The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, April 2, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
Call to order
Roll call
Approval of agenda
Approval of minutes
Motion to waive the reading of the March 5, 2007 minutes and approve them as printed
Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
Unfinished business
Update on Gibbs land division on Water Street (Application 2006-7) – no action to be taken
Update on adoption of new flood insurance rate maps for the city
Update on review of the City’s adopted comprehensive plan
Update on Town of Union proposed amendment to its future land use map in response to a proposed residential subdivision
Update relating to Allen Creek redevelopment master plan
New business
Extraterritorial land division, Stella Krumweide applicant (Application 2007-1)
Motion to recommend to Council the approval of the extraterritorial land division for Stella Krumweide
Conditional use for 250 Union Street, Hans Kleisch applicant (Application 2007-2)
Initial presentation by applicant
Staff report
Initial discussion by Plan Commission
Public hearing
Final discussion by Plan Commission
Closing comments by applicant
Motion and roll call vote to act on the application (not defer to a later date)
Motion to approve the application based on the findings as contained in the staff report and the conclusion that the public benefits of the proposed use outweigh any and all potential adverse impacts, if any
Final land division application, Landmark Cooperative Services applicant (Application 2007-3)
Initial presentation by applicant
Staff report, if any
Motion to recommend to the Common Council the approval of the final CSM as submitted
Adoption of new official zoning map, Ordinance 2007-2
Initial presentation by staff
Initial discussion by Plan Commission
Public hearing
Final discussion by Plan Commission
Motion to recommend to Council the adoption of Ordinance 2007-2 as drafted
Discussion regarding artisan production in the B-2 district (Tammy Splittstoesser)
Discussion regarding zoning requirements for fences
Discussion regarding potential shoreland zoning around Lake Leota
Preliminary development presentations – none
Report of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority – none
Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission – none
Report of the Traditional Neighborhood Development/Residential Design Study Committee
City planner’s report
Update on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
Zoning code enforcement
Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Agenda: Town of Union Planning Commission, March 29, 2007--7PM, Eager Library--Wind Towers, Residential Construction on Agenda
Town of Union
March 29, 2007
The Town of Union Plan Commission will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, March 29, 2007
at the Eager Free Public Library, 39 W . Main Street, Evansville at 7:00 p.m. (use 1st Street
entrance, lower level meeting room). The topics of discussion and action will be:
1. Update on meeting with attorney regarding Comprehensive Plan implementation issues.
2. Public Hearing: Teresa Shea and Allen Booth, 10244 N. Harold Dr., Brooklyn, WI 53521
request a land division and zoning change for Parcel 6-20-67 located in the NE 1/4, SW
1/4 of Section 9. The current parcel is 19.4 acres and zoned A1. The owners request to
split off an 4.96 acre A3 parcel for the purpose of a relative building a home on the lot.
This parcel is located at the south end of Harold Drive.
3. Discussion and recommendation to Town Board for request by Candace Phelps, 13222
W. East Union Rd, Evansville, W I 53536 to enlarge mining operation on her 138 acre
parcel (6-20-97) located south of State Hwy 59 on the west side of N. East Union Road,
Fire #10607. Request returns to Plan Commission for further investigation of most
appropriate way to divide, zone, and monitor operation under a conditional use permit.
4. Discussion and recommendation to Town Board for request by Randy Shotliff, 4215
Winnequah Dr. Monona, WI 53716 for a land division and zoning change to create 22
rural residential parcels (20 buildable lots and 2 outlots) using 41.65 acres of land from
two A1 parcels (#6-20-212 (89.406 acres) & #6-20-211 (33.1 acres)). The remaining 80
some acres of parcels #6-20-212 and #6-20-211 will then be combined with the A1
parcel #6-20-210 (32.881 acres) to create one large A1 parcel of approximately 114
acres. This land is located in the NW 1/4 of Section 24 and part of the SW 1/4 of
Section 24. New request.
5. Conditional Use Permit Review for Tom & Connie Davis 10608 N. East Union Rd.
Evansville, WI 53536 to operate a pheasant shooting preserve on parcel 6-20-94
located along North East Union Rd. in the SW 1/4, NE 1/4 of Section of the Town of
Union. The pheasant preserve may be open by appointment only between the hours of
8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Saturdays and
noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays beginning October 1st and ending April 30th. Hunting may
commence at the east-west property line which is approximately 1,400 feet from the
south property line.
6. Public Hearing and Resolution on Amendment to the Town of Union Zoning Ordinance
separating out the Building Permit Section into its own ordinance creating Town of Union
Ordinance Chapter 15 Buildings and Constructions. Language to be added to double
permit fees if permit is not issued prior to work being started and to implement the
restriction that all work must be completed within a two year period once a permit is
7. Discussion on wind generation towers.
Linda O’Leary, Clerk (882-5900)
Please print in the March 13th if still possible, otherwise print this version in the March 20th,
2007 edition instead of the previous version sent earlier today.
March 29, 2007
The Town of Union Plan Commission will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, March 29, 2007
at the Eager Free Public Library, 39 W . Main Street, Evansville at 7:00 p.m. (use 1st Street
entrance, lower level meeting room). The topics of discussion and action will be:
1. Update on meeting with attorney regarding Comprehensive Plan implementation issues.
2. Public Hearing: Teresa Shea and Allen Booth, 10244 N. Harold Dr., Brooklyn, WI 53521
request a land division and zoning change for Parcel 6-20-67 located in the NE 1/4, SW
1/4 of Section 9. The current parcel is 19.4 acres and zoned A1. The owners request to
split off an 4.96 acre A3 parcel for the purpose of a relative building a home on the lot.
