for: Landmark Services Cooperative, Wayne D. Prisk, N4904 County Road J, Monroe, WI 53566, d/b/a Cenex Convenience Store of Evansville, 9 John Lindemann Dr, Evansville WI 53536
D. Motion to approve the request for an operator license for:
1. Bridget N Rauch
2. Jackie L Klusmeyer
3. Linda D Orton
4. Judith I Goodhue
5. Donna L Rehurek
6. Emily J Bowersock
7. Debora J. Bair
9. Motion to adjourn
Diane Roberts, Chairperson
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Agenda; Evansville Schools: Policy Committee, Monday, Nov. 5, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007 - 12:00 p.m.
District Office Conference Room
340 Fair Street - Evansville, WI 53536
Note, public notice of this meeting given by posting at the District Office, Levi Leonard Elementary School
Office, Theodore Robinson Intermediate School, J.C. McKenna Middle School Office, High School Office,
Evansville School District Web Site:, and by forwarding the agenda to the
Evansville Review, M&I Bank, Union Bank & Trust and Eager Free Public Library.
Committee Members:
Jeff Herbers Kelly Mosher Krista Jones
Mike Larson Heidi Carvin
1. Approve Minutes of October 1, 2007.
2. Policies for Review:
Policy #851 – Advertising in the Schools
Policy #443.5 – Electronic Communication Devices on School Premises
Policy #352.3 – Planning and Supervision of School Trips
Policy #455.1 – Supervision of Students
3. Discuss New Business. 3
Policy #151.1 – Definition, Adoption, and Amendment and Termination of Policy
Listing of Form Policies
4. Set Next Meeting and Agenda.
5. Other.
This notice may be supplemented with additions to the agenda that come to the attention of the Board prior to the meeting. A final
agenda will be posted and provided to the media no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting or no later than 2 hours prior to the
meeting in the event of an emergency.
Persons needing special accommodations or more specific information about the agenda items
should call 882-5224, Ext. 3387 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Posted: 11/1/07
Monday, November 5, 2007 - 12:00 p.m.
District Office Conference Room
340 Fair Street - Evansville, WI 53536
Note, public notice of this meeting given by posting at the District Office, Levi Leonard Elementary School
Office, Theodore Robinson Intermediate School, J.C. McKenna Middle School Office, High School Office,
Evansville School District Web Site:, and by forwarding the agenda to the
Evansville Review, M&I Bank, Union Bank & Trust and Eager Free Public Library.
Committee Members:
Jeff Herbers Kelly Mosher Krista Jones
Mike Larson Heidi Carvin
1. Approve Minutes of October 1, 2007.
2. Policies for Review:
Policy #851 – Advertising in the Schools
Policy #443.5 – Electronic Communication Devices on School Premises
Policy #352.3 – Planning and Supervision of School Trips
Policy #455.1 – Supervision of Students
3. Discuss New Business. 3
Policy #151.1 – Definition, Adoption, and Amendment and Termination of Policy
Listing of Form Policies
4. Set Next Meeting and Agenda.
5. Other.
This notice may be supplemented with additions to the agenda that come to the attention of the Board prior to the meeting. A final
agenda will be posted and provided to the media no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting or no later than 2 hours prior to the
meeting in the event of an emergency.
Persons needing special accommodations or more specific information about the agenda items
should call 882-5224, Ext. 3387 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Posted: 11/1/07
Friday, November 2, 2007
Agenda: Eager Library Board of Trustees., Tues, Nov. 6th
A special meeting of the Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees for the City of Evansville will be held on the 6th day of November, 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
5:30 PM
At Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, WI 53536
If you need special accommodations to attend this meeting, please contact Kathi Kemp at 608/882-2278.
1. Call to order.
2. Discuss payment of Main Street improvements bill. Vote to either make one payment or 15 annual payments at 5 1/8% interest.
3. Discuss union contract wording.
4. Adjourn.
Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
5:30 PM
At Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, WI 53536
If you need special accommodations to attend this meeting, please contact Kathi Kemp at 608/882-2278.
1. Call to order.
2. Discuss payment of Main Street improvements bill. Vote to either make one payment or 15 annual payments at 5 1/8% interest.
3. Discuss union contract wording.
4. Adjourn.
Evansville Plan Commission: Monday, Nov. 5, 2007: 6PM
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, November 5, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
A. Motion to waive the reading of the October 1, 2007 minutes and approve them as printed
B. Motion to waive the reading of the October 30, 2007 minutes and approve them as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Unfinished business
A. Discussion regarding the extension of Ordinance 2005-39 (minimum house sizes)
7. New business
A. Site plan for 31-room hotel, Evansville Hotel Group LLC applicant (Application 2007-29)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Plan Commission discussion
iv. Closing comments by applicant
v. Motion to approve the application with conditions as contained in the staff report (and other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission)
B. Conditional use to establish a duplex at 131 Liberty Lane, Janet Ward Porter, applicant (Application 2007-32)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Public hearing
v. Final discussion by Plan Commission
vi. Closing comments by applicant
vii. Motion and roll call vote to act on the application (not defer to a later date)
viii. Motion to approve the application based on the findings as contained in the staff report and the conclusion that the public benefits of the proposed use outweigh any and all potential adverse impacts, if any
C. Discussion and action on “Allen Creek and North Union Street Redevelopment Plan”
Motion to adopt Plan Commission resolution 2007-7 recommending to City Council the adoption of the report entitled “Allen Creek & North Union Street Redevelopment Master Plan”
D. Update on formation of advisory committee for the unified land development code (ULDC)
E. Discussion regarding sign code amendment to establish a special exception process for certain types of commercial signs along thoroughfares with higher speeds
8. Preliminary development presentations – none
9. Update and discussion regarding Rock County’s draft smart growth comprehensive plan – next meeting set for November 8, 2007
10. Update on administrative review of site plan amendments – none
11. Report of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority – none
12. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission – none
13. Update on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
14. Update on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters
A. Code interpretation appeal regarding fence height, Raymond Nipple
15. Enforcement
A. Compliance with site plan conditions for application 2007-10 (motor vehicle storage yard) Hans Kleisch
B. Compliance with site plan for application 2006-18 (expansion of restaurant) Frank Romano
16. Next regular meeting date – Monday, December 3, 2007
17. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, November 5, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
A. Motion to waive the reading of the October 1, 2007 minutes and approve them as printed
B. Motion to waive the reading of the October 30, 2007 minutes and approve them as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Unfinished business
A. Discussion regarding the extension of Ordinance 2005-39 (minimum house sizes)
7. New business
A. Site plan for 31-room hotel, Evansville Hotel Group LLC applicant (Application 2007-29)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Plan Commission discussion
iv. Closing comments by applicant
v. Motion to approve the application with conditions as contained in the staff report (and other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission)
B. Conditional use to establish a duplex at 131 Liberty Lane, Janet Ward Porter, applicant (Application 2007-32)
i. Initial presentation by applicant
ii. Staff report
iii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Public hearing
v. Final discussion by Plan Commission
vi. Closing comments by applicant
vii. Motion and roll call vote to act on the application (not defer to a later date)
viii. Motion to approve the application based on the findings as contained in the staff report and the conclusion that the public benefits of the proposed use outweigh any and all potential adverse impacts, if any
C. Discussion and action on “Allen Creek and North Union Street Redevelopment Plan”
Motion to adopt Plan Commission resolution 2007-7 recommending to City Council the adoption of the report entitled “Allen Creek & North Union Street Redevelopment Master Plan”
D. Update on formation of advisory committee for the unified land development code (ULDC)
E. Discussion regarding sign code amendment to establish a special exception process for certain types of commercial signs along thoroughfares with higher speeds
8. Preliminary development presentations – none
9. Update and discussion regarding Rock County’s draft smart growth comprehensive plan – next meeting set for November 8, 2007
10. Update on administrative review of site plan amendments – none
11. Report of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority – none
12. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission – none
13. Update on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
14. Update on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters
A. Code interpretation appeal regarding fence height, Raymond Nipple
15. Enforcement
A. Compliance with site plan conditions for application 2007-10 (motor vehicle storage yard) Hans Kleisch
B. Compliance with site plan for application 2006-18 (expansion of restaurant) Frank Romano
16. Next regular meeting date – Monday, December 3, 2007
17. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Agenda: Evansville Schools Policy Meets Monday, Nov. 5, 2007 NOON
click on the post for the full agenda.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Agenda; Public Benefits Committee: July 2007
Public Benefits Committee
Special Meeting, July 16, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m., Village Square Restaurant
This working meeting will include members of the Public Benefits Committee and the Evansville Initiative, a project of Evansville Community Partnership dedicated to leading Evansville into the future by focusing on energy. INTERESTED MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE STRONGLY URGED TO ATTEND. All attending will participate in the interest clusters. (Help the restaurant. Save your breakfast appetite).
Call to order.
Introductions of participants, with statement of interests.
Descriptions of WPPI programs for energy conservation, alternative energy, low-income users, and other innovations. Alicia VandenOever, WPPI.
Break into interest clusters. Draft ideas suitable for Evansville based upon WPPI programs.
