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Monday, January 31, 2011

Agenda: Planning Commission: Tuesday, February 1, 2011


The regular meeting of the Evansville Plan Commission will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.

City of Evansville Plan Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 6:00 p.m.
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI


1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Approval of agenda

4. Approval of minutes

A. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from December 6, 2010 regular meeting and approve them as printed

5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed

6. New Business

A. Preliminary Land Division – Park Place Townhomes, Porter Road
i. Initial Staff Comments
ii. Applicant Comments
iii. Public Hearing
iv. Plan Commissioner Questions and Comments
v. Motion

7. Old Business

A. Discuss Rock County PACE Program

B. Discuss proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment and schedule a public hearing.

8. Report on other permitting activity by City Planner

9. Report on the Unified Land Development Code Committee

10. Report of the Evansville Historic Preservation Commission

11. Report of the Evansville-Union Implementation Committee

12. Report on Common Council actions relating to Plan Commission recommendations

13. Report on Board of Appeals actions relating to zoning matters

14. Enforcement Report

15. Next regular meeting date - Tuesday, March 1, 2011

16. Motion to adjourn

Mayor Sandra J. Decker, Plan Commission Chair

Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.

Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Agenda; Public Works: Tuesday, January 25, 2011:

The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the date, time, and place stated below. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.

Public Works Committee
Regular Meeting
Tuesday January 25th, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.
Public Works Shop, 535 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI


1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call
3. Motion to approve the agenda as presented.
4. Motion to approve the minutes from the November 23rd, 2010 regular meeting.
5. Citizen Appearances-
6. Construction Updates-
a. 6th street detention pond project.
7. Site plan reviews-
8. Communications from the City Engineer-
a. WWTF close-out information and discussion and motion for pay-out.
b. Discussion in regards to Cedar Corp transition.
9. Communications from the Public Works Director-
a. ‘Public Works in a nutshell’ for benefit of the committee. PW director will discuss how the department works, the role of the committee, and upcoming on ongoing public works projects.
10. New Business-
11. Old Business-
12. Parks and Recreation Report-
13. Motion to adjourn meeting.

Mason Braunschweig,
Chair Public Works Committee

Please turn off all cell phones during the meeting. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Agenda: Historic Preservation: January 2011

The regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Evansville will be held on the 19th day of January, 2011, at 7:00 p.m, at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin, or alternate location. Notice is further given that any members of the City Council or the Mayor might be in attendance.

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
3rd Floor, City Hall
***First Draft***
1. Call to Order, Char. Rich Modaff
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to waive reading of the November 17, 2010 minutes and approve them as read.
4. Applications – Appearances
a. 9 W Liberty Street Kufahl—New Windows and Siding
b. 321 W Liberty Street Holpin—Replacing Roof
5. Old Business
a. Discussion and Review HP Ordinances − John Decker
6. Administrative
a. Grove Society, John Decker
i. Baker Building Museum
ii. Meeting
b. Management of HPC Documents and Records No news
c. Landmark & Historic District Discussions
i. Discussion of Additional Historic Districts, (See New Business)
1. Grove Street Historic District
2. South First Street Historic District
ii. Discussion of Historic Landmarks, John Decker
1. Special Properties
iii. Plaque Program Applications
d. Remembrance Day Planning, John Decker
i. May, 2011 for Remembrance Day.
7. Other Business
a. Correspondences
b. Comments and Concerns.
8. Adjournment
Next Meeting Date: 2/16/2011

RDM Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Agenda: Economic Development: Tuesday, January 18, 2011


A regular meeting of the Economic Development Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the of January, 2011, at 5:30 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council may be in attendance.

City of Evansville
Economic Development Committee
Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 5:30 PM
City Hall, 31 S. Madison St. Evansville, WI


1. Roll call.

2. Approval of agenda.

3 Motion to waive reading of the minutes of December 21, 2010 meeting and approve as printed.

4 Citizen appearances, other than those items listed below.

5 Chamber of Commerce general report.

6 Update: CEED

7 City/Chamber Partnership.

• Chamber Report.
• Discussion.

8 Hand out Economic Development Plan for review next month.
9 Motion to adjourn.
Tony Wyse, Chair

Friday, January 14, 2011

Agenda: Park Board: Monday, January 17, 2011

The regular meeting of the Evansville Park & Recreation Board will be held on the date and time stated below at City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.