This parcel is located at the south end of Harold Drive.
3. Discussion and recommendation to Town Board for request by Candace Phelps, 13222
W. East Union Rd, Evansville, W I 53536 to enlarge mining operation on her 138 acre
parcel (6-20-97) located south of State Hwy 59 on the west side of N. East Union Road,
Fire #10607. Request returns to Plan Commission for further investigation of most
appropriate way to divide, zone, and monitor operation under a conditional use permit.
4. Discussion and recommendation to Town Board for request by Randy Shotliff, 4215
Winnequah Dr. Monona, WI 53716 for a land division and zoning change to create 22
rural residential parcels (20 buildable lots and 2 outlots) using 41.65 acres of land from
two A1 parcels (#6-20-212 (89.406 acres) & #6-20-211 (33.1 acres)). The remaining 80
some acres of parcels #6-20-212 and #6-20-211 will then be combined with the A1
parcel #6-20-210 (32.881 acres) to create one large A1 parcel of approximately 114
acres. This land is located in the NW 1/4 of Section 24 and part of the SW 1/4 of
Section 24. New request.
5. Conditional Use Permit Review for Tom & Connie Davis 10608 N. East Union Rd.
Evansville, WI 53536 to operate a pheasant shooting preserve on parcel 6-20-94
located along North East Union Rd. in the SW 1/4, NE 1/4 of Section of the Town of
Union. The pheasant preserve may be open by appointment only between the hours of
8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Saturdays and
noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays beginning October 1st and ending April 30th. Hunting may
commence at the east-west property line which is approximately 1,400 feet from the
south property line.
6. Public Hearing and Resolution on Amendment to the Town of Union Zoning Ordinance
separating out the Building Permit Section into its own ordinance creating Town of Union
Ordinance Chapter 15 Buildings and Constructions. Language to be added to double
permit fees if permit is not issued prior to work being started and to implement the
restriction that all work must be completed within a two year period once a permit is
7. Discussion on wind generation towers.
Linda O’Leary, Clerk (882-5900)
Please print in the March 13th if still possible, otherwise print this version in the March 20th,
2007 edition instead of the previous version sent earlier today.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Agenda: March 2007: Eager Free Public Library
A regular meeting of the Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees for the City of Evansville will be held on the 27th day of March, 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
5:30 PM
At Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, WI 53536
If you need special accommodations to attend this meeting, please contact Kathi
Kemp-Tejeda at 608/882-2278.
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of February 2007 minutes (attached).
3. March Bills (roll call vote).
4. Librarian’s report:
* Front raised flower bed maintenance.
* EFPL logo materials for consideration.
* Digital photography of Evansville Review back issues.
* Consideration of policy change for card use.
* Consideration of power washing of building.
* Historic homes tour June 9th.
* Consideration of meeting room policy change.
5. Adjourn.
Next meeting: March 27th, 2007.
A regular meeting of the Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees for the City of Evansville will be held on the 27th day of March, 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Eager Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
5:30 PM
At Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main St., Evansville, WI 53536
If you need special accommodations to attend this meeting, please contact Kathi
Kemp-Tejeda at 608/882-2278.
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of February 2007 minutes (attached).
3. March Bills (roll call vote).
4. Librarian’s report:
* Front raised flower bed maintenance.
* EFPL logo materials for consideration.
* Digital photography of Evansville Review back issues.
* Consideration of policy change for card use.
* Consideration of power washing of building.
* Historic homes tour June 9th.
* Consideration of meeting room policy change.
5. Adjourn.
Next meeting: March 27th, 2007.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Agenda: Historic Preservation: Wed., Mar. 21, 2007
Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
3rd Floor, City Hall (or Alternate Location)
**Second Draft***
Call to Order
Roll Call
Motion to waive reading of the February 21, 2007 minutes and approve them as read.
Applications – Appearances
7½W. Main Street Thomas – Roof
WAHPC Fall Convention in Evansville, Mayor Decker
Update Bricks on Main Street
Grove Society, Betsy Ahner
Redevelopment Authority, John Decker
Easement Form Draft, John Decker
Plaque Program
Other Business
Comments and Concerns
Next Meeting Dates: April 18, 2007
Check MailCompose
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Regular Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
3rd Floor, City Hall (or Alternate Location)
**Second Draft***
Call to Order
Roll Call
Motion to waive reading of the February 21, 2007 minutes and approve them as read.
Applications – Appearances
7½W. Main Street Thomas – Roof
WAHPC Fall Convention in Evansville, Mayor Decker
Update Bricks on Main Street
Grove Society, Betsy Ahner
Redevelopment Authority, John Decker
Easement Form Draft, John Decker
Plaque Program
Other Business
Comments and Concerns
Next Meeting Dates: April 18, 2007
Check MailCompose
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var url1 = "";
Search Mail:
Search MailSearch the Web
Monday, March 19, 2007
Agenda: Redevelopment Authority: Tuesday, Mar. 20th, 2007
The meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 7:30PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI
Call To Order
Declare Quorum
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes of February 20, 2007 meeting
Old Business
Night Owl update – guest Greg Ardisson.
Allen Creek Master Plan RFP.
Discuss RFP process.
Draft RFP for review.
Motion to approve RFP.
Promoting TID #5 – discussion (specific properties and in general).