Report to large group.
Next steps. Intersection of ideas and elements to include in 3-year plan.
Set next PBC meeting date.
Special Meeting, July 16, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m., Village Square Restaurant
This working meeting will include members of the Public Benefits Committee and the Evansville Initiative, a project of Evansville Community Partnership dedicated to leading Evansville into the future by focusing on energy. INTERESTED MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE STRONGLY URGED TO ATTEND. All attending will participate in the interest clusters. (Help the restaurant. Save your breakfast appetite).
Call to order.
Introductions of participants, with statement of interests.
Descriptions of WPPI programs for energy conservation, alternative energy, low-income users, and other innovations. Alicia VandenOever, WPPI.
Break into interest clusters. Draft ideas suitable for Evansville based upon WPPI programs.
Report to large group.
Next steps. Intersection of ideas and elements to include in 3-year plan.
Set next PBC meeting date.
Agenda: Public Benefits Committee: June 2007
TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2007, 7:30 A.M.
(corrected date)
Call to order.
Roll call.
Approval of minutes of April 5, 2007 meeting.
Review of Public Benefits financial information.
Review of Ordinance 2007-20, Reorganization of Public Benefits Committee.
Election of Committee Chair and Secretary.
Discussion and possible motion to provide energy conservation assistance for pond aeration windmills (Berg).
TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2007, 7:30 A.M.
(corrected date)
Call to order.
Roll call.
Approval of minutes of April 5, 2007 meeting.
Review of Public Benefits financial information.
Review of Ordinance 2007-20, Reorganization of Public Benefits Committee.
Election of Committee Chair and Secretary.
Discussion and possible motion to provide energy conservation assistance for pond aeration windmills (Berg).
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Agenda: Water and Light: October 31, 2007
The regular meeting of the Water & Light Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on October 31, 2007, at the Utility Shop, 15 Old 92, Evansville, Wisconsin at 6:30 p.m. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Water & Light Committee Meeting
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Utility Shop, 15 Old 92, Evansville, Wisconsin.
6:30 p.m.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of September 26, 2007 Water & Light Minutes
3. Citizens concerns
a) Mary Libby’s concerns on higher voltage service to her home
b) Lolita Martens request for reimbursement of water heater
due to water damage during resurfacing of Madison Street
c) Bev Krueger concern on a tenant’s delinquent account
4. Discussion on length of past due account deferred agreements
5. Discussion and possible motion for Public Benefits to St. John’s Church and Evansville school
6. Committee Reports – Chairman Thomas Cothard
7. Committee Reports – Superintendent Scott George
8. Any other legal action to come before the committee
9. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard
Committee Chairman
The regular meeting of the Water & Light Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on October 31, 2007, at the Utility Shop, 15 Old 92, Evansville, Wisconsin at 6:30 p.m. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Water & Light Committee Meeting
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Utility Shop, 15 Old 92, Evansville, Wisconsin.
6:30 p.m.
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of September 26, 2007 Water & Light Minutes
3. Citizens concerns
a) Mary Libby’s concerns on higher voltage service to her home
b) Lolita Martens request for reimbursement of water heater
due to water damage during resurfacing of Madison Street
c) Bev Krueger concern on a tenant’s delinquent account
4. Discussion on length of past due account deferred agreements
5. Discussion and possible motion for Public Benefits to St. John’s Church and Evansville school
6. Committee Reports – Chairman Thomas Cothard
7. Committee Reports – Superintendent Scott George
8. Any other legal action to come before the committee
9. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard
Committee Chairman
Monday, October 29, 2007
Agenda: Special Meeting: Evansville Planning Commission; October 30, 2007 6:00PM
A special meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Special Meeting
Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
a. Motion to defer reading and adoption of the October 1, 2007 minutes until the next regular meeting
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Old business
a. Evansville Health Club CUP
i. Initial presentation by applicant.
ii. Presentation by staff
iii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Public hearing
v. Final discussion by Plan Commission
vi. Closing comments by applicant.
vii. Motion and roll call vote to act on the application (not defer to a later date).
viii. Motion to approve the application based on the findings contained in the staff report and the conclusion that the public benefits of the proposed use outweigh any and all adverse impacts.
b. Minimum house sizes – memo for future discussion.
7. Next regular meeting date – Monday, November 5, 2007
8. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
A special meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Special Meeting
Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
a. Motion to defer reading and adoption of the October 1, 2007 minutes until the next regular meeting
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Old business
a. Evansville Health Club CUP
i. Initial presentation by applicant.
ii. Presentation by staff
iii. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
iv. Public hearing
v. Final discussion by Plan Commission
vi. Closing comments by applicant.
vii. Motion and roll call vote to act on the application (not defer to a later date).
viii. Motion to approve the application based on the findings contained in the staff report and the conclusion that the public benefits of the proposed use outweigh any and all adverse impacts.
b. Minimum house sizes – memo for future discussion.
7. Next regular meeting date – Monday, November 5, 2007
8. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Agenda; Public Works: October 22,2007; 6:00PM
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at Public Works Garage, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2007 at 6:00 p.m.
Public Works Garage, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1 Call the meeting to order
2 Roll Call
3 Motion to Approve Agenda
4 Motion to Approve minutes of Sept. 25, 2007 Meeting
5 Citizen appearances
6 Lake Leota Restoration Update
7 Site Plan Reviews
8 Construction Updates
A Main Street Progress Report
B County Trunk Highway M Progress Report
C Badger & Higgins Intersection Progress Report
D North Prairie Productions Progress Report
E Capstone Ridge Phase 2 Progress Report
F Westfield Meadows Progress Report
G Madison Street (TH 59) Progress Report
9 Communications from City Engineer
A Discussion and possible action on bids for 2007 sidewalk project.
B WWTP biosolids Progress Report
10 Communications of Public Works Director
11 New Business
A Discussion and possible action concerning the creation of a storm water utility
B Discussion regarding special meeting on Tuesday Oct. 30 6:30 p.m. at CITY HALL.
C Discussion regarding special meeting on Thursday or Friday, Nov. 1-2
12 Old Business
A Discussion and possible action regarding the Westside water issue.
B Discussion and possible action regarding streetlight placement and removal.
C Discussion and possible action reagrding City Wide Storm water mangament plan and storm water utility.
13 Adjourn
Mason Braunschweig, Chair, Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at Public Works Garage, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2007 at 6:00 p.m.
Public Works Garage, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1 Call the meeting to order
2 Roll Call
3 Motion to Approve Agenda
4 Motion to Approve minutes of Sept. 25, 2007 Meeting
5 Citizen appearances
6 Lake Leota Restoration Update
7 Site Plan Reviews
8 Construction Updates
A Main Street Progress Report
B County Trunk Highway M Progress Report
C Badger & Higgins Intersection Progress Report
D North Prairie Productions Progress Report
E Capstone Ridge Phase 2 Progress Report
F Westfield Meadows Progress Report
G Madison Street (TH 59) Progress Report
9 Communications from City Engineer
A Discussion and possible action on bids for 2007 sidewalk project.
B WWTP biosolids Progress Report
10 Communications of Public Works Director
11 New Business
A Discussion and possible action concerning the creation of a storm water utility
B Discussion regarding special meeting on Tuesday Oct. 30 6:30 p.m. at CITY HALL.
C Discussion regarding special meeting on Thursday or Friday, Nov. 1-2
12 Old Business
A Discussion and possible action regarding the Westside water issue.
B Discussion and possible action regarding streetlight placement and removal.
C Discussion and possible action reagrding City Wide Storm water mangament plan and storm water utility.
13 Adjourn
Mason Braunschweig, Chair, Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Agenda: Economic Development: October 16, 2007, 5:30PM
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 16th day of October 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, October 16th, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
1. Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
3. Motion to waive reading of the minutes of September 18th, 2007 regular meeting and approve as printed.
4. Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
5. Chamber of Commerce report.
6. City Administrators report.
7. Update on soybean crush plant.
8. City Website update and discussion.
9. Report from Downtown Reconstruction Task Force.
10. Update on Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
11. Discussion; Promotion of Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund.
· Startup Grants
12. Discussion; Room tax
13. Adjournment
Tony Wyse, Chair
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 16th day of October 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, October 16th, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
1. Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
3. Motion to waive reading of the minutes of September 18th, 2007 regular meeting and approve as printed.
4. Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
5. Chamber of Commerce report.
6. City Administrators report.
7. Update on soybean crush plant.
8. City Website update and discussion.
9. Report from Downtown Reconstruction Task Force.
10. Update on Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
11. Discussion; Promotion of Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund.
· Startup Grants
12. Discussion; Room tax
13. Adjournment
Tony Wyse, Chair
Monday, October 15, 2007
Agenda; BIG, Building Improvement Grant meets Tomorrow night
Evansville Building Improvement Grant Committee
Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 7:15 PM
Special Meeting
3rd Floor, City Hall
31 South Madison Street, Evansville
Call to order.
Roll call (James Otterstein, Betsy Ahner, Rich Modaff, John Decker, Chris Eager, Dan Wietecha).
Approval of January 22, 2007 meeting minutes.
