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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Agenda; Evansville School Board Meets Monday, March 9, 2009 5:30PM

Board of Education Regular Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 9, 2009
5:30 p.m.
Theodore Robinson Intermediate School LMC
420 S. Fourth Street
Note, public notice of this meeting given by posting at the District Office, Levi Leonard Elementary School
Office, Theodore Robinson Intermediate School Office, J.C. McKenna Middle School Office, High School
Office, Evansville School District Web Site:, and by forwarding the agenda to the
Evansville Review, M&I Bank, Union Bank & Trust and Eager Free Public Library
Mission Statement: The Evansville Community School District, in active partnership with
families and the community, will provide a positive learning environment that challenges all
students to achieve personal excellence and become contributing citizens of the world
I. Roll Call: Michael Pierick Tina Rossmiller Dennis Hatfield Sharon Skinner
Melissa Hammann Kathi Swanson Jeff Herbers
II. Public Announcements/Upcoming Events:
• Back to School Days – August 13 and 19.
• Kindergarten Screener – March 18, 19, and 20.
• Marilyn Brink – SPARC Award.
III. Public Presentations. Regarding Items Not on the Agenda. Items Related to the Agenda
Presented at This Time if the Citizen Needs to Leave.
IV. District Administrator Report – Alternative Education Grant and Employability Skills.
V. Principals'/Administrators' Report – Staff Development, Celebrate, Gifts/Donations, and the
VI. Information & Discussion:
A. Presentation on the School Forest.
B. Presentation of Evansville High Mileage Vehicle (HMV) Field Trip.
C. Reports to Board.
D. Presentation by Joe Francis, Director of Buildings & Grounds.
E. Facilities and Transportation Committee Report.
a. Building Trades House Project.
F. Finance Committee Report and Budget Update.
a. Update on Program Based Budget Process and Leases.
G. First Reading of Policies: #640-State and Federal Aid Eligibility Determination; #651-
Revenues From State and Federal Tax Sources; #652-Revenues From Investments; #653-
Revenues From School Owned Real Estate; #654-Grants and Gifts From Private Sources;
#657.2-Student Financial Aid; and #661-Depository And Disbursement of District Funds.
VII. Business (Action Items):
A. Approval of Evansville High Mileage Vehicle (HMV) Field Trip.
B. Acceptance and Approval of Staff Retirements.
C. Approval of Co-Curricular Contracts (Track and Softball).
D. Approval of Teacher Letters of Intent.
E. Approval of Layoffs and Non Renewal of Teacher Contracts.
F. Approval of Open Enrollment Applications.
G. Approval of Policies: #425-Enrollment of and Services Available to District Students Who
Attend Private, Parochial or Home Based School; #630-Tax and Debit Limitations; #632-
Short-Term Borrowing; #657-Student Fees, Fines and Charges; and #842-Donation and
Memorial Signage.
H. Approval of February Regular and Public Hearing Meeting Minutes.
I. Approval of February Bills and Receipts.
VIII. Set Next Agenda.
IX. Upcoming Meeting Dates:
• Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting – March 9, 4:00 pm, District Office.
• Policy Committee Meeting – March 17, 8:00 am, District Office.
• Budget Finance Committee Meeting – March 16, 6:30 pm, TRIS LMC.
• Negotiations – Food Service – March 19, 2:30 pm, District Office.
• Negotiations – EEA (Teacher) – March 17, 3:30 pm, District Office.
X. Executive Session – Under Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(c)(e)(f)(g) to Discuss Negotiations and
District Administrator Contract.
XI. Adjourn.
This notice may be supplemented with additions to the agenda that come to the attention of the Board prior to the meeting. A final
agenda will be posted and provided to the media no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting or no later than 2 hours prior to the meeting
in the event of an emergency.
Persons needing special accommodations or more specific information about the agenda items should call 882-5224, Ext. 3387, at least
24 hours prior to the meeting.
Posted: 3/4/09
Reposted: 3/5/09

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