New Business
Update – Main Street construction project
Discussion – property at 8 Railroad Street
Other Business
Christopher A. Eager, Chairman
The meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Evansville Redevelopment Authority
Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 7:30PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St., Evansville, WI
Call To Order
Declare Quorum
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes of February 20, 2007 meeting
Old Business
Night Owl update – guest Greg Ardisson.
Allen Creek Master Plan RFP.
Discuss RFP process.
Draft RFP for review.
Motion to approve RFP.
Promoting TID #5 – discussion (specific properties and in general).
New Business
Update – Main Street construction project
Discussion – property at 8 Railroad Street
Other Business
Christopher A. Eager, Chairman
Friday, March 16, 2007
Agenda: Economic Development; Tuesday, March 20th, 2007, 5:30PM
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 20th day of March 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
Motion to waive reading of the minutes of February 20th, 2007 regular meeting and approve them as printed.
Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
Update & Discussion on City Web site.
Update; Grants for development of Economy Store Project.
Update; Community Development Block Grant for additional streetscape funding.
Report from Downtown Reconstruction Task Force
Discussion on how to proceed with the Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
Report from subcommittee
Review Whalen & Assoc. proposal
Discuss hiring Whalen & Assoc. or put out (RFP)
Discuss size and scope of project and how to pay for it.
Chamber of Commerce involvement
10 Review original Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) and
Discuss how & what to update and our intended use of funds.
Tony Wyse, Chair
A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 20th day of March 2007, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI
Roll call.
2. Approval of agenda.
Motion to waive reading of the minutes of February 20th, 2007 regular meeting and approve them as printed.
Citizens appearances, other than on items listed below.
Update & Discussion on City Web site.
Update; Grants for development of Economy Store Project.
Update; Community Development Block Grant for additional streetscape funding.
Report from Downtown Reconstruction Task Force
Discussion on how to proceed with the Economic Development Strategy/Summit.
Report from subcommittee
Review Whalen & Assoc. proposal
Discuss hiring Whalen & Assoc. or put out (RFP)
Discuss size and scope of project and how to pay for it.
Chamber of Commerce involvement
10 Review original Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) and
Discuss how & what to update and our intended use of funds.
Tony Wyse, Chair
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Agenda: Park Board Meeting: Monday, March 19, 2007
Park and Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, March 19, 2007 6:00 PM�
1.� Call to Order & Roll Call.
2.� Motion to Waive Reading Minutes of February 2007 PRB meeting & Approve as Printed.�
3.� Possible Changes to Agenda: Motion to Approve Changes, if necessary.
4.� Citizen appearances other than agenda items.� � �� �� �� �� �
5.� SOLE Committee Report�
6.� Open Discussion of summer baseball-softball policy; invited to participate: Jenny Katzenmeyer, Kathy Hermanson, Melissa Hammann.� Other citizens are welcome to participate.
7.� Skate-Park: McKenna Group Report and Discussion with PRB�
8.� Chair�s report on actions of City Committees and Common Council on items of interest to PRB.
9.� Reports/Updates on Pending Park Projects and Maintenance: Park Maintenance Supervisor Ray Anderson
a.� Lake Leota Park � removal of refrigerators from concession stand; improvements to press-box.
b.� Franklin Park � progress on plans for improvements, including Welcome Shelter, tree and fence removal.
c.� Countryside Park � status of bath/shelter�
d.� West Side Park
e.� other projects, if any�
10.� Aquatic Report: Pool Director Rick Hamacher
a. Report on solar-panel project for 2007
b. Summer Staff hiring
c. other, as necessary�
11.� Old Business.
����������������� a. Review of Evansville Soccer Club Report to the Park Board, copies provided at meeting.
����������������� b. other, as necessary
12. New Business
a. Review of email from Jon Frey of HTL; Copies provided at meeting.��
b. Discussion and possible motion, if necessary, to implement improvements to upper diamond area.
c. other, as necessary
�13.� Motion to Adjourn.
Evansville City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, March 19, 2007 6:00 PM�
1.� Call to Order & Roll Call.
2.� Motion to Waive Reading Minutes of February 2007 PRB meeting & Approve as Printed.�
3.� Possible Changes to Agenda: Motion to Approve Changes, if necessary.
4.� Citizen appearances other than agenda items.� � �� �� �� �� �
5.� SOLE Committee Report�
6.� Open Discussion of summer baseball-softball policy; invited to participate: Jenny Katzenmeyer, Kathy Hermanson, Melissa Hammann.� Other citizens are welcome to participate.
7.� Skate-Park: McKenna Group Report and Discussion with PRB�
8.� Chair�s report on actions of City Committees and Common Council on items of interest to PRB.
9.� Reports/Updates on Pending Park Projects and Maintenance: Park Maintenance Supervisor Ray Anderson
a.� Lake Leota Park � removal of refrigerators from concession stand; improvements to press-box.
b.� Franklin Park � progress on plans for improvements, including Welcome Shelter, tree and fence removal.
c.� Countryside Park � status of bath/shelter�
d.� West Side Park
e.� other projects, if any�
10.� Aquatic Report: Pool Director Rick Hamacher
a. Report on solar-panel project for 2007
b. Summer Staff hiring
c. other, as necessary�
11.� Old Business.
����������������� a. Review of Evansville Soccer Club Report to the Park Board, copies provided at meeting.
����������������� b. other, as necessary
12. New Business
a. Review of email from Jon Frey of HTL; Copies provided at meeting.��
b. Discussion and possible motion, if necessary, to implement improvements to upper diamond area.
c. other, as necessary
�13.� Motion to Adjourn.