Motion to approve application for 7 East Main Street (Dysis II - Eager Building) for $1200 building improvement grant.
Motion to approve application for 128 East Main Street (Lin - China Wok) for $1200 building improvement grant.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 7:15 PM
Special Meeting
3rd Floor, City Hall
31 South Madison Street, Evansville
Call to order.
Roll call (James Otterstein, Betsy Ahner, Rich Modaff, John Decker, Chris Eager, Dan Wietecha).
Approval of January 22, 2007 meeting minutes.
Motion to approve application for 7 East Main Street (Dysis II - Eager Building) for $1200 building improvement grant.
Motion to approve application for 128 East Main Street (Lin - China Wok) for $1200 building improvement grant.
Agenda; Evansville Redevelopment Authority: Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2007
The meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI
Call To Order
Declare Quorum
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes of September 18, 2007 meeting
Old Business
Update - Main Street construction project.
Update - Allen Creek Master Plan, final draft.
New Business
Update - BIG Committee.
Other Business
Christopher A. Eager, Chairman
The meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI
Call To Order
Declare Quorum
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes of September 18, 2007 meeting
Old Business
Update - Main Street construction project.
Update - Allen Creek Master Plan, final draft.
New Business
Update - BIG Committee.
Other Business
Christopher A. Eager, Chairman
Friday, October 12, 2007
Agenda: Park Board: Monday, October 15, 2007
City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park and Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, October 15, 2007 6:00 PM
�1. Call to Order & Roll Call.
2. Motion to waive reading minutes of September 2007 PRB meeting & approve as printed.�
3. Possible changes to agenda: motion to approve changes, if necessary.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items.
5. SOLE Committee Report.
6. Chair�s report on actions of City Committees & Common Council on items of interest to PRB.
7.� Reports/Updates on pending park projects and maintenance: Park Maintenance Supervisor Ray Anderson
�� �� �� �� �� �a.� Lake Leota Park
b.� Franklin Park
c.� Countryside Park
d. West Side Park
e.� Other projects, if any.
8.� Aquatic Report: Aquatic Director Rick Hamacher
a. Pool and pool store operations
b. Leak repair
c. Other projects, if any�
9.� Old Business.
����������������� a. Discussion of Allen Creek retaining walls restoration project, which starts October 16th.
����������������� b. Lake Leota Restoration; initial discussion on the Engineering proposals received and proposed process for moving forward.� �� �� �� �� �
10. New Business
11.� Motion to Adjourn.
Fred Juergens, 2nd District Alderperson,
Park and Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, October 15, 2007 6:00 PM
�1. Call to Order & Roll Call.
2. Motion to waive reading minutes of September 2007 PRB meeting & approve as printed.�
3. Possible changes to agenda: motion to approve changes, if necessary.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items.
5. SOLE Committee Report.
6. Chair�s report on actions of City Committees & Common Council on items of interest to PRB.
7.� Reports/Updates on pending park projects and maintenance: Park Maintenance Supervisor Ray Anderson
�� �� �� �� �� �a.� Lake Leota Park
b.� Franklin Park
c.� Countryside Park
d. West Side Park
e.� Other projects, if any.
8.� Aquatic Report: Aquatic Director Rick Hamacher
a. Pool and pool store operations
b. Leak repair
c. Other projects, if any�
9.� Old Business.
����������������� a. Discussion of Allen Creek retaining walls restoration project, which starts October 16th.
����������������� b. Lake Leota Restoration; initial discussion on the Engineering proposals received and proposed process for moving forward.� �� �� �� �� �
10. New Business
11.� Motion to Adjourn.
Fred Juergens, 2nd District Alderperson,
Agenda: Common Council Strategic Planning Meeting--Saturday, Oct. 13, 2007, 9am, Bank of Evansville Community Room
Evansville Common Council Strategic Planning Meeting
Saturday, October 13, 2007
9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Bank of Evansville Community Room
12 J. Lindemann Drive
Call to order.
Roll call.
Approval of agenda.
Citizen appearances.
Public hearing on sidewalk assessments.
Staff report.
Initial Discussion by Council.
Public hearing.
Final Discussion by Council.
Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-45, Final Resolution Authorizing Installation of Sidewalk and Levying Special Assessments against Benefited Properties for Same.
Motion to adopt Resolution.2007-41 Creating, Describing and Making Certain Findings and Approving Project Plan for Tax Incremental District #8.
Mayoral appointments.
Motion to waive seven day notice on citizen committee appointments.
Motion to approve Michael Pierick, 126 Grove Street, to the Advisory Committee on the Unified Land Development Code (formerly named TND Committee).
Motion to approve Roger Berg, 6508 Ron Road, to the Advisory Committee on the Unified Land Development Code (formerly named TND Committee).
Motion to approve Jeff Hanson, 535 Greenview Drive, to the Board of Appeals for an unexpired term ending in 2010.
Motion to approve Jeff Hanson, 535 Greenview Drive, as 2nd alternate to the Board of Appeals for 2007.
Review of open meeting and open records law (notice; e-mail; rolling quorum; minutes; records retention; review posting requirements).
Council Procedural Improvements.
Discuss changing Council to Thursday after Monday Finance meetings.
Re-establish Committee of the Whole.
Re-establish Ordinance/Resolution Committee.
Facilities, equipment and staffing requirements (include succession discussion; records storage)
Fire Department.
Police Department.
Municipal Court.
Public Works (garage; WWTP).
Water and Light (garage; substations).
Library (Post Office).
City Hall (Old City Administrator office; tuck pointing & painting; staff reorganization).
Dean Center.
Projects review.
Allen Creek walls.
Lake Leota.
Storm water improvements.
J. Lindemann roundabout.
WWTP upgrade.
Other street projects.
New Fire Station.
Library addition.
Renovation of old fire station.
Prioritization of Projects.
Projects financing.
Storm Water Utility.
Alternative Revenue Sources.
Intergovernmental cooperation.
Policy matters.
Unified Land Development Code.
Annexation and Extraterritorial Zoning.
Economic Development.
TID #7 (Crush; State grant applications).
TID #6 (Status).
TID #5 (Allen Creek Redevelopment Plan).
Economic Development Committee Planning Project.
Chamber of Commerce relationship.
Next steps.
Evansville Common Council Strategic Planning Meeting
Saturday, October 13, 2007
9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Bank of Evansville Community Room
12 J. Lindemann Drive
Call to order.
Roll call.
Approval of agenda.
Citizen appearances.
Public hearing on sidewalk assessments.
Staff report.
Initial Discussion by Council.
Public hearing.
Final Discussion by Council.
Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-45, Final Resolution Authorizing Installation of Sidewalk and Levying Special Assessments against Benefited Properties for Same.
Motion to adopt Resolution.2007-41 Creating, Describing and Making Certain Findings and Approving Project Plan for Tax Incremental District #8.
Mayoral appointments.
Motion to waive seven day notice on citizen committee appointments.
Motion to approve Michael Pierick, 126 Grove Street, to the Advisory Committee on the Unified Land Development Code (formerly named TND Committee).
Motion to approve Roger Berg, 6508 Ron Road, to the Advisory Committee on the Unified Land Development Code (formerly named TND Committee).
Motion to approve Jeff Hanson, 535 Greenview Drive, to the Board of Appeals for an unexpired term ending in 2010.
Motion to approve Jeff Hanson, 535 Greenview Drive, as 2nd alternate to the Board of Appeals for 2007.
Review of open meeting and open records law (notice; e-mail; rolling quorum; minutes; records retention; review posting requirements).
Council Procedural Improvements.
Discuss changing Council to Thursday after Monday Finance meetings.
Re-establish Committee of the Whole.
Re-establish Ordinance/Resolution Committee.
Facilities, equipment and staffing requirements (include succession discussion; records storage)
Fire Department.
Police Department.
Municipal Court.
Public Works (garage; WWTP).
Water and Light (garage; substations).
Library (Post Office).
City Hall (Old City Administrator office; tuck pointing & painting; staff reorganization).
Dean Center.
Projects review.
Allen Creek walls.
Lake Leota.
Storm water improvements.
J. Lindemann roundabout.
WWTP upgrade.
Other street projects.
New Fire Station.
Library addition.
Renovation of old fire station.
Prioritization of Projects.
Projects financing.
Storm Water Utility.
Alternative Revenue Sources.
Intergovernmental cooperation.
Policy matters.
Unified Land Development Code.
Annexation and Extraterritorial Zoning.
Economic Development.
TID #7 (Crush; State grant applications).
TID #6 (Status).
TID #5 (Allen Creek Redevelopment Plan).
Economic Development Committee Planning Project.
Chamber of Commerce relationship.
Next steps.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Agenda: Economic Development; October 16, 2007
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 16th day of October 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, October 16th, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
Motion to waive reading of the minutes of September 18th, 2007 regular meeting and approve as printed.
Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
Chamber of Commerce report.
City Administrators report.
Update on soybean crush plant.
City Website update and discussion.
Report from Downtown Reconstruction Task Force.
Update on Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
Discussion; Promotion of Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund.