City of Evansville, Wisconsin
Park & Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting
City Hall
Monday, January 17th, 2011 – 6:00pm


1. Call to Order & Roll Call
2. Motion to approve Agenda as printed
3. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the December 20th, 2010 meeting & approve them as printed
4. Citizen appearances, relating to Park & Recreation, but not listed as agenda items
5. Pool
1. Advertising
2. Pool nights
3. Asst. Director Position
4. Specials & rates
5. Park store
6. Civil War event May 20-22, 2011
7. Farmer’s Market
8. Youth baseball program
9. Shoreline restoration
10. Speeding
11. Chair’s report on items of interest and/or actions of City Committees & Common Council
12. Reports/Updates park projects/maintenance
13. Old Business
14. New Business
15. Motion to Adjourn

Next meeting Monday, February 14th, 2011 - 6:00 pm, City Hall

Friday, January 7, 2011

Agenda: Evansville Common Council: January 2011

Common Council

Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI

1. Call to order

2. Motion to appoint Cheryl Fuchs, 409 South First Street, to serve as District Two Alderperson until the April 2011 election.

3. Roll Call

4. Approval of Agenda

5. Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the December 14, 2010, regular meeting and to approve them as presented.

6. Citizen appearances

7. Reports of Committees
A. Youth Center Advisory Board Report

B. Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report
(1). Motion to accept the Water & Light bills as presented.

(2). Motion to accept the City bills as presented.

(3). Motion to approve 63 month lease with MAILwaukee Mailing & Shipping for mailing meter.

C. Plan Commission Report

D. Public Safety Committee Report

E. Public Works Committee Report

F. Water & Light Committee Report

G. Economic Development Committee Report

H. Redevelopment Authority Report

I. Parks and Recreation Board Report

J. Historic Preservation Commission Report

K. Fire District Report

L. Police Commission Report

M. Evansville-Union Implementation Committee Report

N. Energy Independence Team Report

O. Library Board/Liaison Report

P. Board of Appeals Report

8. Unfinished Business
A. Second reading and motion to approve Ordinance 2010-10, Prohibiting Synthetic Cannabinoids. [Sponsors: Wessels and Jacobson].

9. Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor
A. Legislative preview and League of Wisconsin Municipalities legislative agenda.
B. Motion to waive the seven-day notice on aldermanic and citizen appointments.
C. Motion to approve the Mayoral appointments of Ald. Wyse to the Evansville Fire District Board, and Ald. Fuchs as alternate.
D. Motion to approve the Mayoral appointments of Ald. Braunschweig as Chair and Ald. Fuchs as committee member to the Public Works Committee.
E. Motion to approve the Mayoral appointment of Ald. Fuchs as committee member to the Public Safety Committee.

10. Communications from the City Administrator

11. New Business

12. Introduction of New Ordinances
A. First reading of Ordinance 2011-01, Clarifying Compensation of Alderpersons. [Sponsors: Braunschweig and Roberts].

13. Meeting Reminders:
A. Next meeting: Tuesday, February 8, 2011.

14. Adjournment

Sandra J. Decker, Mayor

Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.

Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.

Agenda: Plan Commission: Public Hearing: February 1, 2011

Evansville Plan Commission
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 6:00 pm
Regular Meeting
City Hall (Third Floor), 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, WI

Notice is hereby given that the Plan Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider a Preliminary Land Division Application for the Pleasy R. Berg Trust property on Porter Road. The application is to replat two undeveloped lots approved as condominium lots to two duplex lots at the Park Place Townhome Condominiums

Copies of the Preliminary Land Division Application are available for inspection at the City Clerk’s office in City Hall, 31 South Madison Street; Evansville, WI. All interested parties are invited to attend and provide comment.

Submitted by Judy Walton, City Clerk

Monday, January 3, 2011

Agenda; Public Safety: Wed January 5, 2011


The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee for the City of Evansville will be held on the 1st day of December, 2010 at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 31 South Madison Street, Evansville, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that members of the City Council might be in attendance.

Public Safety Committee
Wednesday, January 5, 2011 6:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting
Evansville City Hall Council Room
31 S Madison Street


1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Motion to approve the December 1, 2010 regular meeting minutes as printed
5. Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed
6. Old Business
a. Discussion on snowmobile operation within the City of Evansville
7. New Business
a. Motion to approve Operator’s License Applications for: None
b. Motion to approve Temporary “Class B” Wine License application for The Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin Inc - Evansville Fund on February 12, 2011 for the Annual Chocolate Extravaganza in the lower level of the Eager Economy Building, 5-9 E Main Street, Evansville WI 53536.

c. Discussion on Civil War Event in May of 2011.
d. Motion to approve an Ambulance Billing write-off.

8. Evansville Police Report
9. Evansville Medical Service Report
10. Motion to adjourn

Dennis Wessels, Chairperson

Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made
to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.

Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.