Agenda: School Beat: Policy Committee: March 15, 2007--7:30AM District Office Conference Room---
Thursday, March 15, 2007 - 7:30 a.m.
District Office Conference Room
340 Fair Street - Evansville, WI 53536
Note, public notice of this meeting given by posting at the District Office, Levi Leonard Elementary School
Office, Theodore Robinson Intermediate School, J.C. McKenna Middle School Office, High School Office,
Evansville School District Web Site:, and by forwarding the agenda to the
Evansville Review, M&I Bank, Union Bank & Trust and Eager Free Public Library.
Committee Members:
John Willoughby Kelly Mosher Krista Jones
Tina Rossmiller Heidi Carvin
1. Approve Minutes of February 15, 2007.
2. Policies for Review:
• Policies from Board Meeting:
• Policy #453.4 – Administering Medications to Students
• Policy #453.4 Form – Medication Consent Form
• Policy #720 – Local Safety Programs
• Policy #721 – Building and Grounds Inspections
• Policy #723.1 – Fire Drills
• Policy #443.7/523.4/861 – Abusive Behavior
3. Discuss New Business:
• Policy #723 – Emergency Plans/Disaster Plans
• Policy #723.2 – Threats of Bombs or Other Havoc & Destruction
• Policy #723.21 – Bomb Threat Administrative Procedures
• Policy #724 – District Safety Coordinator Job Responsibilities
4. Set Next Meeting and Agenda.
5. Other.
This notice may be supplemented with additions to the agenda that come to the attention of the Board prior to the meeting. A final
agenda will be posted and provided to the media no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting or no later than 2 hours prior to the
meeting in the event of an emergency.
Persons needing special accommodations or more specific information about the agenda items
should call 882-5224, Ext. 3387 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Posted: 3/13/07
Thursday, March 15, 2007 - 7:30 a.m.
District Office Conference Room
340 Fair Street - Evansville, WI 53536
Note, public notice of this meeting given by posting at the District Office, Levi Leonard Elementary School
Office, Theodore Robinson Intermediate School, J.C. McKenna Middle School Office, High School Office,
Evansville School District Web Site:, and by forwarding the agenda to the
Evansville Review, M&I Bank, Union Bank & Trust and Eager Free Public Library.
Committee Members:
John Willoughby Kelly Mosher Krista Jones
Tina Rossmiller Heidi Carvin
1. Approve Minutes of February 15, 2007.
2. Policies for Review:
• Policies from Board Meeting:
• Policy #453.4 – Administering Medications to Students
• Policy #453.4 Form – Medication Consent Form
• Policy #720 – Local Safety Programs
• Policy #721 – Building and Grounds Inspections
• Policy #723.1 – Fire Drills
• Policy #443.7/523.4/861 – Abusive Behavior
3. Discuss New Business:
• Policy #723 – Emergency Plans/Disaster Plans
• Policy #723.2 – Threats of Bombs or Other Havoc & Destruction
• Policy #723.21 – Bomb Threat Administrative Procedures
• Policy #724 – District Safety Coordinator Job Responsibilities
4. Set Next Meeting and Agenda.
5. Other.
This notice may be supplemented with additions to the agenda that come to the attention of the Board prior to the meeting. A final
agenda will be posted and provided to the media no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting or no later than 2 hours prior to the
meeting in the event of an emergency.
Persons needing special accommodations or more specific information about the agenda items
should call 882-5224, Ext. 3387 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Posted: 3/13/07
Agenda: School Finance Committee: Monday, March 19,2007; 5:30PM
Budget Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 19, 2007
District Office Conference Room
340 Fair Street
Evansville, WI 53536
5:30 p.m.
Note, public notice of this meeting given by posting at the District Office, Levi Leonard
Elementary School Office, Theodore Robinson Intermediate School Office, J.C. McKenna Middle
School Office, High School Office, Evansville School District Web Site:, and by forwarding the agenda to the Evansville Review, M&I Bank,
Union Bank & Trust and Eager Free Public Library.
“Using the budget to drive the best education possible for every child.”
Committee Members:
Heidi Carvin Mike Larson Michael Pierick
Dennis Hatfield Deb Olsen
I. Old Business:
A. Approval of February 19, 2007, Minutes.
B. Tech Ed Home Construction.
C. 2007-08 Budget Planning.
D. Update on Long and Short Range Facilities Project Costs.
E. Continue Discussion on Fees and Parking Fees.
II. Set Next Agenda Items and Date of Meeting.
April – Athletic Admission Fees and Tech Ed Home Construction.
Post Employment Benefits.
Health Reimbursement Accounts.
III. Adjourn.
This notice may be supplemented with additions to the agenda that come to the attention of the Board prior
to the meeting. A final agenda will be posted and provided to the media no later than 24 hours prior to the
meeting or no later than 2 hours prior to the meeting in the event of an emergency.
Persons needing special accommodations or more specific information about agenda
items may be obtained by calling 882-5224, ext. 3386.
Posted: 3-13-07
Budget Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 19, 2007
District Office Conference Room
340 Fair Street
Evansville, WI 53536
5:30 p.m.
Note, public notice of this meeting given by posting at the District Office, Levi Leonard
Elementary School Office, Theodore Robinson Intermediate School Office, J.C. McKenna Middle
School Office, High School Office, Evansville School District Web Site:, and by forwarding the agenda to the Evansville Review, M&I Bank,
Union Bank & Trust and Eager Free Public Library.
“Using the budget to drive the best education possible for every child.”