Startup Grants
Discussion; Room tax
13. Adjournment
Tony Wyse, Chair
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 16th day of October 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, October 16th, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
Motion to waive reading of the minutes of September 18th, 2007 regular meeting and approve as printed.
Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
Chamber of Commerce report.
City Administrators report.
Update on soybean crush plant.
City Website update and discussion.
Report from Downtown Reconstruction Task Force.
Update on Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
Discussion; Promotion of Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund.
Startup Grants
Discussion; Room tax
13. Adjournment
Tony Wyse, Chair
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Agenda: ECP: October 10, 2007
Evansville Community Partnership
October 10, 2007 Agenda
Our Mission: to give all members of the community an opportunity to participate in the cooperative creation of an economically and socially sound, vibrant future for our community and its people.
Process Monitor: __________________________
“This person keeps the flow of the meeting on time. He or she supports participants in staying on point, maintaining civil dialogue, and honoring the team’s ground rules. This may rotate from meeting to meeting. This person monitors the process, as opposed to content.”
1. Opening round at 7:00 pm
2. Appoint process monitor
3. Review agenda
4. Approve minutes
5. Financial report (Heidi)
6. President’s report (Rebecca)
7. Coordinator’s report (Robin)
8. Appreciative Inquiry Exercise (Heidi)
9. Report from Imagine Evansville team (Doug)
10. Chili Cook-off (Jean)
11. Amendments to By Laws (John)
12. School for Girls (Susan)
13. Grand Writing Update (John)
14. Set agenda for next meeting
15. Meeting Critique/Closing
Meeting materials:
o ECP Monthly Record for September
o October 10, 2007 agenda
October 10, 2007 Agenda
Our Mission: to give all members of the community an opportunity to participate in the cooperative creation of an economically and socially sound, vibrant future for our community and its people.
Process Monitor: __________________________
“This person keeps the flow of the meeting on time. He or she supports participants in staying on point, maintaining civil dialogue, and honoring the team’s ground rules. This may rotate from meeting to meeting. This person monitors the process, as opposed to content.”
1. Opening round at 7:00 pm
2. Appoint process monitor
3. Review agenda
4. Approve minutes
5. Financial report (Heidi)
6. President’s report (Rebecca)
7. Coordinator’s report (Robin)
8. Appreciative Inquiry Exercise (Heidi)
9. Report from Imagine Evansville team (Doug)
10. Chili Cook-off (Jean)
11. Amendments to By Laws (John)
12. School for Girls (Susan)
13. Grand Writing Update (John)
14. Set agenda for next meeting
15. Meeting Critique/Closing
Meeting materials:
o ECP Monthly Record for September
o October 10, 2007 agenda
Monday, October 8, 2007
Agenda: Common Council, October 9, 2007; 6:30PM
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, October 9, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of September 11, 2007, regular meeting and the September 27, 2007, special meeting and to approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances
1. SOLE Committee
2. ECP
3. Primetimers
4. Public Hearing: Assessments for Main Street Utility and Roadway Improvements.
1. Staff report.
2. Initial discussion by Council.
3. Public hearing.
4. Final discussion by Council.
5. Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-44, Final Resolution Authorizing Installation of Sanitary Sewer and Water Laterals and Street Improvements and Levying Special Assessments against Benefited Properties for Same.
6. Reports of Committees
1. Plan Commission Report
2. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
1. Motion to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment.
2. Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
3. Motion to approve engagement of Quarles & Brady as bond counsel for $940,000 taxable general obligation community development bond issue.
4. Discussion and motion to approve Resolution 2007-40, Authorizing the Sale of $940,000 Taxable General Obligation Community Development Bonds.
5. Discussion and motion to approve Resolution 2007-42, Accepting Proposal for $169,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes. [For purchase of current Fire Station property].
6. Motion to approve Lease of Fire Station to Evansville Fire Protection District from November 1, 2007, to December 31, 2008.
7. Discussion and motion to approve Resolution 2007-43, Accepting Proposal for $200,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes. [For potential purchase of current Post Office property].
8. Discussion and motion to approve 5-year capital budget for 2008-2012.
9. First reading of Ordinance 2007-16, Adopting 2008 Operating Budget and Setting Levies.
10. Motion to publish proposed 2008 operating budget.
11. Motion to approve US Cellular contract extension.
3. Public Safety Committee Report
1. Motion to approve write-off of bad debt in the amount of $2,981.84 and to designate the parties of these 14 calls for tax intercept.
4. Public Works Committee Report
5. Water & Light Committee Report
6. Economic Development Committee Report
1. Motion to approve revised Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Policies & Procedures Manual.
7. Redevelopment Authority Report
8. Parks and Recreation Board Report
9. Historic Preservation Commission Report
10. Fire District Report
11. Police Commission Report
7. Unfinished Business
1. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-14, Rezoning Territory from Residential District One-A to Residential District One-C. [Property is in Capstone Ridge, Sponsors Wyse and Juergens].
8. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
1. Proclamation Celebrating Evansville as the Soybean Capital of Wisconsin.
9. Communications from the City Administrator
10. New Business
11. Introduction of New Ordinances
12. Special Meeting 9:00 am, Saturday, October 13, for strategic planning.
13. Motion to adjourn
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, October 9, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of September 11, 2007, regular meeting and the September 27, 2007, special meeting and to approve them as printed.
5. Citizen appearances
1. SOLE Committee
2. ECP
3. Primetimers
4. Public Hearing: Assessments for Main Street Utility and Roadway Improvements.
1. Staff report.
2. Initial discussion by Council.
3. Public hearing.
4. Final discussion by Council.
5. Motion to adopt Resolution 2007-44, Final Resolution Authorizing Installation of Sanitary Sewer and Water Laterals and Street Improvements and Levying Special Assessments against Benefited Properties for Same.
6. Reports of Committees
1. Plan Commission Report
2. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
1. Motion to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment.
2. Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
3. Motion to approve engagement of Quarles & Brady as bond counsel for $940,000 taxable general obligation community development bond issue.
4. Discussion and motion to approve Resolution 2007-40, Authorizing the Sale of $940,000 Taxable General Obligation Community Development Bonds.
5. Discussion and motion to approve Resolution 2007-42, Accepting Proposal for $169,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes. [For purchase of current Fire Station property].
6. Motion to approve Lease of Fire Station to Evansville Fire Protection District from November 1, 2007, to December 31, 2008.
7. Discussion and motion to approve Resolution 2007-43, Accepting Proposal for $200,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes. [For potential purchase of current Post Office property].
8. Discussion and motion to approve 5-year capital budget for 2008-2012.
9. First reading of Ordinance 2007-16, Adopting 2008 Operating Budget and Setting Levies.
10. Motion to publish proposed 2008 operating budget.
11. Motion to approve US Cellular contract extension.
3. Public Safety Committee Report
1. Motion to approve write-off of bad debt in the amount of $2,981.84 and to designate the parties of these 14 calls for tax intercept.
4. Public Works Committee Report
5. Water & Light Committee Report
6. Economic Development Committee Report
1. Motion to approve revised Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Policies & Procedures Manual.
7. Redevelopment Authority Report
8. Parks and Recreation Board Report
9. Historic Preservation Commission Report
10. Fire District Report
11. Police Commission Report
7. Unfinished Business
1. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2007-14, Rezoning Territory from Residential District One-A to Residential District One-C. [Property is in Capstone Ridge, Sponsors Wyse and Juergens].
8. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
1. Proclamation Celebrating Evansville as the Soybean Capital of Wisconsin.
9. Communications from the City Administrator
10. New Business
11. Introduction of New Ordinances
12. Special Meeting 9:00 am, Saturday, October 13, for strategic planning.
13. Motion to adjourn
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Agenda: Finance Committee: Monday, October 8, 2007, 5:30PM
The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Monday, October 8, 2007, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Approval of Agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the September 6, 2007, meeting and approve as printed.
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
6. Motion to approve the W&L bills and authorize their payment.
7. Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
8. Unfinished Business
1. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of engagement of Quarles & Brady as bond counsel for $940,000 taxable general obligation community development bond issue.
2. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2007-40, Authorizing the Sale of $940,000 Taxable General Obligation Community Development Bonds.
3. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2007-42, Accepting Proposal for $169,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes. [For purchase of current Fire Station property].
4. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Lease of Fire Station to Evansville Fire Protection District from November 1, 2007, to December 31, 2008.
5. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2007-43, Accepting Proposal for $200,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes. [For potential purchase of current Post Office property].
6. Discussion of proposed 2008 operating budget, first reading of Ordinance 2007-16, Adopting 2008 Operating Budget and Setting Levies.
7. Motion to recommend to Common Council publication of proposed 2008 operating budget.
8. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of US Cellular contract extension.
9. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council approval of revised Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Policies & Procedures Manual.
10. Discussion on pricing formula for vacant parcel on Water Street.
11. Discussion on employee union contracts. Committee may meet in closed session per Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e).
9. New Business
1. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of write-off of bad debt in the amount of $2,981.84 and to designate the parties of these 14 calls for tax intercept.
10. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chair
Finance & Labor Relations Committee
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Monday, October 8, 2007, 5:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Approval of Agenda.
4. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the September 6, 2007, meeting and approve as printed.
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
6. Motion to approve the W&L bills and authorize their payment.
7. Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
8. Unfinished Business
1. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of engagement of Quarles & Brady as bond counsel for $940,000 taxable general obligation community development bond issue.
2. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2007-40, Authorizing the Sale of $940,000 Taxable General Obligation Community Development Bonds.
3. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2007-42, Accepting Proposal for $169,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes. [For purchase of current Fire Station property].
4. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Lease of Fire Station to Evansville Fire Protection District from November 1, 2007, to December 31, 2008.
5. Discussion and possible motion to recommend to Common Council approval of Resolution 2007-43, Accepting Proposal for $200,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes. [For potential purchase of current Post Office property].
6. Discussion of proposed 2008 operating budget, first reading of Ordinance 2007-16, Adopting 2008 Operating Budget and Setting Levies.
7. Motion to recommend to Common Council publication of proposed 2008 operating budget.
8. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of US Cellular contract extension.
9. Discussion and motion to recommend to Common Council approval of revised Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Policies & Procedures Manual.
10. Discussion on pricing formula for vacant parcel on Water Street.
11. Discussion on employee union contracts. Committee may meet in closed session per Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e).
9. New Business
1. Motion to recommend to Common Council approval of write-off of bad debt in the amount of $2,981.84 and to designate the parties of these 14 calls for tax intercept.
10. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chair
Finance & Labor Relations Committee
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Matt Gaboda Letter: Water and Light September 2007
September 26th 2007 Evansville Water and Light Committee Meeting
My name is Matt Gaboda, I live at 552 South Sixth Street in Evansville. I am a former town of Union resident who still has family and friends who reside there. I have a lot of respect and admiration for the over 150 years of commitment to conservation and preservation that the town has displayed.
Thank you for allowing me to speak to you tonight about the proposed Large Wind Turbine project in the town of Union. I want to make clear that my statements are not at all related to the towns Large Wind Turbine Ordinance process, that is a town issue. I am here tonight to discuss the proposed site, representation and questions and answers about WPPI’s Renewable Energy information that the city has been sending out to Evansville Water and Light customers.
First of all, the proposed area in which WPPI is seeking to erect 400 ft tall turbines is in Evansville Water and Lights service area in the town of Union. The residents of the town of Union who would be adjacent to the proposed turbine site pay there electric bills at the same place every city of Evansville resident does. The city of Evansville voted in July 2006 to become an owner/member of WPPI. The WPPI Board of Directors is composed of Owner/Member communities, of which the Town of Union is.
Who is the representative for the Water and Light Committee from the town of Union? What representation does the town of Union have on WPPI’s Board of Directors? What entity from the city of Evansville contacted the town of Union to “test the water” with the Large Turbine Proposal. Was any information collected from any and all landowners and residents in the general proposed area ahead of time?
I would personally be alarmed and ashamed to be a resident of a city that dictates policy to a neighboring member/owner township without there consent. I hate to pull out my fife and play Yankee Doodle, but this one belittles everything America was built on. I’m sure you’ll come up with some excuse or reasoning why things are the way they are, but how many adjacent residents and landowners to the proposed turbine project have you spoken to? They are the ones who will have to live with this committee and cities actions or lack there of. Visiting a Turbine site vs. living next to one are apples and oranges. I know of over Twenty town of Union landowners in the proposed area that are either strongly opposed or not fully supportive of this project. Read the July and August minutes from the Plan Commission and the Town Board of Union if you want some binding confirmation. Not one resident in the town of Union has spoken in favor of this turbine proposal at any public meeting. WPPI claims that nothing has been set in stone yet, “yet” is the imperative word. Hiring a development company to sneak into a township and secure land rights while inviting them to private catered meetings out of town for prospective landowners only, is not, “kicking the tires”, to me. Actions speak louder than words. If you think I am exaggerating, ask WPPI who the first three landowners they contacted in the proposed area were? Common sense would dictate that people who will benefit financially will be more likely to turn a blind eye versus those who just happened to draw a short straw and live extremely close to the proposed area. Adjacent landowners should have been contacted first, get there input, see what they think, once everyone is on the same page, then proceed with the easy part. Its all big business, it’s not about the “energy”. If WPPI had any morals or scruples they would have politely withdrew any interest in the town of Union based on an overwhelming lack of support from the community and its core government.
WPPI has a map of the proposed area; it shows setbacks from roads, residential dwellings and property lines. WPPI’s developer figures 500 ft setbacks from roads and property lines. I don’t know where WPPI’s developer came up with that number, but according to the recommended website by EcoEnergyLLC, Windustry. It states that a turbines wake is 8-11 times the rotor diameter, and for protection of neighboring wind rights a turbine should be erected no closer than 5 times the rotor diameter to an adjacent property line. Based on an 82 meter blade diameter I came up with 1345 ft. I am not a research scientist, and I may have overlooked something, so you can read this yourself and check my math.
You may think this has nothing to do with this committee. If so, you are mistaken. By owning controlling stake in WPPI, you are funding and aiding this unnecessary, irresponsible, bastardization of the town of Union. No one in this city has the class to ask Kendall Schneider what he has to say. I have requested many city officials to do so, including this committee. If I wanted to build a fence on your property, whom would seek input from whom. Give me a break; you treat the town of Union like a mushroom.
As for WPPI sending out misleading information at my expense is also embarrassing. Saying that wind energy is 100% emission free, is a flat out lie. Didn’t anybody tell WPPI that wind turbines need tons of power off the grid to get the blades spinning in hopes that the wind will maintain their rotation. They will be literally “Turned On” in hopes that the wind will keep them spinning. Where does that power come from? Coal or Natural Gas, that is where. When these turbines are “Turned On” there is a possibility of a brown out due to the massive amount of power they take to get the blades moving. If WPPI wants to put my money where there mouth is, they will have no problem with having every turbine they purchase power from be net metered. What I mean is, I want to see how much power goes in and how much comes out on the grid. If there is nothing to hide, maybe I should have done more research. It seems like people think that these 400 ft turbines sprout out of the ground from some magic beans and are 100% organic. These are massive Industrial machines. These machines are marginally efficient at best, and when I say at best, that means in areas that unlike Rock County have Level 4 average wind speed. The Dakotas, parts of Minnesota and Iowa.
WPPI is also using foreign oil as a scapegoat, Wisconsin generates around 1-2% of its electricity from oil, and that oil is not of a very high grade.
Wind turbines by there variable nature will only be a novelty supplement in the energy mix. If the government subsidies and incentives were to end, so would the turbine craze. Wind turbines in this area are like the bosses son at work who shows up a couple of days a week; you never know when he’s coming in or when he will leave. You want to make him feel wanted so you give him busy work to make him feel like he’s helping. In reality the core group of workers who are there every day 8-5 do all the heavy lifting with no accolades, but when junior comes in two days straight he makes the front page of the company newsletter.
If the Evansville Water and Light, the City of Evansville, and WPPI want to do what is best for our future, buy renewable energy from areas where it is viably and not emotionally placed. I understand the 10% by 2015 criteria. It doesn’t say that it has to come from WI. My daughter loves pineapple, but I know that Wisconsin isn’t the ideal location to grow them. No company would consider a pineapple farm in Wisconsin unless it was overly subsidized and given incentives so that the lack of production would not interfere with profit.
I also want to make sure that it is known that I support responsible well sited productive renewable energy. I use compact bulbs, between my wife and I we drive less than 10,000 miles a year total. I’ve recycled close to 100,000 pounds of material in the last two years, I carpool, and I practice what I preach. I think the answer is not in More’s Law, I think is in Less’s Law. Conserving what we have is much more effective than finding more ways to produce power. Let’s encourage incentives for using less, instead of asking people to pay to produce more.
WPPI has an easy choice, keep force feeding the town of Union and its landowners what they don’t want, or find an appropriate location where common sense criteria is met. No one will win if WPPI forces this project through. I not only predict, I guarantee legal action in the Town of Union, if WPPI is looking for a fight, it came to the right place. Respectfully withdraw your interest in the town of Union and let its citizens get back to the life they had enjoyed before WPPI came to town.
I am here today asking that this Water and Light Commission draft and pass appropriate wording informing WPPI that they are not in compliance with there renewable energy initiative in the town of Union and that you feel it would be best for all parties involved if they withdrew any interest or intent of erecting Large Wind Turbines in the Town of Union effective immediately.
I appreciate your patience with this speech, I am expecting results, your job is to do what is best for the whole community and not just a wishful thinking pet project. I am submitting this letter verbatim for the minutes of the September 2007 meeting of Evansville’s Water and Light Committee, as I expect to see it approved as such. I do not wish to take such a direct approach to this committee, but I don’t think you realize how many families’ social, mental, and financial well being are being taken for granted.
Thank you.
My name is Matt Gaboda, I live at 552 South Sixth Street in Evansville. I am a former town of Union resident who still has family and friends who reside there. I have a lot of respect and admiration for the over 150 years of commitment to conservation and preservation that the town has displayed.
Thank you for allowing me to speak to you tonight about the proposed Large Wind Turbine project in the town of Union. I want to make clear that my statements are not at all related to the towns Large Wind Turbine Ordinance process, that is a town issue. I am here tonight to discuss the proposed site, representation and questions and answers about WPPI’s Renewable Energy information that the city has been sending out to Evansville Water and Light customers.
First of all, the proposed area in which WPPI is seeking to erect 400 ft tall turbines is in Evansville Water and Lights service area in the town of Union. The residents of the town of Union who would be adjacent to the proposed turbine site pay there electric bills at the same place every city of Evansville resident does. The city of Evansville voted in July 2006 to become an owner/member of WPPI. The WPPI Board of Directors is composed of Owner/Member communities, of which the Town of Union is.
Who is the representative for the Water and Light Committee from the town of Union? What representation does the town of Union have on WPPI’s Board of Directors? What entity from the city of Evansville contacted the town of Union to “test the water” with the Large Turbine Proposal. Was any information collected from any and all landowners and residents in the general proposed area ahead of time?
I would personally be alarmed and ashamed to be a resident of a city that dictates policy to a neighboring member/owner township without there consent. I hate to pull out my fife and play Yankee Doodle, but this one belittles everything America was built on. I’m sure you’ll come up with some excuse or reasoning why things are the way they are, but how many adjacent residents and landowners to the proposed turbine project have you spoken to? They are the ones who will have to live with this committee and cities actions or lack there of. Visiting a Turbine site vs. living next to one are apples and oranges. I know of over Twenty town of Union landowners in the proposed area that are either strongly opposed or not fully supportive of this project. Read the July and August minutes from the Plan Commission and the Town Board of Union if you want some binding confirmation. Not one resident in the town of Union has spoken in favor of this turbine proposal at any public meeting. WPPI claims that nothing has been set in stone yet, “yet” is the imperative word. Hiring a development company to sneak into a township and secure land rights while inviting them to private catered meetings out of town for prospective landowners only, is not, “kicking the tires”, to me. Actions speak louder than words. If you think I am exaggerating, ask WPPI who the first three landowners they contacted in the proposed area were? Common sense would dictate that people who will benefit financially will be more likely to turn a blind eye versus those who just happened to draw a short straw and live extremely close to the proposed area. Adjacent landowners should have been contacted first, get there input, see what they think, once everyone is on the same page, then proceed with the easy part. Its all big business, it’s not about the “energy”. If WPPI had any morals or scruples they would have politely withdrew any interest in the town of Union based on an overwhelming lack of support from the community and its core government.
WPPI has a map of the proposed area; it shows setbacks from roads, residential dwellings and property lines. WPPI’s developer figures 500 ft setbacks from roads and property lines. I don’t know where WPPI’s developer came up with that number, but according to the recommended website by EcoEnergyLLC, Windustry. It states that a turbines wake is 8-11 times the rotor diameter, and for protection of neighboring wind rights a turbine should be erected no closer than 5 times the rotor diameter to an adjacent property line. Based on an 82 meter blade diameter I came up with 1345 ft. I am not a research scientist, and I may have overlooked something, so you can read this yourself and check my math.
You may think this has nothing to do with this committee. If so, you are mistaken. By owning controlling stake in WPPI, you are funding and aiding this unnecessary, irresponsible, bastardization of the town of Union. No one in this city has the class to ask Kendall Schneider what he has to say. I have requested many city officials to do so, including this committee. If I wanted to build a fence on your property, whom would seek input from whom. Give me a break; you treat the town of Union like a mushroom.
As for WPPI sending out misleading information at my expense is also embarrassing. Saying that wind energy is 100% emission free, is a flat out lie. Didn’t anybody tell WPPI that wind turbines need tons of power off the grid to get the blades spinning in hopes that the wind will maintain their rotation. They will be literally “Turned On” in hopes that the wind will keep them spinning. Where does that power come from? Coal or Natural Gas, that is where. When these turbines are “Turned On” there is a possibility of a brown out due to the massive amount of power they take to get the blades moving. If WPPI wants to put my money where there mouth is, they will have no problem with having every turbine they purchase power from be net metered. What I mean is, I want to see how much power goes in and how much comes out on the grid. If there is nothing to hide, maybe I should have done more research. It seems like people think that these 400 ft turbines sprout out of the ground from some magic beans and are 100% organic. These are massive Industrial machines. These machines are marginally efficient at best, and when I say at best, that means in areas that unlike Rock County have Level 4 average wind speed. The Dakotas, parts of Minnesota and Iowa.
WPPI is also using foreign oil as a scapegoat, Wisconsin generates around 1-2% of its electricity from oil, and that oil is not of a very high grade.
Wind turbines by there variable nature will only be a novelty supplement in the energy mix. If the government subsidies and incentives were to end, so would the turbine craze. Wind turbines in this area are like the bosses son at work who shows up a couple of days a week; you never know when he’s coming in or when he will leave. You want to make him feel wanted so you give him busy work to make him feel like he’s helping. In reality the core group of workers who are there every day 8-5 do all the heavy lifting with no accolades, but when junior comes in two days straight he makes the front page of the company newsletter.
If the Evansville Water and Light, the City of Evansville, and WPPI want to do what is best for our future, buy renewable energy from areas where it is viably and not emotionally placed. I understand the 10% by 2015 criteria. It doesn’t say that it has to come from WI. My daughter loves pineapple, but I know that Wisconsin isn’t the ideal location to grow them. No company would consider a pineapple farm in Wisconsin unless it was overly subsidized and given incentives so that the lack of production would not interfere with profit.
I also want to make sure that it is known that I support responsible well sited productive renewable energy. I use compact bulbs, between my wife and I we drive less than 10,000 miles a year total. I’ve recycled close to 100,000 pounds of material in the last two years, I carpool, and I practice what I preach. I think the answer is not in More’s Law, I think is in Less’s Law. Conserving what we have is much more effective than finding more ways to produce power. Let’s encourage incentives for using less, instead of asking people to pay to produce more.
WPPI has an easy choice, keep force feeding the town of Union and its landowners what they don’t want, or find an appropriate location where common sense criteria is met. No one will win if WPPI forces this project through. I not only predict, I guarantee legal action in the Town of Union, if WPPI is looking for a fight, it came to the right place. Respectfully withdraw your interest in the town of Union and let its citizens get back to the life they had enjoyed before WPPI came to town.
I am here today asking that this Water and Light Commission draft and pass appropriate wording informing WPPI that they are not in compliance with there renewable energy initiative in the town of Union and that you feel it would be best for all parties involved if they withdrew any interest or intent of erecting Large Wind Turbines in the Town of Union effective immediately.
I appreciate your patience with this speech, I am expecting results, your job is to do what is best for the whole community and not just a wishful thinking pet project. I am submitting this letter verbatim for the minutes of the September 2007 meeting of Evansville’s Water and Light Committee, as I expect to see it approved as such. I do not wish to take such a direct approach to this committee, but I don’t think you realize how many families’ social, mental, and financial well being are being taken for granted.