Committee Members:
Heidi Carvin Mike Larson Michael Pierick
Dennis Hatfield Deb Olsen
I. Old Business:
A. Approval of February 19, 2007, Minutes.
B. Tech Ed Home Construction.
C. 2007-08 Budget Planning.
D. Update on Long and Short Range Facilities Project Costs.
E. Continue Discussion on Fees and Parking Fees.
II. Set Next Agenda Items and Date of Meeting.
April – Athletic Admission Fees and Tech Ed Home Construction.
Post Employment Benefits.
Health Reimbursement Accounts.
III. Adjourn.
This notice may be supplemented with additions to the agenda that come to the attention of the Board prior
to the meeting. A final agenda will be posted and provided to the media no later than 24 hours prior to the
meeting or no later than 2 hours prior to the meeting in the event of an emergency.
Persons needing special accommodations or more specific information about agenda
items may be obtained by calling 882-5224, ext. 3386.
Posted: 3-13-07
Monday, March 12, 2007
Agenda: Public Works: March 26, 2007; 6:30PM
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 26th day of March, 2007, at 6:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Monday, March 26 at 6:00 p.m.
Public Works Garage., Evansville, WI
Call the meeting to order
Roll Call
Approve minutes of February 28 & March 6 Meetings
Citizen appearances
Site Plan Reviews
North Praire Productions Biodiesel Facility - Wastewater Reduction Plan
B. Public Comment on Capstone Ridge Phase 2 engineering construction drawings
Main Street Reconstruction Update
A. Evansville Bowl Encroachment onto City Sidewalk
Lake Leota Restoration Update
Communications from City Engineer
A. Discussion and Possible Motion to City Transportation Plan Map
Communications of Public Works Director
A. PASER Rating Report for road quality
Interior Remodeling of City Hall Update
New Business
Bill Hammann Chair, Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 26th day of March, 2007, at 6:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Monday, March 26 at 6:00 p.m.
Public Works Garage., Evansville, WI
Call the meeting to order
Roll Call
Approve minutes of February 28 & March 6 Meetings
Citizen appearances
Site Plan Reviews
North Praire Productions Biodiesel Facility - Wastewater Reduction Plan
B. Public Comment on Capstone Ridge Phase 2 engineering construction drawings
Main Street Reconstruction Update
A. Evansville Bowl Encroachment onto City Sidewalk
Lake Leota Restoration Update
Communications from City Engineer
A. Discussion and Possible Motion to City Transportation Plan Map
Communications of Public Works Director
A. PASER Rating Report for road quality
Interior Remodeling of City Hall Update
New Business
Bill Hammann Chair, Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Agenda: Common Council; Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Print - Close Window
Common Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
Call to order
Roll call
Approval of Agenda
Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of February 13, 2007, regular meeting and approve them as printed
Citizen appearances
Reports of Committees
Evansville Community Partnership
S.O.L.E. Committee
Plan Commission Report
Second reading and motion to adopt Ordinance #2007-1, amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code by allowing signs for nonconforming commercial land uses in residential zoning districts
Motion to adopt Resolution #2007-9, Adopting the City of Evansville Park and Outdoor Recreation Plan 2007-2011
Motion to adopt Resolution #2007-10, Designating Locations for Placement of Sandwich Board Signs during 2007 Main Street Construction Projects
Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
Motion to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment
Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment
Motion to approve Tax Incremental District #7 Development Agreement between the City of Evansville; North Prairie Productions, LLC; and Landmark Service Cooperative
Motion to adopt Resolution #2006-8, amending the adopted 2006 city budget to increase the appropriation for the youth center for equipment
Public Safety Committee Report
Second reading and motion to adopt Ordinance #2007-2, amending the Municipal Code relative to Truancy
Public Works Committee Report
Update on connectivity agreement
Motion to adopt Resolution #2007-11, Authorizing Application for a Grant from the Safe Routes to School Program
Water & Light Committee Report
Economic Development Committee Report
Evansville Redevelopment Authority Report
Parks and Recreation Board Report
Historic Preservation Commission Report
Fire District Report
Unfinished Business
Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
Motion to waive the seven-day notice requirement on mayoral appointments
Motion to approve the mayoral appointment of Carolyn Uren, 443 Meadow Lane., to the Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND)/Residential Design Committee
Motion to approve the mayoral appointment of Brad Fahlgren, 14016 W. North Ridge Drive, to the Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND)/Residential Design Committee
Communications from the City Administrator
Update on Neighborhood Electric Vehicles
Explanation of re-organization of Public Benefits Committee
New Business
Introduction of New Ordinances
First reading of Ordinance #2007-3, amending Chapter 130 of the Municipal Code by adopting a digital map as the official zoning map [sponsored by Ald. Hammann and Ald. Braunschweig]
Closed Session
Upon the proper motion and approval vote, the Common Council will convene in closed session pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1)(c), Wis. Stats., considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governing body has jurisdiction or authority, and will not reconvene in open session
Motion to adjourn
Sandra J. Decker, Mayor
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Agenda: Finance and Labor: Monday, March 12, 2007
The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Monday, March 12, 2007, 5:30 P.M.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
Call to order.
Roll call.
Approval of Agenda.
Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the February 12, 2007, meeting and approve them as printed.
Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
Motion to approve the W&L bills and authorize their payment.
Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
Unfinished Business
Resolution #2006-8, Amending the Adopted 2006 Budget
Motion to remove from the table the motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution #2006-8, amending the adopted 2006 city budget to increase the appropriation for the youth center for equipment
Motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution #2006-8, amending the adopted 2006 city budget to increase the appropriation for the youth center for equipment
New Business
Motion to recommend to Common Council the approval of Tax Incremental District #7 Development Agreement between the City of Evansville; North Prairie Productions, LLC; and Landmark Service Cooperative
Discussion on 2005 Personal Property Tax bill for Turn 2 Construction in the amount of $454.07
Discussion on Purchase Order Policy and Procedures
Discussion on Budget Amendment Policy and Procedures
Discussion on Account Payable Policy and Procedures
Discussion on the appraisal for the Police Department building
Discussion on the Economic Development Committee Revolving Loan Fund
Discussion on Department Head Contracts
Discussion and possible motion on 2007 Bond Issues
Closed Session
Upon the proper motion and approval vote, the Finance and Labor Relations Committee will convene in closed session pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1)(c), Wis. Stats., considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governing body has jurisdiction or authority, and will not reconvene in open session
Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chair
Finance & Labor Relations Committee
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
The regular meeting of the Finance and Labor Relations Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee
Regular Meeting
Monday, March 12, 2007, 5:30 P.M.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
Call to order.
Roll call.
Approval of Agenda.
Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the February 12, 2007, meeting and approve them as printed.
Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
Motion to approve the W&L bills and authorize their payment.
Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
Unfinished Business
Resolution #2006-8, Amending the Adopted 2006 Budget
Motion to remove from the table the motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution #2006-8, amending the adopted 2006 city budget to increase the appropriation for the youth center for equipment
Motion to recommend to Common Council adoption of Resolution #2006-8, amending the adopted 2006 city budget to increase the appropriation for the youth center for equipment
New Business
Motion to recommend to Common Council the approval of Tax Incremental District #7 Development Agreement between the City of Evansville; North Prairie Productions, LLC; and Landmark Service Cooperative
Discussion on 2005 Personal Property Tax bill for Turn 2 Construction in the amount of $454.07
Discussion on Purchase Order Policy and Procedures
Discussion on Budget Amendment Policy and Procedures
Discussion on Account Payable Policy and Procedures
Discussion on the appraisal for the Police Department building
Discussion on the Economic Development Committee Revolving Loan Fund
Discussion on Department Head Contracts
Discussion and possible motion on 2007 Bond Issues
Closed Session
Upon the proper motion and approval vote, the Finance and Labor Relations Committee will convene in closed session pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1)(c), Wis. Stats., considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governing body has jurisdiction or authority, and will not reconvene in open session
Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chair
Finance & Labor Relations Committee
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Agenda: Evansville School Board, Monday March 12, 2007; Plunkett Raysich on Agenda
Agenda: Evansville School Board: March 12, 2007
Board of Education Evansville Community School DistrictRegular Meeting AgendaMonday, March 12, 2007High School LMC- 640 S. Fifth Street5:30 P.M.Note, public notice of this meeting given by posting at the District Office, Levi Leonard ElementarySchool Office, Theodore Robinson Intermediate School Office, J.C. McKenna Middle School Office,High School Office, Evansville School District Web Site:, and byforwarding the agenda to the Evansville Review, M&I Bank, Union Bank & Trust and Eager FreePublic Library.I. Roll Call: Michael Pierick John Willoughby Tina RossmillerDennis Hatfield Arthur PhillipsMike Larson Dennis Knudson
II. Public Announcements/Upcoming Events.A. Youth Art Month.B. K-12 District Wide "Back to School Days" – Thursdays, August 16 and 23.C. Students Receiving Kohl Excellence Scholarship and Kohl Initiative Scholarship.
III. Public Presentations. Regarding Items Not on the Agenda. Items Related to the Agenda Maybe Presented at This Time if the Citizen Needs to Leave
.IV. District Administrator Report – Update on Goals.
V. Principals'/Administrators' Report – Staff Development, Celebrate, and The Arts andDifferentiation.
VI. Information & Discussion:A. Presentation of Special Education Field TripB. Presentation of Evansville High Mileage Vehicle (HMV) Field Trip.C. Buildings and Grounds Committee Report:i. Presentation by Plunkett Raysich Architects.ii. Report From Buildings & Grounds Manager.D. Presentation by TAHER – Health & Wellness Initiative.E. Board Development.F. 4K Update.G. Head Start Lease.H. School District Self-Evaluation of the Status of Pupil Nondiscrimination and Equality ofEducational Opportunities.I. Presentation of 2007-08 Preliminary Budget.J. First Reading of Policies: #453.4-Administering Medications to Students; #453.4 Form-Medication Consent Form; #453.41-PreK-8 Physicians Order Form; #453.42-PreKParent/Guardian Medication Consent Form; #453.43-High School Medication ConsentForm; #710-Support Services Goals; #720-Local Safety Programs; #721-Building andGrounds Inspections; #723.1-Fire Drills; and #822-News Media Relations.K. Second Reading of Policies: #345.51-Academic Honors; #443.7/523.4/861-AbusiveBehavior; #532.1-Use of Sick Days; and #662.3-General Fund Balance.L. Finance Committee Report:i. Tech Ed Home Construction Project.
VII. Business (Action Items):A. Approval of Open Enrollment Applications.B. Approval to Post Vacant and Proposed Positions – High School and Grades 2 and 3.C. Approval of Co-Curricular Contract – JV Girl's Soccer Coach.D. Approval of Policies: #322-Student School Day and #341.6-Kindergarten Instruction.E. Approval of Minutes.F. Approval of February Bills and Receipts.