Thank you.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Agenda: Public Safety: October 3, 2007
The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 3rd day of October 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 6:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Room
31 S Madison Street
AGENDA (Draft)
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to approve the September 5, 2007 minutes as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
5. Evansville Police Report
6. Evansville Medical Service Report
Old Business
New Business
A. Motion to approve the request for an operator license for:
1. Darlene L. Ballweg
2. Thomas L. Allen
3. Stephen J Selgrat
9. Motion to adjourn
Diane Roberts, Chairperson
The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 3rd day of October 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 6:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Room
31 S Madison Street
AGENDA (Draft)
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to approve the September 5, 2007 minutes as printed.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
5. Evansville Police Report
6. Evansville Medical Service Report
Old Business
New Business
A. Motion to approve the request for an operator license for:
1. Darlene L. Ballweg
2. Thomas L. Allen
3. Stephen J Selgrat
9. Motion to adjourn
Diane Roberts, Chairperson
Monday, October 1, 2007
Agenda: Plan Commission: Monday, October 1, 2007; 6:00PM
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, October 1, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
Call to order
Roll call
Approval of agenda
Approval of minutes
Motion to approve the September 4, 2007 minutes as printed
Motion to approve the September 26, 2007 minutes as printed
Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
Unfinished business
Update on Allen Creek redevelopment master plan
Discussion regarding the City's Community Rating System (CRS) classification with regard to flood insurance premiums
New business
Variance from height standards, North Prairie Productions applicant (Application 2007-25)
Initial presentation by applicant
Staff report
Initial discussion by Plan Commission
Public hearing
Final discussion by Plan Commission
Closing comments by applicant
Motion to approve the application
Site plan amendment for North Prairie Productions biodiesel plant, North Prairie Productions LLC applicant (Application 2007-26)
Initial presentation by applicant
Staff report
Plan Commission discussion
Closing comments by applicant
Motion to approve the application with conditions as contained in the staff report (and other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission)
Extraterritorial plat review for Conifer Hills 3rd Addition, Charles and Dolores Rohloff applicant (Application 2007-28)
Initial presentation by applicant
Staff report
Plan Commission discussion
Closing comments by applicant
Motion to approve the application with conditions as contained in the staff report (and other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission)
Zoning code map amendment to rezone 14 lots in Capstone Ridge from R-1A to R-1C, city of Evansville applicant (Application 2007-30)
Initial presentation by applicant
Staff report
Initial discussion by Plan Commission
Public hearing
Final discussion by Plan Commission
Closing comments by applicant
Motion to recommend to Common Council the adoption of Ordinance 2007-14 as drafted
Discussion regarding the extension of Ordinance 2005-39 (minimum house sizes)
Discussion regarding appropriateness of sign regulations - initiated by John Morning and Roger Berg
Discussion regarding outdoor lighting ordinance and Mike Scarmon's (city resident) offer of assistance
Preliminary development presentations
Evansville Community Senior Center (southeast corner of Maple Street and Church Street)
Health Club (off of Brown School Road in John Morning's strip mall)
Update and discussion regarding Rock County's draft smart growth comprehensive plan - next meeting set for November 8, 2007
Update on administrative review of site plan amendments - none
Report of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority - none
Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission - none
Report of the Traditional Neighborhood Development/Residential Design Study Committee - discussion on possible re-organization of committee and members
Update on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
Update on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters - none
Fence at 535 South 5th Street, Raymond Nipple
Compliance with site plan conditions for application 2007-10 (motor vehicle storage yard) Hans Kleisch
Compliance with site plan for application 2006-18 (expansion of restaurant) Frank Romano
Next regular meeting date - Monday, November 5, 2007
Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, October 1, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
Call to order
Roll call
Approval of agenda
Approval of minutes
Motion to approve the September 4, 2007 minutes as printed
Motion to approve the September 26, 2007 minutes as printed
Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
Unfinished business
Update on Allen Creek redevelopment master plan
Discussion regarding the City's Community Rating System (CRS) classification with regard to flood insurance premiums
New business
Variance from height standards, North Prairie Productions applicant (Application 2007-25)
Initial presentation by applicant
Staff report
Initial discussion by Plan Commission
Public hearing
Final discussion by Plan Commission
Closing comments by applicant
Motion to approve the application
Site plan amendment for North Prairie Productions biodiesel plant, North Prairie Productions LLC applicant (Application 2007-26)
Initial presentation by applicant
Staff report
Plan Commission discussion
Closing comments by applicant
Motion to approve the application with conditions as contained in the staff report (and other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission)
Extraterritorial plat review for Conifer Hills 3rd Addition, Charles and Dolores Rohloff applicant (Application 2007-28)
Initial presentation by applicant
Staff report
Plan Commission discussion
Closing comments by applicant
Motion to approve the application with conditions as contained in the staff report (and other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission)
Zoning code map amendment to rezone 14 lots in Capstone Ridge from R-1A to R-1C, city of Evansville applicant (Application 2007-30)
Initial presentation by applicant
Staff report
Initial discussion by Plan Commission
Public hearing
Final discussion by Plan Commission
Closing comments by applicant
Motion to recommend to Common Council the adoption of Ordinance 2007-14 as drafted
Discussion regarding the extension of Ordinance 2005-39 (minimum house sizes)
Discussion regarding appropriateness of sign regulations - initiated by John Morning and Roger Berg
Discussion regarding outdoor lighting ordinance and Mike Scarmon's (city resident) offer of assistance
Preliminary development presentations
Evansville Community Senior Center (southeast corner of Maple Street and Church Street)
Health Club (off of Brown School Road in John Morning's strip mall)
Update and discussion regarding Rock County's draft smart growth comprehensive plan - next meeting set for November 8, 2007
Update on administrative review of site plan amendments - none
Report of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority - none
Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission - none
Report of the Traditional Neighborhood Development/Residential Design Study Committee - discussion on possible re-organization of committee and members
Update on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
Update on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters - none
Fence at 535 South 5th Street, Raymond Nipple
Compliance with site plan conditions for application 2007-10 (motor vehicle storage yard) Hans Kleisch
Compliance with site plan for application 2006-18 (expansion of restaurant) Frank Romano
Next regular meeting date - Monday, November 5, 2007
Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Agenda; Joint Review Board: TIF 8; 5:30PM Wed, Sept 26
September 26, 2007 at 5:30 p.m.
Evansville City Hall
31 S. Madison Street
1. Call to order
2. Election and/or reaffirmation of Chairperson
3. Consideration and appointment and/or reaffirmation of the Joint Review Board’s public member
4. Discuss responsibilities of the Joint Review Board
5. Discuss & review project plan
6. Set next meeting date
7. Adjourn
September 26, 2007 at 5:30 p.m.
Evansville City Hall
31 S. Madison Street
1. Call to order
2. Election and/or reaffirmation of Chairperson
3. Consideration and appointment and/or reaffirmation of the Joint Review Board’s public member
4. Discuss responsibilities of the Joint Review Board
5. Discuss & review project plan
6. Set next meeting date
7. Adjourn
Agenda: Special Plan Commission Meeting: Wed. Sept 26, 2007 6PM
A special meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Special Meeting
Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
1. Motion to defer reading and adoption of the September 4, 2007 minutes until the next regular meeting
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. New business
1. TIF Increment District No. 8
1. Presentation by staff
2. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
3. Public hearing
4. Final discussion by Plan Commission
5. Motion to adopt Plan Commission Resolution 2007-6 as drafted, recommending to Council the creation of Tax Increment District No. 8 and approval of the project plan
7. Next regular meeting date – Monday, October 1, 2007
8. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting
A special meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Special Meeting
Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of minutes
1. Motion to defer reading and adoption of the September 4, 2007 minutes until the next regular meeting
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. New business
1. TIF Increment District No. 8
1. Presentation by staff
2. Initial discussion by Plan Commission
3. Public hearing
4. Final discussion by Plan Commission
5. Motion to adopt Plan Commission Resolution 2007-6 as drafted, recommending to Council the creation of Tax Increment District No. 8 and approval of the project plan
7. Next regular meeting date – Monday, October 1, 2007
8. Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting
Monday, September 24, 2007
Agenda: Public Works: Tuesday, Sept 25, 2007
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at Public Works Garage, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2007 at 6:00 p.m.
Public Works Garage, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to Approve Agenda
4. Motion to Approve minutes of August 28, 2007 Meeting
5. Citizen appearances
6. Lake Leota Restoration Update
7. Site Plan Reviews
8. Construction Updates
1. Main Street Progress Report
2. County Trunk Highway M Progress Report
3. Badger & Higgins Intersection
4. North Prairie Productions Progress Report
5. Capstone Ridge Phase 2 Progress Report
6. Westfield Meadows Progress Report
7. Madison Street (TH 59) Progress Report [may be moved to start of agenda]
9. Communications from City Engineer
10. Communications of Public Works Director
1. Discussion and possible motion regarding 2007 sidewalks project
11. New Business
1. Discussion and possible action regarding the City’s Community Rating System (CRS) classification with regard to flood insurance premiums
2. Discussion and possible action regarding the preparation of a storm water management plan for the city
3. Refuse & Recycling contract with Veolia (expires Dec 2007)
12. Old Business
1. Discussuon and possible action regarding the Westside water issue
13. Adjourn
Mason Braunschweig, Chair, Public Works Committee
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at Public Works Garage, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2007 at 6:00 p.m.
Public Works Garage, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to Approve Agenda
4. Motion to Approve minutes of August 28, 2007 Meeting
5. Citizen appearances
6. Lake Leota Restoration Update
7. Site Plan Reviews
8. Construction Updates
1. Main Street Progress Report
2. County Trunk Highway M Progress Report
3. Badger & Higgins Intersection
4. North Prairie Productions Progress Report
5. Capstone Ridge Phase 2 Progress Report
6. Westfield Meadows Progress Report
7. Madison Street (TH 59) Progress Report [may be moved to start of agenda]
9. Communications from City Engineer
10. Communications of Public Works Director
1. Discussion and possible motion regarding 2007 sidewalks project
11. New Business
1. Discussion and possible action regarding the City’s Community Rating System (CRS) classification with regard to flood insurance premiums
2. Discussion and possible action regarding the preparation of a storm water management plan for the city
3. Refuse & Recycling contract with Veolia (expires Dec 2007)
12. Old Business
1. Discussuon and possible action regarding the Westside water issue
13. Adjourn
Mason Braunschweig, Chair, Public Works Committee
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Agenda: Common Council Special Meeting re Budget 2008
(Ed. note: This is a summary since I did not receive an electronic copy.)
Special Common Council Meeting---Thursday, Sept 27, 2007----Budget in Focus
The annual special Common Council meeting to review the budget will be held this coming week on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2007. In the agenda, it states that "The Finance Committee and Common Council will add, delete, or modify items in the proposed budget, as appropriate, at their meetings on October 4 and 9, 2007,prior to the Council's approval of the budget for publication. Final action on the budget is scheduled for the Finance Committee and Common Council meetings on November 8 and 13, 2007.
The following is the times that the various departments will be discussed.
6:30PM Public Safety( including Police, Emergency Medical Service, and Fire)
6:45 Municipal Court
7:00PM Electric Utility, water Utility
7:15: Library
7:30 General Government( including Common Council, Mayor, City Administrator, Clerk-Treasurer, Finance Director, Debt Service, Capital Budget, TID #5,6,7 and Other General Government.
7:45PM Building Inspection
7:55 Public Works and Recycling and Refuse
Special Common Council Meeting---Thursday, Sept 27, 2007----Budget in Focus
The annual special Common Council meeting to review the budget will be held this coming week on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2007. In the agenda, it states that "The Finance Committee and Common Council will add, delete, or modify items in the proposed budget, as appropriate, at their meetings on October 4 and 9, 2007,prior to the Council's approval of the budget for publication. Final action on the budget is scheduled for the Finance Committee and Common Council meetings on November 8 and 13, 2007.
The following is the times that the various departments will be discussed.
6:30PM Public Safety( including Police, Emergency Medical Service, and Fire)
6:45 Municipal Court
7:00PM Electric Utility, water Utility
7:15: Library
7:30 General Government( including Common Council, Mayor, City Administrator, Clerk-Treasurer, Finance Director, Debt Service, Capital Budget, TID #5,6,7 and Other General Government.
7:45PM Building Inspection
7:55 Public Works and Recycling and Refuse
Monday, September 17, 2007
Agenda; Historic Preservation: Sept 19, 2007
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Evansville will be held on the 19th day of September, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin, or alternate location. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
3rd Floor, City Hall
***Second Draft***
Call to Order
Roll Call
Motion to waive reading of the July 18, 2007 minutes and approve them as read.
Applications - Appearances
23 N. First Street Kaether - Driveway, walkways & patio
9 W. Liberty Street Kufahl- Repair Deck, porch and exits
205 W. Church Street Kaser - Exterior Improvements, windows
Old Business:
16 W. Main Street Eager - Discussion on Rebuilding/Fire
WAHPC Fall Convention in Evansville, John Decker
Update Bricks on Main Street, John Decker
Grove Society, Betsy Ahner
Redevelopment Authority, John Decker
Easement Form Update Discussion, John Decker
Plaque Program
2007 Budget Items:
Motion to approve donation in support of 4th grade History Hunters program.
Discussion and possible motion to approve financial support for creek wall restoration project.
Other Business
Comments and Concerns
Next Meeting Dates: October 17, 2007
The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Evansville will be held on the 19th day of September, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin, or alternate location. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
3rd Floor, City Hall
***Second Draft***
Call to Order
Roll Call
Motion to waive reading of the July 18, 2007 minutes and approve them as read.
Applications - Appearances
23 N. First Street Kaether - Driveway, walkways & patio
9 W. Liberty Street Kufahl- Repair Deck, porch and exits
205 W. Church Street Kaser - Exterior Improvements, windows
Old Business:
16 W. Main Street Eager - Discussion on Rebuilding/Fire
WAHPC Fall Convention in Evansville, John Decker
Update Bricks on Main Street, John Decker
Grove Society, Betsy Ahner
Redevelopment Authority, John Decker
Easement Form Update Discussion, John Decker
Plaque Program
2007 Budget Items:
Motion to approve donation in support of 4th grade History Hunters program.
Discussion and possible motion to approve financial support for creek wall restoration project.
Other Business
Comments and Concerns
Next Meeting Dates: October 17, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Agenda; Park Board; Sept 17, 2007
A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Board for the City of Evansville will be held on the 17th day of September 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park and Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, September 17, 2007 6:00 PM
1. Call to Order & Roll Call.
2. Motion to waive reading minutes of August 2007 PRB meeting & approve as printed.
3. Possible changes to agenda: motion to approve changes, if necessary.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items.
5. SOLE Committee Report.
6. Chair's report on actions of City Committees & Common Council on items of interest to PRB.
7. Reports/Updates on pending park projects and maintenance: Park Maintenance Supervisor Ray Anderson
a. Lake Leota Park
b. Franklin Park
c. Countryside Park
d. West Side Park
e. Other projects, if any.
8. Aquatic Report: Aquatic Director Rick Hamacher
a. Pool and pool store operations
b. Leak repair
c. Other projects, if any
9. Old Business.
a. Progress on Allen Creek retaining walls restoration project.
b. Progress on Lake Leota Restoration; Request for Proposals.
c. Discussion and possible motion on the city's relationship with “A League of Their Own.”
10. New Business
11. Motion to Adjourn.
A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Board for the City of Evansville will be held on the 17th day of September 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park and Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, September 17, 2007 6:00 PM
1. Call to Order & Roll Call.
2. Motion to waive reading minutes of August 2007 PRB meeting & approve as printed.
3. Possible changes to agenda: motion to approve changes, if necessary.
4. Citizen appearances other than agenda items.
5. SOLE Committee Report.
6. Chair's report on actions of City Committees & Common Council on items of interest to PRB.
7. Reports/Updates on pending park projects and maintenance: Park Maintenance Supervisor Ray Anderson
a. Lake Leota Park
b. Franklin Park
c. Countryside Park
d. West Side Park
e. Other projects, if any.
8. Aquatic Report: Aquatic Director Rick Hamacher
a. Pool and pool store operations
b. Leak repair
c. Other projects, if any
9. Old Business.
a. Progress on Allen Creek retaining walls restoration project.
b. Progress on Lake Leota Restoration; Request for Proposals.
c. Discussion and possible motion on the city's relationship with “A League of Their Own.”
10. New Business
11. Motion to Adjourn.
Agenda: Economic Development; Tuesday, Sept 18, 2007
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 18th day of September 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, September 18th, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
Motion to waive reading of the minutes of August 21st, 2007 regular meeting and approve as printed.
Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
Chamber of Commerce report.
City Administrators report.
Update on soybean crush plant.
City Website update and discussion.
Report from Downtown Reconstruction Task Force.
Update from Judy Whalen on Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
10. Final review and approval of the revised policy for the Economic Development . Revolving Loan Fund.
11. Adjournment
Tony Wyse, Chair
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 18th day of September 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, September 18th, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
Motion to waive reading of the minutes of August 21st, 2007 regular meeting and approve as printed.
Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
Chamber of Commerce report.
City Administrators report.
Update on soybean crush plant.
City Website update and discussion.
Report from Downtown Reconstruction Task Force.
Update from Judy Whalen on Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
10. Final review and approval of the revised policy for the Economic Development . Revolving Loan Fund.
11. Adjournment
Tony Wyse, Chair
Agenda; Redevelopment Authority: Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2007, 7:30PM
The meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI
Call To Order
Declare Quorum
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes of August 21, 2007 meeting
Old Business
Update - Main Street construction project.
Update - Allen Creek Master Plan, final draft.
New Business
Other Business
Christopher A. Eager, Chairman
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk's office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 7:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI
Call To Order
Declare Quorum
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes of August 21, 2007 meeting
Old Business
Update - Main Street construction project.
Update - Allen Creek Master Plan, final draft.
New Business
Other Business
Christopher A. Eager, Chairman
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk's office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Agenda; ECP: Sept 12, 2007
Evansville Community Partnership
September 12, 2007 Agenda
Our Mission: to give all members of the community an opportunity to participate in the cooperative creation of an economically and socially sound, vibrant future for our community and its people.
Process Monitor: __________________________
“This person keeps the flow of the meeting on time. He or she supports participants in staying on point, maintaining civil dialogue, and honoring the team’s ground rules. This may rotate from meeting to meeting. This person monitors the process, as opposed to content.”
1. Opening round at 7:00 pm
2. Appoint process monitor
3. Review agenda
4. Approve minutes
5. Financial report (Heidi)
6. President’s report (Rebecca)
7. Coordinator’s report (Robin)
8. 4th of July Wrap Up (Tom)
9. Fundraising Committee & Fall Fundraiser (Heidi)
10. Communication with Chamber (Rich)
11. Report from Imagine Evansville team (Doug)
12. Just Desserts (Christia)
13. Grant writing update (John)
14. Amendments to By Laws (John)
15. Set agenda for next meeting
16. Meeting Critique/Closing
Meeting materials:
o ECP Monthly Record for August
September 12, 2007 Agenda
Our Mission: to give all members of the community an opportunity to participate in the cooperative creation of an economically and socially sound, vibrant future for our community and its people.
Process Monitor: __________________________
“This person keeps the flow of the meeting on time. He or she supports participants in staying on point, maintaining civil dialogue, and honoring the team’s ground rules. This may rotate from meeting to meeting. This person monitors the process, as opposed to content.”
1. Opening round at 7:00 pm
2. Appoint process monitor
3. Review agenda
4. Approve minutes
5. Financial report (Heidi)
6. President’s report (Rebecca)
7. Coordinator’s report (Robin)
8. 4th of July Wrap Up (Tom)
9. Fundraising Committee & Fall Fundraiser (Heidi)
10. Communication with Chamber (Rich)
11. Report from Imagine Evansville team (Doug)
12. Just Desserts (Christia)
13. Grant writing update (John)
14. Amendments to By Laws (John)
15. Set agenda for next meeting
16. Meeting Critique/Closing
Meeting materials:
o ECP Monthly Record for August
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