VIII. Financial Report.
IX. Set Next Agenda.
X. Executive Session – Under Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(c)(e)(f) to Discuss NegotiationsStrategies.XI. Adjourn.This notice may be supplemented with additions to the agenda that
Board of Education Evansville Community School DistrictRegular Meeting AgendaMonday, March 12, 2007High School LMC- 640 S. Fifth Street5:30 P.M.Note, public notice of this meeting given by posting at the District Office, Levi Leonard ElementarySchool Office, Theodore Robinson Intermediate School Office, J.C. McKenna Middle School Office,High School Office, Evansville School District Web Site:, and byforwarding the agenda to the Evansville Review, M&I Bank, Union Bank & Trust and Eager FreePublic Library.I. Roll Call: Michael Pierick John Willoughby Tina RossmillerDennis Hatfield Arthur PhillipsMike Larson Dennis Knudson
II. Public Announcements/Upcoming Events.A. Youth Art Month.B. K-12 District Wide "Back to School Days" – Thursdays, August 16 and 23.C. Students Receiving Kohl Excellence Scholarship and Kohl Initiative Scholarship.
III. Public Presentations. Regarding Items Not on the Agenda. Items Related to the Agenda Maybe Presented at This Time if the Citizen Needs to Leave
.IV. District Administrator Report – Update on Goals.
V. Principals'/Administrators' Report – Staff Development, Celebrate, and The Arts andDifferentiation.
VI. Information & Discussion:A. Presentation of Special Education Field TripB. Presentation of Evansville High Mileage Vehicle (HMV) Field Trip.C. Buildings and Grounds Committee Report:i. Presentation by Plunkett Raysich Architects.ii. Report From Buildings & Grounds Manager.D. Presentation by TAHER – Health & Wellness Initiative.E. Board Development.F. 4K Update.G. Head Start Lease.H. School District Self-Evaluation of the Status of Pupil Nondiscrimination and Equality ofEducational Opportunities.I. Presentation of 2007-08 Preliminary Budget.J. First Reading of Policies: #453.4-Administering Medications to Students; #453.4 Form-Medication Consent Form; #453.41-PreK-8 Physicians Order Form; #453.42-PreKParent/Guardian Medication Consent Form; #453.43-High School Medication ConsentForm; #710-Support Services Goals; #720-Local Safety Programs; #721-Building andGrounds Inspections; #723.1-Fire Drills; and #822-News Media Relations.K. Second Reading of Policies: #345.51-Academic Honors; #443.7/523.4/861-AbusiveBehavior; #532.1-Use of Sick Days; and #662.3-General Fund Balance.L. Finance Committee Report:i. Tech Ed Home Construction Project.
VII. Business (Action Items):A. Approval of Open Enrollment Applications.B. Approval to Post Vacant and Proposed Positions – High School and Grades 2 and 3.C. Approval of Co-Curricular Contract – JV Girl's Soccer Coach.D. Approval of Policies: #322-Student School Day and #341.6-Kindergarten Instruction.E. Approval of Minutes.F. Approval of February Bills and Receipts.
VIII. Financial Report.
IX. Set Next Agenda.
X. Executive Session – Under Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(c)(e)(f) to Discuss NegotiationsStrategies.XI. Adjourn.This notice may be supplemented with additions to the agenda that
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Agenda: Planning Commission: Town Of Union--Mar. 29,2007--Eager LIbrary
Event Name
Plan Commission Meeting
Event Sponsor
March 29, 2007 7:00 PM
Eager Free Public Library39 W. Main StreetEvansville, Wisconsin 53536
Public Hearings and action on land division, zoning change, and conditional use requests.
Plan Commission Meeting
Event Sponsor
March 29, 2007 7:00 PM
Eager Free Public Library39 W. Main StreetEvansville, Wisconsin 53536
Public Hearings and action on land division, zoning change, and conditional use requests.
Agenda: Special Meeting: TODAY; March 6th, 6PM
A special meeting of the Water & Light Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 6th day of February 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at the Public Works Garage, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Water & Light Committee Meeting
Special Meeting
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Public Works Garage, Evansville, Wisconsin.
6:00 p.m.
1. Roll Call
2. Discussion and possible motion approve Main Street Reconstruction Bids
3. Any other legal action to come before the committee
4. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard
Committee Chairman
Water & Light Committee Meeting
Special Meeting
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Public Works Garage, Evansville, Wisconsin.
6:00 p.m.
1. Roll Call
2. Discussion and possible motion approve Main Street Reconstruction Bids
3. Any other legal action to come before the committee
4. Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard
Committee Chairman
Monday, March 5, 2007
Agenda: Public Safety: March 7, 2007
The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 7th day of March, 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, March 7, 2007 6:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting
Evansville City Hall
Council Room
31 S Madison Street
AGENDA (d r a f t)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Motion to approve the February 7, 2007 Minutes as printed.
Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
Evansville Police Report
Evansville Medical Service Report
Old Business
New Business
Memorial Day Fun Run on Memorial Day, May 28, 2007.
Energy Fair Bike Ride on April 27, 2007.
Discussion of Police Officer Vacancy
Provisional and/or Operator’s Licenses
Motion to approve the request for an operator license for:
a. Rose M Mountford
b. Steven W Carlson
Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chairperson
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 7th day of March, 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, March 7, 2007 6:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting
Evansville City Hall
Council Room
31 S Madison Street
AGENDA (d r a f t)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Motion to approve the February 7, 2007 Minutes as printed.
Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
Evansville Police Report
Evansville Medical Service Report
Old Business
New Business
Memorial Day Fun Run on Memorial Day, May 28, 2007.
Energy Fair Bike Ride on April 27, 2007.
Discussion of Police Officer Vacancy
Provisional and/or Operator’s Licenses
Motion to approve the request for an operator license for:
a. Rose M Mountford
b. Steven W Carlson
Motion to adjourn
Thomas Cothard, Chairperson
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.
Agenda: Public Works; March 6, 2007
The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 6th day of March, 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at Public Works Garage, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
Public Works Committee
Special Meeting
Tuesday, March 6 at 6:00 p.m.
Public Works Garage, Evansville, WI
AGENDA (revised 3-06-07)
Call the meeting to order
Roll Call
Citizen appearances
Discussion and Possible Motion to approve Main Street Reconstruction Contract Bids
Discussion and possible motion to approve a formal agreement with Rock County regarding connectivity limits.
Discussion and possible motion to approve Safe Routes to School grant application.
Bill Hammann Chair, Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
Public Works Committee
Special Meeting
Tuesday, March 6 at 6:00 p.m.
Public Works Garage, Evansville, WI
AGENDA (revised 3-06-07)
Call the meeting to order
Roll Call
Citizen appearances
Discussion and Possible Motion to approve Main Street Reconstruction Contract Bids
Discussion and possible motion to approve a formal agreement with Rock County regarding connectivity limits.
Discussion and possible motion to approve Safe Routes to School grant application.
Bill Hammann Chair, Public Works Committee
Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!
Friday, March 2, 2007
Agenda; Evansville Planning Commission: Monday, March 5, 2007, 6PM
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, March 5, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
Call to order
Roll call
Approval of agenda
Approval of minutes
Motion to waive the reading of the January 8, 2007 minutes and approve them as printed
(Note: The Plan commission did not have a meeting in February.)
Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
Unfinished business
Discussion relating to new official zoning map
Update on Gibbs land division on Water Street (Application 2006-7) – no action to be taken
Update on allowing parts of buildings in the downtown to extend onto or over public property
Update on adoption of new flood insurance rate maps for the city
Update on review of the City’s adopted comprehensive plan (amendments are reviewed annually in May)
Discussion on possible update of fence ordinance (referral from Public Works Committee)
New business
Demographic projections by Heidi Carvin, Administrator, Evansville Community School District
Park & Outdoor Recreation Plan
Initial presentation by Ald. Fred Juergens, Park Board Chair
Initial discussion by Plan Commission
Public hearing
Final discussion by Plan Commission
Motion to recommend to Council the adoption of the Park & Outdoor Recreation Plan with a date of January 16, 2007
Zoning code text amendment relating to signage for nonconforming uses
Initial presentation by staff
Initial discussion by Plan Commission
Public hearing
Final discussion by Plan Commission
Motion to recommend to Council the adoption of Ordinance #2007-1 as drafted.
Update on Town of Union proposed amendment to its future land use map in response to a proposed residential subdivision
Discussion relating to the screening requirements for motor vehicle storage yards (Ordinance 2006-42)
Discussion relating to preparation of a redevelopment master plan between Allen Creek and USH 14
Discussion relating to design guidelines
Motion to recommend to Council to approve several locations within the public rights-of-way for off-premises sandwich board signs during the Main Street construction project per Ordinance #2005-20.
Preliminary development presentations – none
Report of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority – none
Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission – none
Report of the Traditional Neighborhood Development/Residential Design Study Committee
City planner’s report
Update on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
Zoning code enforcement
Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be mad
The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.
City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, March 5, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI
Call to order
Roll call
Approval of agenda
Approval of minutes
Motion to waive the reading of the January 8, 2007 minutes and approve them as printed
(Note: The Plan commission did not have a meeting in February.)
Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
Unfinished business
Discussion relating to new official zoning map
Update on Gibbs land division on Water Street (Application 2006-7) – no action to be taken
Update on allowing parts of buildings in the downtown to extend onto or over public property
Update on adoption of new flood insurance rate maps for the city
Update on review of the City’s adopted comprehensive plan (amendments are reviewed annually in May)
Discussion on possible update of fence ordinance (referral from Public Works Committee)
New business
Demographic projections by Heidi Carvin, Administrator, Evansville Community School District
Park & Outdoor Recreation Plan
Initial presentation by Ald. Fred Juergens, Park Board Chair
Initial discussion by Plan Commission
Public hearing
Final discussion by Plan Commission
Motion to recommend to Council the adoption of the Park & Outdoor Recreation Plan with a date of January 16, 2007
Zoning code text amendment relating to signage for nonconforming uses
Initial presentation by staff
Initial discussion by Plan Commission
Public hearing
Final discussion by Plan Commission
Motion to recommend to Council the adoption of Ordinance #2007-1 as drafted.
Update on Town of Union proposed amendment to its future land use map in response to a proposed residential subdivision
Discussion relating to the screening requirements for motor vehicle storage yards (Ordinance 2006-42)
Discussion relating to preparation of a redevelopment master plan between Allen Creek and USH 14
Discussion relating to design guidelines
Motion to recommend to Council to approve several locations within the public rights-of-way for off-premises sandwich board signs during the Main Street construction project per Ordinance #2005-20.
Preliminary development presentations – none
Report of the Evansville Redevelopment Authority – none
Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission – none
Report of the Traditional Neighborhood Development/Residential Design Study Committee
City planner’s report
Update on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations
Zoning code enforcement
Motion to adjourn
Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair
Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be mad
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